All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2233: They can't learn my secret recipe

"Trouble to give your young grandmother a brief announcement, said Bai Jingqi, the Bai family old man in Beijing's Baicao Hall, came to see his sister." Shen Long went to the gate of the Admiral's Mansion and reported his identity to the door.

"Oh hey, Master Master is here, you sit first, and I will let you know!" The doorman looked at Shen Long's magnanimity, and was generous. He hurriedly put the tea in his porter, and then went in as soon as he slipped away.

After a while, Bai Yufen hurried out, and the person came before the voice arrived. "Okay, Bai Jingqi, you still know that I am your sister. A letter from the family says you have been away from Kyoto for more than a month. Come to me?"

Before the words fell, Bai Yufen arrived at the door. Shen Long quickly got up and said with a smile on his face, "Sister, when the old lady drove me out, I can say, if I don't mix myself out, I won't let me go back. Isn't it a pleasure to see you after you have made a name for it? Well, this is my own little gelatin. You are a big expert in this. How about your brother and my craft?"

After speaking, Shen Long handed over Xiaolongjiao, and Bai Yufen took it happily but didn't open it immediately, "Well, my brother called Jilin to learn from childhood, and the things you made will be fine."

She looked behind Shen Long, "Yes, didn't you say you brought your daughter-in-law too? Why don't you bring it to my sister? Sister must look at your daughter-in-law, is it worthy of my brother? !"

"Huang Chun has it, her body is inconvenient, and she stays at home! I will come to recognize the door today and wait to bring her over to visit next time." Shen Long said, the first time he came to the door, if he came with a big belly wife Then, it was a little rude. After all, it was the Admiral’s House, and Bai Yufen was not the master of the family.

"What's the matter, the old man is not at home today, and I have the final say at home." Bai Yufen greeted the next man, "Mao Mao, pack up two cars, and I will take my brother to pick up my brother and sister!"

"Eh, Holler, wait a moment!" Director Mao went to work immediately, and after a while, Bai Yufen pulled Shen Long into the car and drove to Wuli Lane.

At the gate of the courtyard, Bai Yufen felt distressed. "I said brother, you live here? It's too shabby? I think you can move me there!"

"What's wrong with this place? Isn't it good? The cleanliness and neighborhood neighbors are also kind. The most important thing is to be close to the Xiaolong River. If I go to you, it will take an hour just to run back and forth every day." Shen Long He took Bai Yufen into the yard and greeted Huang Chun over to meet, "Sister-in-law, this is sister Yufen, sister, this is my daughter-in-law Huang Chun."

"Sister Yufen, I'll pour tea for you!" Huang Chun came out and gave Bai Yufen a great blessing.

"Don't, let me take a good look!" Bai Yufen took Huang Chun, looked carefully, and then nodded with satisfaction, "Well, this girl is good, she looks so polite, my brother has a good vision."

Waiting inside, Bai Yufen was more satisfied when Huang Chun cleaned up the house. Looking at the table, there was also a word written by Bai Yufen, "Yo, this word is pretty good, it is much better than mine!" Brother, are you looking for a talented girl?"

"That's not true, Huang Chun doesn't just write Chinese characters, people also understand foreign languages." Shen Long said proudly, Huang Chun stayed in a German church, plus Shen Long often came to teach her, really learned German.

"When I saw the courtyard door, I thought you didn't suffer a lot these days! I just came in and found out that you are beautiful this little day! I'm relieved! But now that my siblings are there, there is no personal care at home. I went to my sister's place for dinner. When I came back, I sent two old ladies to come over. I wouldn't need you to do the chores of cooking and cooking in the future!" Bai Yufen said that he took the two of them back into the car and returned to the Admiral's Palace.

Director Mao had already arranged it, and when they came back, they presented a sumptuous banquet. What simmered sea cucumbers, nine-turned intestines, oil burst double crisp, milk soup, potherb mustard, etc. were all delivered in Shandong cuisine. Fine products; during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Shandong chefs dominated the imperial dining room in Beijing and almost monopolized the high-end catering market in Beijing, so Shen Long and Huang Chun were not used to it.

At the dinner table, Bai Yufen barely moved his chopsticks, so they took the two of them and asked, "I heard that our family went to Xi'an, and you stayed alone in Beijing to watch the house, but I was worried about it. I left Beijing. When the city was in chaos, not to mention the Eight-Power Allied Forces came in... I didn’t even send a ride when my grandmother left.

"Sister, I don't blame you. Grandma left in Xi'an. I didn't have time to deliver it, but Grandma is so old, and it's also a joy. You don't have to be too sad." Shen Long comforted.

Bai Yufen wiped a tear, "Yes, I'm happy today, let's not say this; Director Mao, did the little takihaki brought by my brother work well? I want to try my brother's craftsmanship."

"I've prepared it for you already." The head of the Mao sent the person up, and took out a box of uncooked small Takihashi to show to Bai Yufen, "Young lady, look at this look, the texture is pure, the color is translucent, and the Biro It’s much better to remember Jiaozhuang, and it’s enough to smell the medicine. It’s a good thing!

"Don't you look at who did this? My brother can prescribe prescriptions at the age of eight, and our parents have no exaggeration!" Director Mao's words made Bai Yufen very comfortable and praised himself The younger brother can praise her better. UU reading

"Yo, Heiqijiao Zhuang! You are black and white!" Seeing the shop name on the box, Bai Yufen was happy again, and Bai Jingqi clearly named Bai ranked seventh, but he took the name of Heiqijiao Zhuang. This is to compete with the family.

Bai Yufen took a sip and then slowly pondered, "Well, this taste is quite correct, it is indeed better than that of Lu Ji Jiaozhuang." After a bowl of eating, Bai Yufen took Xiaotong Jiao for many years of experience and also made The judgment is the same as that of the shopkeeper Lu, "As soon as you come out of the small Takihashi, I think that the other Jiaozhuang on both sides of the Xiaolonghe will have to rest."

"When the father-in-law comes back, I will send it to him, and he is also satisfied with his custody." Yes, Bai Yufen said in a word, the small Takijiao of Heiqijiaozhuang was sent to the mouth of the Admiral again.

"If Lord Admiral eats our gelatin and can boast a few words, then my business can be done!" No matter when, the celebrity effect is always helpful for the promotion of products, especially this health care product.

"Jing Qi, you are young, and this is the first time you are doing business on your own. Some places need to be more careful, especially our secret formula, absolutely not let anyone learn it!" Bai Yufen reminded.

"Don't worry about this, they can't learn my secret recipe!"

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