All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2240: Wicked people have their own grinds

In the Baicao Hall in Beijing, Bai Wenshi is checking the accounts, and the big man is thinking about it. Bai Wenshi is very satisfied with the recent situation. "The business is good. I will give you a double red envelope for the August festival!"

Big boss quickly thanked, "Yes! Grandma Xie rewards!"

General Manager Hu took the silver ticket and walked in, "My second grandmother, Jing Qi, returned to Huihui with his family, and said that he would come back in a few days, and he would spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with our big guy."

Bai Wenshi took the silver ticket and looked at it happily, "Go! Send it to the second lord and tell him to be happy and happy! Didn’t you get less dividends? As I said, you are not too young, and you should enjoy the happiness. Now."

Mr. Hu said happily, "I'm not old yet, I can still work, and I feel comfortable doing work for Laobai."

At this time, Sanye Yingyu shouted and walked in. "I heard that Lao Qi is coming back?" Bai Jingwu is now studying abroad. The dividends are held by him, and he holds the silver sent by Shen Long. He feels a lot better about Shen Long," Ersao , Tell him to come back, but he's coming out as a person!"

Bai Wen's heart is beautiful, and he is polite, "Where is it comparable to your eldest five, studying in France, more exciting! Jingwu is coming back soon?"

Bai Yingyu also missed his son, "Almost, the end of the year and the beginning of the year! I really wanted Jing Qi. I drove him away. I was confused for a while. To say this child, I have seen him as a good boy since I was young. Don't look at him. !"

Bai Wenshi happily, "Look! The second man is hurrying than me. Every day, Jingqi is coming back..." A rare and peaceful scene in the room, but suddenly the scream of Xiang Ling from the courtyard made Bai Wen Shi and Yingyu were startled.

Bingkuan panicked and ran to the door, "Second grandma, please take a look at it. That Han Ye is in trouble again!"

"This beast!" Ying Yu scolded and ran out. Bai Wenshi followed him out. He went out to see that Han Rongsheng was chasing Bai Yaping's daughter Guan Xiangling running around. Seeing them coming out, Xiang Ping ran to Bai Wenshi and hid behind him. When he got up, Bai Wenshi reprimanded, "What are you going to do? Three days of nonsense is still done!"

In Baicao Hall, as long as Bai Wenshi is angry, there is nothing to be afraid of, but Han Rongfa is a hippie smiling face, and does not care at all, "I am playing with her, why?"

Xiangling wiped her tears and said, "He had to act like me, I didn't do it, he beat me, you see he pinched me!" When he opened his sleeve, he saw a large piece of bruise on his arm.

Bai Wenshi was distressed, "Is this also a joke?"

"Ms. Qianjin, who she is, I have to do what she tells her to do!" Han Rong found that he was getting more arrogant, and actually stepped forward to pull Xiang Ling, Bai Wenshi stopped, pushed Han Rongfa's hand away, and Han Rong was furious. He started to push Bai Wenshi, and Yingyu hurriedly pushed forward and pushed away Han Rongfa, shouting, "Dare you dare to spoil the second grandmother, I can't **** you!"

The more rogues such as Han Rongfa, the more active he is, "Okay, your family bullies me alone!"

Bai Wen's stomped his feet angrily, "Who bullied you? You bullied Xiang Ling! Do you understand the rules? Do you know whether men and women don't know? Don't go to the girl's house!"

Han Rong was furious: "Okay! You ungrateful things, I'm here..." He is threatening Laobai again with Bai Yingyuan's affairs. He is now sure that Laobai is afraid to treat him. In this way, more and more unscrupulous.

"Yeah, there are people who dare to be wild in our old Bai's house? I want to see what kind of person?" Suddenly a voice came, Shen Long walked in from the gate of the courtyard, slowly came to Han Rongsheng, stared at him It seemed that Han Rongsheng only had hair in his heart. Shen Long reached out and patted his face, "What kind of hero do I think? I didn't expect it to be a rogue, I said it was that little widow's crotch was broken. Did it leak out?"

These words were too cruel, Bai Yingyu couldn't help but laughed out loud, "I said Jing Qi, I haven't seen you in this year, and your mouth is getting more and more damaged!"

Bai Wenshi didn't want to laugh, so he stretched his face to train Shen Long, "Is there any mess in this place? Is there any look like a scholar?"

"Hey, I tell you, don't you Laobai family want to bully others, I'm not afraid of you, I have the ability..." The laughter of everyone made Han Rongsheng's face blush, and he had to use old methods.

But this hand doesn't work in Shen Long, so I shouted at the moment, "What are you going to do! Come and come, we don't bully you by relying on people, you are not convinced that we are making gestures!" On the railing of the corridor next to him, the railing with thick arms was punched in two by him!

"I...I...I..." Shen Long's eyes and skill scared Han Rongsheng speechless. If this fist fell on me, would it still be enough? He fled immediately and fled, and waited until he was discharged from the hospital before turning back and threatening, "The men are uncomfortable today, and they will count this with you."

"Jing Qi is back? Is this dedication? Are they all so big? Let's have Grandpa take a look, and give Grandpa a smile!" Han Rongsheng left, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became more cheerful. Bai Yingyu went to Huang Chun to ask After the child came, hugged in his arms, the others from the Bai family also came to greet Shen Long warmly.

After everyone in the courtyard saw the Shen Long came to the room of Bai Wenshi and let Bai Wenshi and Bai Yingyu take a good look at the children. When they saw the grandson, Bai Wenshi and Bai Yingyu were very excited. Even with Bai Wenshi's sense of Huang Chun is much better.

After a long journey, Bai Wenshi let the next man take Huang Chun to rest for a while. Bai Yingyu took the handwriting and paintings of Zheng Banqiao bought by Shen Long to study, and Bai Wenshi sighed, "Hey, Jing Qi, you are doing a bad job today. Han Rongsheng remembers that it is no good to hate you."

"I also saw Jingyi in the letter. They mentioned it, and they were all puzzled. I don't know why you should treat such a rogue as an uncle. If you don't want to say it, I won't ask, but also I can guess that there is nothing left but nothing in our family to let him pinch."

"You have to tolerate him in order to keep our family, but if he only asks for money, our old Bai family is great, and it is not bad for him. But he is now even our Bai family's daughter All started to harass, I heard that he still wants to marry Yu Ting? That's my sister! Thanks to the fact that he is entangled in pity, if he dares to bully my sister in front of me, I can put his head on the spot. Smashed!"

"You don't have to worry about this matter. The wicked have their own grievances. I promise to end this matter!"

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