All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2257: Go northeast

"Oh, it's Starlink! When did you return to China? Why didn't you say it in advance, I'll pick you up!" Seeing this, Shen Long was very happy.

Wu Liande, Zhe Xinglian, native of Xinning County, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province (now Taishan City, Guangdong Province), born in Penang, Malaysia, MD, founder of China's Health and Epidemic Prevention and Quarantine, Modern Chinese Medicine, Microbiology, Epidemiology, Medical Education A pioneer in the field of medical history and other fields, the first president of the Chinese Medical Association, the main organizer of Peking Union Medical College and Peking Union Medical College Hospital, a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1935, the first Nobel Prize in the Chinese world candidate.

There are a lot of famous doctors and medical scientists during the period of the late Qing and the Republic of China. There are four famous doctors in the capital, Xiao Longyou, Shi Jinmo, Kong Bohua and Wang Fengchun.

Jiangsu has Huang Shengbai, Huang Mingju and Huang Minglong who are the three masters of Huang's. Huang Shengbai specializes in drugs and delves into the "Compendium of Materia Medica"; Huang Mingju is the founder of modern Chinese toxicology analytical chemistry; Huang Minglong is an expert in the chemistry of natural drug compounds.

Fujian has produced Lin Qiaozhi, one of the main pioneers and founders of Chinese obstetrics and gynecology. She is also the first director of Chinese Obstetrics and Gynecology in Peking Union Medical College Hospital and the only female academician (academician) of the first Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Yunnan has the Qu Huanzhang who invented Yunnan Baiyao; Changzhou has the authority of urology Wu Jieping; Hangzhou has the father of Chinese surgery Qiu Fazu; Changsha has the founder of Chinese gastroenterology Zhang Xiaoqian; Liling has discovered C. trachomatis founder Tang Feifan...

But these masters can't hide Wu Liande's light. To say that Wu Liande is the first person in domestic medicine in the Republic of China may be exaggerated. It may be said that the stabilization of Wu Liande's head is probably not.

At the age of 17, Woodland went to the Emmanuel College of Cambridge University to study. After that, he was admitted to St. Mary’s Hospital for internship. Then he saw Shen Long’s “About a Donkey Skin Extract for Several Women” in Nature. "Therapeutic effect of common diseases", and was surprised to find that this was actually a work of a Chinese medical scientist, so he developed a strong interest, and wrote to Shen Long according to the correspondence address provided by "Nature" magazine.

Shen Long was very happy to receive this letter, so he wrote a letter with enthusiasm. Since then, the correspondence between the two has continued for many years. Due to the slow international mail exchanges, the exchanges between the two parties are very urgent, so they often send a letter. It didn’t take long before I sent it, and I didn’t receive a reply. I wrote another one. After so many years, the two of them have become good friends with similar interests, although they haven’t met each other. Shen Long was so excited to see Wu Liandeng visit. What?

"It's no shame to me. The last time I met the court people in London at the Opium Ban Conference hosted by Dr. Wen Yinglan, the theology, they invited to return to China to teach and serve as deputy supervisor (deputy principal) of the Tianjin Army Military Medical School. I thought about it and agreed. I wrote to you before I left, but it’s estimated that I ran faster than this letter!” Wu Liande explained. “No, I just went through the procedures in Tianjin. I came to you even at night!"

"That won't work, even if you run faster than international mail, but since you arrived in Jinmen, find someone to come to Jingcheng and say, I can go to Jinmen to see you! Even if there is no suitable person, sending a telegram should be fine Come on! Bai Jingqi is very angry, and the consequences are serious." Shen Long said with a stretched face, "Unless you have a few drinks with me later!"

"Ha ha ha ha, that is of course, that is of course, even if you don’t say that I am going to get drunk with you!" Wu Liande ha ha laughed, "Today I live here with you, let’s talk by candlelight night, listen Say you have a hospital in Beijing, and I will definitely visit and study tomorrow!"

"That's the way to go! Jingwu, let your brother and sister cook the food in person and quickly pack up a few dishes, and I will have a good meal with Xinglian!" Huang Chun followed Shen Long to learn good cooking skills.

In fact, Huang Chun had prepared long ago. As soon as Shen Long spoke, Huang Chun began to serve. Bai Jingwu also sat with them. At the beginning, Bai Jingwu also wanted to hear the interesting facts about Wu Liande's studying in Cambridge University and the UK. Their customs are full of professional vocabulary full of bacteria, viruses, pathogens, and so on. They heard Bai Jingwu was a big head for a while, just like listening to Tianshu, so he quickly found an excuse to run away.

Shen Long and Wu Liande had been chatting until midnight, and finally Shen Long saw that he was tired from the journey, and feared that his body would be affected, so he fell asleep. After waking up the next day, Shen Long took Wu Liande to visit again Wu Liande was also full of praise for the Peking University Medical Center and the affiliated hospital.

"Although most places still have a big gap compared to the better hospitals in the UK, there are also places that outperform them in the division of departments, diagnostic procedures, and the organizational structure of the hospital. Jingqi, you are down. Great effort! Do you have any information about this? I’ll go back to research and study to see if it can be used in normal teaching?” Wu Liande never forgets to learn at all times. When he sees his strengths, he learns with humility.

"Yu Ting, put together the information requested by Xinglian." Shen Long greeted Bai Yuting to do this. UU reads the book Hey, unfortunately Wu Liande is also married, or let him be his brother-in-law Okay, this big uncle Shen Long was absolutely willing.

Wu Liande stayed in Beijing for a few days, and then had to reluctantly leave because of the work there, but now they are one in Beijing and one in Jinmen, which is much more convenient than one in China and one in the UK. When free, either Shen Long took his family to Jinmen, or Wu Liande took his wife and children to Beijing, and the two often met.

When Shen Long went to Jinmen, Wu Liande would invite him to give a lecture to the Army Military Medical Hall, and when Wu Liande came to Beijing, Shen Long would also ask him to give a lecture to his students, and at the same time invited him to the hospital to show medical skills to the students, two schools The students are very rewarding.

During the chat, Wu Liande and Shen Long mentioned that there are British Medical Associations in the United Kingdom, there are magazines such as The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine, and China should also have such an institution, such a journal; Shen Long also strongly agrees So the two of them got together to discuss how to form the Chinese Medical Association and the regulations for preparing medical journals.

While the two were chatting fiercely, a sudden news interrupted their plans. Wu Liande hurriedly found Shen Long after receiving the news, "Jing Qi, something happened to the northeast side. I'm going to the northeast. For a long time, my family asked you to take care of it during this time!"

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