All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2272: Principal Bai

After returning to Beijing, Shen Long vacated an office in his school for Bai Yuting to use as the office of the Beijing Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, and hung a sign outside the school.

The news of the establishment of the Chinese Medical Association caused a huge response nationwide, so as soon as the brand of the Beijing Branch of the Chinese Medical Association was hung out, it attracted many medical professionals to register for the membership. Bai Yuting was busy all day long, Shen Long It is also getting busier, not only responsible for normal teaching, diagnosis and treatment, and hospital management, but also has to preside over the daily work of the Beijing Branch, such as the entrance ceremony for new members, regular organization meetings, academic discussions, etc.

Coupled with Wu Liande reviewing the papers submitted to the Chinese Medical Journal by medical doctors across the country, if Shen Long is different from ordinary people and has trained a capable team as early as possible, these things are really too busy for him.

Speaking of papers, Shen Long also felt quite big. Now it is not a later generation. Doctors in hospitals and researchers in research institutions are all trained in formal higher education. Writing papers is a piece of cake for them. The format You don't have to worry about anything, just read the paper directly.

But now, except for a few such as Wu Liande, Yan Fuqing, Tang Naian who returned from studying abroad, other people simply don't know how to write formal papers, and the written articles are really a headache for people; even some old Chinese doctors also write in classical Chinese The loss of Shen Long’s knowledge of Chinese studies is beyond ordinary, otherwise he would not even understand it.

Shen Long can only write an article in the "Chinese Medical Journal", telling what the formal paper format should be, how to write a legal paper; then select the truly valuable articles from those submissions , Modify these articles into a standard paper format, and then publish.

Even Wu Liande can't do this job, their medical knowledge is enough, but the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine are not enough to understand the classical Chinese medical papers, so all the articles in this area were sent to Shen Long. At the same time, Shen Long almost dedicated two hours every day to revise these papers.

After the revision, Shen Long will copy the original manuscript, attach the revised manuscript to the author and mail it back, so that they will know how to write the next time they submit the paper, and then send the finished paper to Wu Liande for publication.

Those old Chinese medicine doctors who received the paper were surprised when they saw it. Once admiring Shen Long’s knowledge of Chinese studies, he changed the paper from classical Chinese to vernacular without any translation errors, and their understanding and cognition of medicine also impressed them. However, whenever there is a small problem in the text, Shen Long can clearly point it out.

This made them all deeply sighed. It is a person who came out of the hundred-year-old Baicao Hall. The medical skills are indeed admirable. At the same time, they are somewhat embarrassed. Son, I was singled out by a junior in his early thirties. Hey, there is no limit to medical treatment, and I have to continue to work hard in the future.

With the publication of the Chinese Medical Journal, the Chinese Medical Association has become more and more influential, and Shen Long has also ushered in new changes.

In September, the head of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China will meet in Shen Long’s department and discuss with him a very important matter. Under the current trend of Chinese intellectuals learning from the West, the status of Western medicine in China has obvious Changes, but so far, China has not yet had a national regular Western medical school, so the establishment of a new school has become an urgency, as the location was naturally selected in Beijing.

If you want to run a school in Beijing, you must find Shen Long to discuss, so after the meeting, the greetings from the education department came up with their plan. The Ministry of Education paid a sum of money to buy Shen Long’s hospital and school, and then It was reorganized into the National Capital Medical School to "promote social culture, promote civilization, reduce people's suffering, and use academics to compete with the powers."

"Mr. Bai, I know that this school is your hard work, but now I can only ask you to endure the pain and love. It is really that Beijing cannot find a school or hospital more suitable for you to transform into the first national medical school. "" the head of the education department said embarrassedly.

"It doesn't matter, this is also a good thing. A private school diploma is a big problem. If the government is willing to accept this school, the graduated students can get a diploma on track, and they can also get financial support from the government. Good!" Shen Long accepted this proposal openly, but the second half of the sentence was a little bit insincere. Hey, after a while, the war between the warlords will begin, and the government's money will be put on the battle, even Beijing University has appeared. Not to mention the financial crisis, let alone this school.

But now that the government of the Republic of China has just been established, many people want to make a career, and the funding situation is relatively ample, so after evaluating the value of Shenlong hospitals and schools, the director of the education department will give money to the two at the price. The institution is nationalized, but their price is only an assessment of the land, buildings, and equipment of hospitals and schools. UU reading books Others don’t have this concept yet. Shen Long doesn’t care much. His The purpose is just to run a school.

So the school was renamed the National Capital Medical College, and the hospital was renamed the National Capital Medical College Affiliated Hospital. Most of the original employees in the school and hospital remained. Shen Long became the principal of the school and the dean of the hospital. Xu Dingchao served as the deputy principal. Bai Yuting left the school to take charge of the Beijing Branch of the Chinese Medical Association.

Now I am regarded as the grandmaster of Kaishan University of Peking University. How can I mix a statue in the school after many years and enjoy the same treatment as Yan Fuqing? Shen Long thought happily; but this is not his first time. Mixed into the statue, with his contribution to the Chinese computer industry in the world of "Blood Romance", Tsinghua will definitely build a building for him, so Shen Long has achieved the achievements of the double statues of Peking University and Tsinghua University.

He also virtually changed Xu Dingchao’s fate. Originally, Xu Dingchao returned to Zhejiang after the dissolution of the Peking University Medical School. He was hired to supervise the Liangzhe Teachers’ School. At that time, Zhou Shuren worked under his staff. The governor of Wenzhou was later sunk by a British steamer at the mouth of Wusong River. The couple were killed at the same time. They were 73 years old at the same time, and naturally this will not happen now.

Well, the principal called Bai is Shutan, which is as awkward as Teacher Bai sounds!

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