All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2274: The countryside of the Republic of China

Next, they began to investigate the situation in the countryside, and the data obtained was more surprising. Eighty percent of the 400,000 people in the county were illiterate. This does not refer to those illiterates who did not have compulsory education in future generations. You don’t know anything, but you are blind, but anyone who knows a few words is not illiterate.

There is only one middle school in the county. The school originated from Dingwu Academy established in the three years of Qianlong. In 1902, it was replaced by Gu Zhongxiu and other people who are now part of the Provisional Government of the Republic of China. In the public middle school, Shen Long they went to the school to see. In the future, the key middle schools in Hebei Province, the top 100 middle schools in China, and the top 50 high school education in China. Today, there are only 100 students and only a few teachers.

There are an estimated tens of thousands of school-age teenagers in Dingxian County. Only 1% or even a few thousandths of the students are eligible for secondary education, most of them are children of large local families, and only a few have outstanding talents. Only students can study here, this is only middle school education, even fewer can go to university.

The public transportation here is also pitiful. There are only gut roads leading to the countryside, and the carriage can’t pass. They can only buy a few donkeys and ride the donkeys to various villages and towns to investigate. Murong Wu and Yuan Xiaoyan learn to ride donkeys. It took some time to fall off the donkey's back several times.

Bai Jingye is better than their performance. After all, he was taught by Shen Long himself, and his skills are naturally not comparable to those of these scholars. They have traveled almost every village in Ding County. Only half of the nearly 500 villages in the county have Traditional small herbal medicine shops and a few traditional doctors, as for the per capita income, it is even pitiful, and the per capita medical expenses are only triangular silver dollars.

Note that this triangle of silver dollars also includes the expenditure of the large towns and village landowners of the county town to see a doctor. In fact, most people are sick, and they must resist or find a few remedies and go to the mountain to get some herbs to eat, unless They are seriously ill and they will not go to the doctor easily.

Shen Long chose a village as a research base and rented the house of the village’s landlord as a place of daily life. Although he was a landlord, his house conditions were quite simple. The straw roof above the rammed earth wall, and the small wall opened Small windows, a few thick pieces of wood in the middle of the window to prevent people from touching it, there is no window paper for wind and rain.

The light in the room is too dark. They can only stay in the hall. If the oil lamp is turned on, the smoke will not be emitted because of the narrowness of the house, and the tears will be smashed into the people soon, so they can only open the door. Turn on, use this light to work, the oil lamp will not be lit until the sun sets.

"Everyone has ran a lot of places these days, so let's talk about your own ideas, dedication, you come to make minutes!" Shen Long sat on the bench, the students surrounded him, and Bai Jingye took it Little Mazar, took out the pen, put the notebook on the small table to prepare the record.

"Let me talk first, the people here are really foolish, especially farmers, not only lack knowledge, but also illiterate, and more seriously, they generally think that reading is just a matter for people who read books, and it has nothing to do with themselves. These are Wenquxing stars in the sky. They don’t have the blessings of reading. How can they be rational without reading? How can they master scientific knowledge to change their own destiny?" Murong Wu said.

"According to me, I can't read because I don't have money, and I don't see a doctor because I don't have money. Anyone who has a little money will let their children read and literate. In the words of the landlord who rented our house, it means that the children read books In the future, at least the accounts can be settled, and the rent collector will not be deceived by these people." Yuan Xiaoyan added.

"Yeah, the people here are really too poor, and even eating is a luxury for them. Many people have not eaten a few meals throughout the year. What do they talk about reading and seeing a doctor? Many people are living or dying. Struggling on the edge, seeking to generate what they care most about, or even the only thing they care about," said another student.

"From a medical point of view, due to long-term lack of nutrition and heavy physical labor, the local people's physical fitness is very poor, and lack of basic hygiene knowledge, life and death are often destined to die, public health can not talk about." Yi Dai Said the glasses student.

"Being selfish and selfish, I originally thought that the farmers are very simple. I didn't know I was wrong when I was here!" Murong Wu said a few laughs around him when he said this. After his university student came to Dingxian But he was deceived several times, and it was those peasants who looked honest and honest.

Murong Wu blushed, but ignored them and continued, "The local people are mostly self-centered, unable to unite and cooperate, lacking moral cultivation and common sense of citizens. Many people in the same village are just for one egg and a few fruits. He became an enemy, and he did not greet him when he met in the village, and sometimes he even beat him!"

"This is because they have so little, one egg and a few fruits are not worth mentioning in our opinion, but for them, they can get enough salt for their family to eat a few meals. Salt can sometimes decide whether this family can raise an extra child." Yuan Xiaoyan sighed. UU reading books

"And... also, the burden on them is too heavy, not only to hand over more than half of the land to the landlord, but also have to bear various harsh donations and miscellaneous taxes..." Oh, your idea is very dangerous.

"Okay, let me sum up." Shen Long quickly interrupted him. I came to investigate the rural public health service this time, but I didn't want that. "Dingxian rural areas can even be extended to rural areas throughout the country and farmers. There are four major illnesses: stupid, poor, weak, and private. These four major illnesses are intertwined with each other, and it is difficult to simply strip."

This was the conclusion drawn by Yan Yangchu’s investigation in Dingxian County and was used directly by Shen Long. This summary clearly outlines the problems faced by farmers, but he has a unique vision, but he cannot find a way for farmers like a teacher.

Yuan Xiaoyan, Murong Wu and others nodded, and all felt that Shen Long's summary was good. "So, teacher, how should we solve these problems?"

"It's hard to solve these problems!" Shen Long sighed. History has proved that there is only one way out for these farmers. Hey, I don't know what the minds of those who miss the Republic of China think? If you travel to the Republic of China, don't expect to be a lady on the beach like Tang Ying, or Cuihua Dog Eggs in Chengcheng Village, Chengdu, maybe you will die that day.

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