All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2293: Enter the palace to demand debt

Although Pu Yi stepped down, she still lives in the Forbidden City according to the "Clear Room Conditions", and Bai Jingyi often goes in and sees the nobles in the palace. The emperor, Bai Jingyi, still felt guilty, "Old Seven, don't wait any longer, maybe the silver was set down in the palace that day?"

"This can't wait!" After waiting, Feng Yuxiang drove Pu Yi out of the Forbidden City. At that time, it was even more inconvenient to ask for debts. You must seize the time. "Now there is no money in the cabinet. Buy a machine. Don’t spend money on opening a pharmaceutical factory to open a semicolon? Savings on the counter alone is not enough. These two twenty-two thousand silver coins are one or two!”

"Although that person has abdicated, he is the emperor after all. Let's just ask the emperor to ask for the account. It seems a bit inappropriate?" The long-term habits made it difficult for Bai Jingyi to make this determination.

Hi, isn't it the emperor, I haven't bullied, not only bullied, I also killed a person, he Zhou Hexuan dared to fight the emperor and Pu Yi divorce lawsuit, what happened when I went to the door to ask for debts? "It's justified to pay back the debts. It has been ten years since the Qing Dynasty. If he doesn't agree, I will go to court! The government of the Republic of China is definitely willing to accept it."

The Qing Dynasty Preferential Treatment Regulations provide a lot of preferential treatment to the royal family of the Qing Dynasty. The ocean has to be given four million a year. In addition, the guards who protect the palace, the tomb and other places have to get the Beiyang government. This comes to the Beiyang government. It was not a small burden. At the beginning, it was not enough strength. Now the government of the Republic of China has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. There are not many people in the Qing Dynasty who have remembered it. They are worried that there is no reason to reduce these preferential treatments.

Moreover, the courts of the Manchu and Qing dynasties were also restless. In the past few years, when Zhang Xun was restored, they were very frustrated. Even from the perspective of the contract, Pu Yi had breached the contract first. In the future, Feng Yuxiang drove them away to be completely legal and reasonable. Pu Yi, they also don’t call it Qu, if according to his ancestors’ slaughter of the descendants of the Daming Clan, it’s not an exaggeration to kill all the family by his response to Zhang Xun’s affairs. They are good to go.

"Even so, the palace is still a patron of our family. There is a lot of kindness in it. When the patron encounters a turnover, it should be within the tolerance." Bai Jingyi still struggled.

"En graciousness? If it hadn't been something that had happened in the palace, why would our uncle want to hide in the countryside of Shaanxi for so many years?" Shen Long asked in return. "Anyway, if he really wants to pay it back, it's okay to slow down. But looking at the current situation, are they planning to repay the money? This is not a tens of thousands of children, but a total of 222,000 silver!"

Shen Long dragged Bai Jingyi to the Forbidden City, and now the forbidden city is not as tightly guarded as before. After entering, he found the steward. Shen Long opened the door and gave the words, "I came here to collect the money, Should the medicine money owed to us in the palace be paid back?"

The **** who was in charge was dumbfounded. Although he has been in the Republic of China for ten years now, he has been staying in the Forbidden City. He still regards the royal family as the supreme existence. He never thought that anyone would dare to come to the palace to ask for debts. He had to tremble straight, pointing at Shen Long for a long time, and he was speechless.

Shen Long didn’t give him this face. He sat on the chair with Erlang’s legs, and gently skimmed the tea powder on the surface with a bowl, “I’ve brought the account book, totaling 227,345 Two, we can’t afford such a large amount of money in our small shop in Baicao. You can see when it’s convenient for you. I’ll come over and get the money!”

"You used your medicine in the palace to give Baicao Hall a face. Do you still dare to ask for money?" The **** finally relieved and shouted in a throat.

"Taking medicine to give money is just right, even when the old Buddha was still there, it wasn't shorter than the silver in our Baicao Hall? I don't believe you went out and asked Wang Xiguang! He was in charge of this matter." Shen Long took a sip of tea. "Bah, I said you have enough tea, and I'm so sorry to take it out for someone to drink?"

"Go back and wait, come back that day when you have the money!" The **** wanted to drag the matter down, and it would naturally be over for a long time.

"That won't work. We're still waiting for the money to open a semicolon. If you don't give it, I'll go to the court and sue you. I'm afraid our faces will not look good at that time! But I don't care, open the door If you run into business and owe money but don’t give it, do you have to sue for debt?" Shen Long threatened.

"Dare you!" The **** was really frightened. This is not the same as before. His majesty could only shake in the palace. He had to avoid Pu Yi, if he wanted to really go outside, then he still Must not be killed by Pu Yi?

"Oh, I heard that since Zhang Xun last time, there has been a lot of outside calls for the cancellation of the "Clear Room Preferential Treatment Regulations." Well, believe it or not, as soon as you hand it over, the court will accept it right away? Then call some foreign By that time, your limelight will be big, and it will not be the whole world. We all know such a thing." Shen Long looked at the **** with a smile.

"Huh, since then, hasn't the reputation of our Baicao Hall spread all over the world? The whole world knows that our Baicao Hall supplies medicine to the palace, and it will be used to worry about business in the future! I see this The idea is pretty good, even if you don’t return the money, this lawsuit is worth fighting!" Shen Long made a sudden realization, "You don’t give so much money because you owe it, otherwise I can’t think of it so good. Come on!"

"Don't don't, white shopkeeper, we have something to discuss, good to discuss!" The **** suddenly counseled, if this lawsuit is a dozen, the reputation of the Baicao Hall will not sound. .

"Two hundred and twenty-two thousand silver is too much. I promised it would be useless, but don't worry, I will talk to your majesty." The government of the Republic of China only gave the Qing Dynasty four million oceans a year. Many people eat and drink Lhasa, there is not much left long ago, and they really can't get 222,000 silver at a time.

The **** went back and told Pu Yi that Pu Yi was also angry, but I am the emperor. How dare someone come to me to ask for debts? This word spread to Shen Long's ears, Shen Long was happy, what a big deal? After a few decades, if you want to go home and see, you have to buy tickets! You just need to adapt in advance!

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