All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2300: Bai Jingye's Choice

I know this better than you, really, not just better than you. Nowadays, China doesn’t know much better than me. Except for the few mortal things, I know the most. I think this trip to France I didn't let you go, and the money wasn't spent. This time it was really worthwhile. Shen Long was very satisfied.

"Yeah, it looks like you met a group of amazing people in France this time!" Shen Long looked at Bai Jingye. "Are you going to follow them?"

"Nothing can hide from you!" Bai Jingye heard his father saying this, and now he understands that he has been studying in France for a relatively long time. A group of like-minded people have returned from France before and began to promote their ideas in China. , So this matter is not a secret in China.

"Father, it has been more than ten years since the Republic of China, but China is still a war of warlords and the people are living in dire straits. I have followed you in Dingxian and in the poor alleys of Dongcheng since I was a child. I have seen the suffering of the people In their eyes, the problems they encountered in the past ten years can be said to have not changed, and some places are not as good as before. This only shows that this road is not working now! Only a new road is coming out, and Russia..."Bai Jingye began to talk to Shen Long about the international situation, about his experience in France, and about his interactions with those talents.

I finally came to a conclusion, "... this time in France was the happiest time in my life. I have met a group of young people who really care about China and the people of the whole world. I also want to be with them. Together, what they do for China and what they do for these people."

"This road is not easy!" Shen Long looked at Bai Jingye with a complex expression. "If you are willing to stay at home, Baicao Hall will be yours in the future. With your father and me, hundreds of millions of wealth can also give you, you Fancy that girl, whether she is the daughter-in-law of the handsome family, or the celebrity on the beach, I can marry you.

"At that time, if you want to be an official, you can become an official, and you can become an official; if you want to make a fortune, you can make a fortune. Whatever the beauty of the car, the beauty of the mountains and the sea are common things; The relationship between the medical community and the education community is not difficult to send you to Harvard and Yale schools to find a teaching position. Even if you want to win the Nobel Prize, it is also a matter of one sentence." These are really nothing for Shen Long.

"But if you choose this path, then don’t think about entering the door of the Bai family anymore. The billions of money of the Bai family are also irrelevant to you. In the future, you will be in extreme risk all the time. These risks come from the outside, but also from the inside; now you can eat whatever roast duck in Dongfangshun and Donglaishun's shabu-shabu. In the future, you may not even be able to eat wild vegetable dumplings." What a lot of people paid for a brand new China.

"Dad, you are too young to look at me. I followed you to Dingxian in those days. I don’t see any days when the local people lived. Wild vegetable soup without salt and sweet potato rice with choking. I have eaten these. I asked you so much money in France, but it wasn’t spent on me. When I was in Paris, I also worked with them in the factory to work hard, work as a porter, a lathe, a fitter... I did all these things That’s how my living expenses in France came from!"

"Look at my hand, does this look like a hand that hasn't been bitter?" Bai Jingye showed his palm, and he saw palms full of calluses and scars, some were burned by sparks, some were cut by a machine, no After working in the factory for a while, there will not be so many scars.

"It's not just suffering, cold, hunger, hatred, ridicule, contempt, insult, prison, disease, these sufferings are also indispensable, and even you will face the danger of death at any time; not only your enemy, but your relatives, Your friends will give you these pains, these blows; even if you die, no one will remember you... so you still want to go this way?" Shen Long continued to ask.

"Yes, Dad, I am willing, I am willing to give everything for this great nation, this great nation, even at the expense of sacrifice!" Bai Jingye said solemnly, without any hesitation in his eyes.

"Dad, I have been to many places with you over the years, and I have seen the sufferings of the people. After arriving in France, I learned more from those classmates. I also saw the development of European countries, from opium. At the beginning of the war, our originally great nation, our great nation, has been sinking long enough!"

"If we continue to sink, I am afraid that we in China will never be able to turn over again. I heard that Mr. Tan said generously in the past before Yi Yi said,'The reforms in various countries were all made from bloodshed. Nowadays, there are no bloodshed victims in China. The reason why the country is not prosperous, there are, please start with his heirs.', Although I am not as good as Mr. Tan, but I am willing to do something for this country, for this nation, even if it is sacrificed willingly!" Having developed in Europe and seen the poverty in China, his trip to Europe made him more urgent.

He knelt on the ground and gave Shen Long a few heads, "Dad, please forgive your children for being unfilial, and not always with Li them."

"Where are you going?" Shen Long asked, since Bai Jingye was determined, and this path is also the way Shen Long wanted to go, so he would not stop, but some things still have to be asked clearly.

"I am going to the south. Mr. Yixian plans to build a military school in the south. Several of my friends are already ready to go to school and I plan to go with them!" Bai Jingye answered truthfully.

Hey, I want to go to that school too. It must be very interesting to hear those people call their teachers, but it’s not allowed, Shen Long is envious of Bai Jingye.

"Since you think about it, then go, I still say that, as long as you walk out of this house, everything in the Bai family has nothing to do with you." Shen Long said.

"I know this will cause trouble for our family, so when I go south, I don't need the name Bai Jingye." Bai Jingye had already thought about it.

"Well, that's good, but you can't leave now. Your grandma has been looking forward to you for several years. Why do you have to wait until your grandmother's 70th birthday is over? Also, how much did your father learn? I will teach you more in the next few days!"

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