All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2315: Nobel Prize

The coming person is a school staff member. He followed a foreigner behind him. The foreigner showed a complex look. He was surprised and unwilling. After meeting Shen Long, he took off his hat and saluted. "Hello Mr. Bai, I am Larsen, Cultural Counselor of the Swedish Embassy in China, flew over from Peidu to send you a telegram."

  After he finished, he looked around. "Is Mr. Wu Liande here? This telegram was sent to both of you at the same time!"

"Mr. Wu is next door, it's better to go with us together!" Shen Long stood up and said, in the real world, Wu Liande would have returned to Nanyang after the Battle of Songhu, but in this world, he was pulled over by Shen Long, now He followed him to Xi'an and continued to engage in epidemic prevention research while teaching at the school.

Shen Long had already guessed what the telegram he brought was, but he wasn’t too excited because it was all he deserved. In the office next door, Wu Liande was writing something. Shen Long said after entering, "Starlink, Sweden Two telegrams have been sent to us. This is Mr. Larson, cultural counselor of the Swedish Embassy in China."

   "Sweden?" Woodland suddenly became excited, and his words began to tremble. Now it is October, and he can't understand what the telegram from Sweden means at this time.

"Dear Mr. Bai Jingqi, respected Mr. Wu Liande, I am honored to have this opportunity to inform you two of this good news!" Larson solemnly took out the telegram and read it, read it in Swedish first, and then again Translated into Chinese, "According to the latest results of the Nobel Conference of the Caroline Medical College in Sweden, Nobel Physiology or Scientists awarded Mr. Bai Jingqi and Mr. Wu Liande from China in 1943, in recognition of the two outstanding contributions in the prevention and treatment of plague, I sincerely invite you to attend the award ceremony held at the Stockholm Concert Hall in Sweden on December 10, 1943!"

   "Jing Qi, we won the prize! We finally won the prize!" Wu Liande flushed with excitement, and the staff next to him congratulated him. He also said that he was a university staff. He naturally knew what the Nobel Prize in Medicine meant.

"Oh, I thought I didn't give it!" Shen Long was not very excited, and even sarcastically, to know that in the real world, the German scientist Domack discovered in 1932 that Bailangduxi can prevent staphylococci and hemolysis Streptococcal infections have created a precedent for the development and treatment of sulfonamides, and won the Nobel Prize in 1939.

In 1941, Howard Flory, a pathologist at the University of Oxford in England, and the biochemist Qian En realized the separation and purification of penicillin, and found that its effect on infectious diseases, only three years later, they discovered penicillin. The Fleming won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1945.

Shen Long not only made outstanding contributions to the prevention of plague and other epidemic diseases together with Wu Liande, but also the inventor of sulfa and penicillin. Now sulfa and penicillin have entered industrial production and practical application for many years, according to Domack and Howard-F He should have won the award for the speed of Lori and Qian En.

However, it was not until the Caroline Medical School in Sweden that they were awarded this award. The reason for this is indeed worth pondering. Shen Long speculated that they may be out of white pride at the beginning, and they were unwilling to award this award to themselves. However, now that the international situation has changed, the struggle between the * camp and the anti-* camp has entered a later stage.

   Although Sweden is a neutral country, it will also be influenced by world public opinion. Out of consideration for uniting the anti-* forces, they finally couldn’t help but give Shen Long and Wu Liande the award.

   "Principal, Mr. Xinglian, congratulations, this is a great thing! I will immediately inform the teachers and students of the school to celebrate it!" This time, the staff and teachers from the office next door were here.

   Someone immediately rushed to the school's broadcasting room, and soon the teachers, students and staff of the whole school learned that Shen Long and Wu Liande won the Nobel Prize in Medicine this year.

   "What kind of award is this?" The vast majority of people are ashamed and do not know what it means.

"Don't you read the "Chinese Medical Journal"? The Nobel Prize in Medicine is the highest award in the global medical community. The China Medical Association Award only recognizes our Chinese medical workers, while the Nobel Prize in Medicine is for scientists all over the world. Yes! Being able to get this award shows that President Bai and Mr. Wu have made achievements that make foreigners extremely admirable!" One student popularized to those around him.

   "So President Bai and Mr. Wu won those foreigners? Is it the world's first?" Another student understood the award in his own way.

"Won is no first, but President Bai and Mr. Wu's research in the field of plague control is indeed far superior to other scientists! Every year, countless scientists look forward to winning the Nobel Prize. President Bai and Mr. Wu will get this award, sure Won a lot of foreigners!" Even if it is the later generations, Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize, which caused a huge response in China and greatly increased the national morale, not to mention this era? The students were very Some people didn't even know that they got firecrackers from there, set it on the school square, and sang school songs to celebrate this scene destined to be recorded in history.

The noisy outside prevented teachers and students in the classroom from paying attention, but the harsh teachers in the past did not have any dissatisfaction and simply combined the textbooks, "Forget it, this class is here, everyone celebrate together! This is the The first world scientific award we have won in China!"

The news quickly spread outside, and the surrounding people didn't even understand what the Nobel Prize meant. However, Shen Long often took students to the surrounding people for free consultation. Although they didn't understand what happened, they should be President Bai and Wu. Mr. encountered something good, so they came to congratulate.

   Then came the representatives of the government and the celebrities of Shaanxi. They also came to congratulate, and of course, the representatives of the Eighth Route Army Office in Xi'an. Since they know it, Bai Jingye will soon know.

"Haha, President Bai and Mr. Wu are the first Chinese scholars to win the Nobel Prize, and the third Asian to win the Nobel Prize after Tagore and Raman in India, so the two are not only Chinese people, It’s also the light of Asia! Today we must celebrate it! Principal Bai and Mr. Wu, let’s go to Defa Chang to eat dumpling feast!” The provincial education department director who came to congratulate was full of red light and had a taste of honor. .


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