All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2325: Aged medicine

Bai Jingqi doesn’t seem to have much to give to himself. I’m more powerful than him in terms of medical skills. He has worked out thirty-two prescriptions in his life. I have more prescriptions than this. As for the fine materials It is a good thing to expect others. It is not uncommon to find it here. In the world of "Crossing the Kanto", I have the resources of the whole Northeast. In the world of "Embroidered Spring Sword", I own an entire country. What good things do I want?

   As for those cultural relics, it is nothing more, not to mention that it has been donated to the Forbidden City. My wall is adorned with Mi Fu and Su Dongpo’s true deeds. There are still statues of Venus and Victory in the courtyard!

Shen Long entered the system with a trace of doubt, and immediately heard the sound of the system, "Bai Jingqi from the world of "Mansion House" thank you very much for fulfilling his wish, and now give away the old medicines accumulated in Baicao Hall for many years. To you, accept it, please confirm!"

   Hey, this reward was a bit unexpected, but it was quite useful. Shen Long silently clicked the accept button, and there were a lot of good things in his personal space.

   I have something to look at. Oo, aged ejiao, aged Angong Niuhuang Wan, Shanwang Qingxin Pill and other proprietary medicines, as well as tangerine peel, pinellia, Citrus aurantium, ephedra, lupus, Evodia, etc., these are good things.

Generally speaking, most Chinese herbal medicines will undergo physical and chemical changes under the influence of sunlight, air, temperature, humidity and other factors. The longer the time, the lower the efficacy, but there are several medicinal materials that are as old as possible. "Chen" said that six kinds of traditional Chinese medicines need to be stored and stored by a certain method to change the medicine from a new medicine to an old one, so as to change the taste and efficacy of the medicine, so as to further meet the needs of clinical treatment.

The famous doctor Li Dongyuan of the Jin Dynasty contained "Six Chen Ge" in "Pearl Pouch Finger Palm Supplementary Fu": "Sorrel of Citrus Aurantium and Citrus aurantium, ephedra lupus venom and Wuyu, six kinds of medicines should be Chen Jiu "Qi." It is clearly pointed out that the six traditional Chinese medicines of orange peel, pinellia, citrus aurantium, ephedra, lupus venom, and cornel officinalis have better effects after they are released.

  Because the smell of these Chinese medicines is very strong and irritating, they may have side effects when taken, and even have greater toxicity. Therefore, they need to be stored for a period of time to reduce their toxic and side effects. This is the same as the new machine tool to release stress first.

These gadgets are also very popular in the market. In 2011, the Xinhui took out an 85-year-old tangerine peel for auction. 100 grams sold a high price of 110,000 yuan, equivalent to 550,000 yuan a catty; in 2013, 100 grams of 73-year-old tangerine peel sold a high price of 125,000 yuan, equivalent to 625,000 yuan a catty. It can be seen that the longer the year-old tangerine peel, the higher the price.

  Bei Jingqi gave Chen Long these orange peels, at least for more than a hundred years, the price is absolutely expensive, of course, Shen Long will not be sold, and it is certainly good for self-medication.

In addition, some proprietary medicines can also be stored for a long time, and the older the better, such as An Gong Niu Huang Wan, especially before 1993, An Gong Niu Huang Wan has also been sought after in the auction market. At the spring auction, Yi Pill, which was produced in the 1960s by An Gong Niu Huang Wan, started at 6,000 yuan, and finally sold at a sky-high price of 110,000 yuan, which was nearly 19 times higher than the auction price.

The reason why such a high price can be obtained is because An Gong Niu Huang Wan originally had an important medicinal material-rhino horn. Due to the global ban on the trade and use of rhino horn in 1993, the source of rhino horn was cut off. , But its composition, efficacy and natural rhino horn are very different.

   Also because the efficacy of this medicine will get better and better with time, this is a life-saving medicine, and some rich people are willing to spend a lot of money to buy a few at home to store in case of emergency.

Ejiao also has the saying "Ginseng needs new, Ejiao must be old", because the newly made Ejiao tape has "fire", it may cause sore throat, blisters in the corners of the mouth after taking it, and the drug effect can not be fully exerted. Only after long-term storage, Ejiao Will gradually retreat from the original anger, and play the characteristics of sweet and calm.

There is also a description of Chen Ejiao in the "Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine", "After the real Ejiao is melted, the gas is fragrant, with hemp oil and gas, yellow-white juice, thick but not sticky, sweet and slightly salty, its original pieces are in the fifty or sixty Those within the year, green color, firm quality; those over 50 or 60 years, the color turns yellow and crunchy, better. Lung tuberculosis, it is amazing." That is to say, true Ejiao is placed for 50 or 60 years After that, it can still be used and has "magic effect".

In addition, there is tiger bone wine, which is a good thing. Since the 1990s, this thing has not been produced. Now there are only a few tiger bone wines left in the past, which can be found occasionally at the auction; a bottle in the early years The tiger bone wine produced in the public shop of Tongrentang Lejia, a public-private joint venture in the mid-1950s, sold for a high price of 360,000 yuan.

   There is also Guo Gong tonic wine, which is the kind that Tian Mu and his grandson drank in Baicao Hall. This kind of wine is also more valuable as the year goes on, and it is sold at an expensive price at the auction.

In addition, there are a lot of old medicines such as Baodan, Dahuoluodan, Niuhuang Qingxin Pills and Shenrong nourishing wine, and they often appear in various auctions; some of these things are because the raw materials are precious and have been cut so Prices are getting more and more expensive, and some are because the longer the year, the better the efficacy.

However, Shen Long did not completely believe these words. After all, the medicinal materials had a shelf life. After the shelf life, they would definitely not be usable. So he took out the things in his portable space and checked them one by one to see if the efficacy was still there. If it is still there, it will be kept for future use, if it is not used, it will be thrown into the portable space, and then a place will be destroyed.

   After some inspections, most of them are useless. Not only can it not cure the disease, but also damage the health of the human body, and some of them are not as good as the new drugs, although they are effective, but they are like chicken ribs.

   However, there are still a small number of medicinal materials or finished medicines that are indeed much better than new ones. This makes Shen Long very happy. He quickly sorted out these medicinal materials and finished medicines and stored them in different ways.

"These tangerines are quite good, and they are very effective. If you take them to Guangdong for auction, there will definitely be a lot of people robbing them." Shen Long looked at the few kilograms of tangerine peel in front of him, and one gram can sell 120,000 yuan. I These few catties are probably enough to buy a house in Beijing. Hey, so, for example, how do I think Bai Jingqi's rewards are not so precious?

The doorbell was ringing, looking at the acquaintance through the monitoring, Shen Long asked Bai Ze to open the door directly, and Academician Ma Lin walked to the yard. "Today just happened to pass by you, so I came in and looked... Xiao Shen, what is on your table?"


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