All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2327: I'm here

   "...Liu Qi hopes you can help him save his grandfather Han Ziang and his father Liu Peiqiang!" The voice of the system came again in his mind, this time the task surprised Shen Long.

   I went, it turned out to be a small broken ball? Shen Long immediately straightened up. The various worlds that he traversed in the past have both Chinese and foreign backgrounds, but Chinese backgrounds are either ordinary worlds or fairy worlds, and most of the science fiction worlds are backgrounds of foreign film and television works. Now suddenly Coming to a future world with a Chinese background really surprised him.

   And this is a movie based on Da Liu's science fiction works, how can he not be excited! He likes Da Liu's works very much, otherwise he will not spend much time to win the copyright of "Three Body".

   The movie "Wandering Earth" was also very good. Shen Long went to the cinema alone during the Chinese New Year. Most of the time he went to the cinema to touch the thighs for so many years, this was the first time that he watched the movie purely.

Shen Long recalled a little bit, and the plot of the film clearly came to his mind. In recent years, scientists have discovered that the sun is rapidly aging and expanding, and the entire solar system, including the earth, will be engulfed by the sun in a short time; for self-help Human beings proposed a bold plan called "Wandering Earth", that is, to use the power of the world to build tens of thousands of engines and steering engines on the surface of the earth to push the earth away from the solar system and rush to the new home in 2500 years.

Chinese astronaut Liu Peiqiang went to the navigator space station when his son Liu Qi was four years old, and shouldered the responsibility of navigator with international peers; in a blink of an eye, by 2075, Liu Qi grew up, and he secretly ran to the surface with his sister Han Duduo and sneaked away Grandpa Han Ziang's transport vehicle was not only arrested, but also suffered a global engine shutdown.

In order to repair the engine and prevent the earth from falling into Jupiter, the world began to launch a saturated rescue. Even Liu Qi and their car were forcibly joined. In the process of racing against time, countless people have fought back and forth, only to continue their survival for generations. In the end, Liu Peiqiang ignited Jupiter in the pilot's International Space Station, used Jupiter's thrust to push the earth, and sacrificed himself for the safety of the earth. Liu Qi finally understood his father at this moment, but it was too late.

  Shen Long remembers almost every detail in the movie, but in order to be fully prepared, he decided to collect information as usual, "Bai Ze, help me collect detailed information about "Wandering Earth"."

"Received!" Bai Ze began to act immediately. The original novel of "Wandering Earth", the script of "Wandering Earth", the analysis of various details of the "Wandering Earth" movie by various online masters, Liu Cixin, Guo Fan, Wu Jing Waiting for the interview of the creative staff, behind-the-scenes stories, etc., made a lot.

Shen Long has read the original novel naturally. With his current IQ, he will certainly not forget it after reading it, but he still passed it once, and the movie has also been read seriously. The new task is to be completed, but it is a pity that this task is not suitable for taking her past, so she has to give up.

After reading these, go to the B station, Zhihu, Douban and other websites to find various analysis and interpretation of the details of "Wandering Earth". At first, it is better. Those who answered the master and the up master of the B station analyzed very carefully. Later Seeing a few wonderful movie reviews in Douban really angered Shen Long, what are these things?

It's not that "Wandering Earth" can't be criticized. This work does have various shortcomings and is far from perfect. If you criticize it, it also reminds the crew to let them avoid these problems when shooting sequels. To produce better works, but no brain black is boring.

Take a look at this short comment, "Play a one-star to lower your score, and I hate to see a certain Beijing. This box office will definitely dive immediately. If I don't dive, I will live and eat!" It seems that it was sent when the movie was first released, no Knowing whether he has eaten or not, co-authoring this child is probably no father, no mother and no one to control, and the Chinese New Year has nothing to eat, so I ran to the Internet to cheat and cheat.

  Let's see if he has rated those movies again? "I am not a drug god", one star with a short comment, "One star, to Wang Chuanjun, are you satisfied?" What the **** is this guy, so many people have angered him?

I want to look at what a good movie you have in mind, yo, really have a five-star rating, "Captain America 2", this kid moved to Captain America 2 but the tears burst into tears, "One word, It’s awesome, the final speech!

   Hey, poor child, it is estimated that you have not graduated from elementary school, are these three words? And "Captain America 2" is about the plot, there are more embarrassing places? You have to exaggerate the special effects and action scenes that you didn’t say, but the result is to exaggerate the humanistic connotation. Co-authored in your heart, the United States is all right, right?

  Nima also has such wonderful flowers? Shen Long saw another long film review of "The Rwanda Hotel" and almost went crazy. Someone asked China to compensate Rwanda because the banana knife used in the Rwanda massacre was exported by China? ! ! ! ! May I go to your Is it good for them to cut bananas when exporting from China?

   The United States, France, and Belgium have more responsibilities than China. Why haven’t you asked them to compensate? It's right to co-operate with white people, is it wrong for the Chinese to do anything? For this kind of person, Shen Long just wanted to say a word, the Pacific Ocean was not stamped, you **** swim past it!

Forget it, don’t look at Douban. I can only get an appointment here. I want to see something serious. It’s a dream. Shen Long quickly turned off Douban. Some comments are really disgusting. This website is also disgusting. That website has wonderful things. From the point of view, the rating of "Wandering Earth" 7.9 is normal, but what do you mean to pick out such a wonderful comment in the most striking place?

Leaving these disgusting comments behind, Shen Long continued to study the details of "Wandering Earth", and then worked with Bai Ze to develop a plan to save Han Ziang and Liu Peiqiang, and they discussed based on the information revealed in the movie. There are several schemes for backup. Which one to choose in the future, or to re-formulate the scheme, must be based on the actual situation. After all, the movie does not show all the details of this world. Some things can only be decided by the world. .

  After preparing, a white light flashed, Shen Long entered the world of "Wandering Earth", opened his eyes, and Shen Long appeared in the third city of Beijing's underground city.


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