All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2334: Liu Peiqiang's actions

He took out the notebook that Han Duoduo stole from himself. This is his rescue note. When he opened it, he handed it to Han Duo Duo. The photo taken in the past was posted on it. Han Ziang wearing a rescue suit held only two hands in his hands. Han Duoduo, "It was December 15, 2060. The number of casualties in that disaster exceeded 130,000. We tried our best to rescue 5,000 people, including more than 200 babies and more than 500. Children..."

This ratio is obviously abnormal and does not conform to the average age distribution of human beings. On the one hand, it is because the "Wandering Earth Act" rescues younger people first, and on the other hand, it is because parents leave the hope of survival to After the child, they held up their child with a pair of hands, but they sank into the cold water.

   "Since then, I have adopted you!" Han Ziang looked at the pair of hands still reaching to the sky under the ice, "I don't know who your parents are, but they must hope you can live well..."

   "Grandpa!" Han Duoduo's tears fell on the helmet, splashing splashes.

   "You keep this notebook." Han Ziang sighed.

Han Duduo was silent for a moment, took the finger bones from Shen Long, teared off the notebook, and lit it with the welding torch on the bones one by one. It seemed to be honoring her parents, and it seemed to be saying goodbye to her past. The notebook burned After she finished, Han Ziang cried in her arms and cried grandpa.

   "Okay, we should start!" Although Wang Lei sympathized with Han Duoduo, the rescue mission had not been completed, and it was really impossible to delay the time.

   The carrier started again. Han Ziang replaced Shen Long's posture car. Shen Long pretended to rest and reached into his pocket to continue to use Morse code to keep in touch with Bai Ze.

In the Navigator space station, Liu Peiqiang did not enter the dormant cabin to sleep, but continued to observe Jupiter through the porthole. Comparing the marks he had left before, it was found that Jupiter’s position deviated from his previous prediction. Expecting to be much closer, he immediately became nervous.

As an astronaut, I still know the basic common sense of Roche Limit. Looking at Jupiter, which is much smaller than expected, Liu Peiqiang suddenly understood, "Oh, bad, the Navigator is fleeing! It abandoned the earth!" "

   He immediately stopped Lieutenant Colonel Makarov and Lieutenant Colonel Hammandan, who were about to enter the dorm. "The flight path of the Pilot changed, and we did not receive a notice!"

   "It is defecting, it betrays mankind!" Lieutenant Colonel Makarov quickly figured out the current situation. "Why is this? All actions of moss must be centered on human interests!"

"Perhaps the coalition government already feels that the planet is not saved! So we are now the only hope to retain humankind!" Lieutenant Colonel Hammandan said, "The Pioneer has stored human genes. If we live, find a suitable planet. It can still continue human civilization!"

"This is not realistic. The number of astronauts on the Navigator is too small to reach the minimum population required to continue human civilization, and the energy of the Navigator is also very limited. We can’t carry out as long as two thousand five. A hundred-year journey!" Liu Peiqiang made his attitude clear without hesitation, "We must do something for the earth now!"

"We need to contact the coalition government to show our attitude!" Lieutenant Colonel Makarov and Lieutenant Colonel Hammandan also have relatives on the earth. They can't leave their relatives and escape alone, so the three quickly reached Unanimously, prepare to go to the CIC area, which is the only area on the Pilot that can be manually taken over. Once in this area, you can break through the moss communication block and get in touch with the earth again.

Shen Long did not lift the communication blockade of the MOSS on the Pilot, because it was too obvious. He just let Bai Ze delay the time that the MOSs closed the channel of the space station, so that Liu Peiqiang, Makarov and Harmandan reached the CIC smoothly. Area, manually taking over control of the space station.

Shen Long’s convoy met a falling transport plane. The violent air convection made the flight extremely dangerous, and there were continuous plane crashes. This is also one of the reasons why most rescue teams choose to drive a car to their destination. There are several military vehicles and delivery vehicles in the warehouse. Through the markings on the body, they see that this is the rescue team from the underground city of Yantai No.5 in China. When they entered the well-preserved vehicle, the first thing they saw were two bodies. A young man with bloodshot eyes and bleeding wounds on his forehead looked at them cautiously.

  Wang Lei immediately revealed his identity, "I am Wang Lei, the captain of the 171-11 rescue team."

  Li looked down at his rank and nameplate before putting down the wrench, crying with a headache, he thought it was a member of the resistance group on the ground.

According to the data collected by Bai Ze, Shen Long also knew about the resistance groups. Some of these people did not enter the underground city out of suspicion, but chose to stay on the ground for the descendants of the survivors; some simply did not enter the underground city. Eligibility; There are members who think that the Wandering Earth Project is a scam and thus escaped from the underground city; of course, they must have violated various laws ~ ~ criminals who fled to the ground in order to avoid punishment.

These people will not have a good attitude when they meet the members of the underground city, so Li Yiyi will be so nervous, crying for a while, Li Yiyi also clarified his identity, "Li Yiyi, the joint government emergency technology Observer!"

   So the rescue team added another car, Shen Long came to Li Yiyi's car and used the driver's ID card of the driver who had been sacrificed to drive his car and continue to move forward.

   And on the Pilot space station, Liu Peiqiang, Makarov and Lieutenant Colonel Hammandan have entered the CIC area, taking over control of the space station and contacting the coalition government.

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, Lieutenant Colonel Makarov, and Lieutenant Colonel Hammandan, you have violated the provisions of Article 24, Article 24 of the Wandering Earth Law, and please immediately return to the dorm to sleep." United The representative of the government said in the tone of official business, and then showed the authorization of the five countries of the coalition government, "The space station is completely legal, please execute the order!"

   "Is this letting us abandon the earth and escape alone? My child is still on the earth!" Lieutenant Colonel Makarov roared.

"I know that I am also on the earth. When the irresistible disaster is coming, all we can do is to face all this calmly! Now, the space station Voyager is the only hope to continue human civilization!" United Government representatives remain calm.


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