All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2337: Gunshots

The cheers gradually fell silent, Li Yi collapsed to the ground, holding his hair and weeping silently. This behavior passed from one to two to three, and soon Zhou Qian also began to cry, and then Sulawesi turned to the engine base. People, they lost many friends in order to restart the engine.

  Li Yiyi is mourning those colleagues who died in the plane crash, Zhou Qian is remembering the comrades who were sacrificed halfway. As for Sulawesi turning to the engine base staff, their colleagues' bodies have not yet had time to converge.

"It's not sad time yet!" The chief engineer of Sulawesi turned to the engine base said with tears. "The engine has just been restarted. The stable output power is not guaranteed. We have no time to thoroughly check the engine before. The damage in this earthquake is now the time to start this work!"

"All colleagues who can still work normally are divided into three batches. The first batch continues to keep the engine running normally; the second batch carefully checks every possible problem and reports it as soon as the problem is found; the third batch... the third batch Let's consolidate the bodies of those who sacrificed their colleagues!" The words of the chief engineer made everyone wake up from crying, they wiped away their tears and continued to work.

Wang Lei also patted Li Yiyi's shoulder, "We should report to the superior!" Then we turned on the communicator and started calling the superior department. "This is the CN171-11 rescue team. We have successfully transported the flint to Sulawesi. Engine, assist the base staff to successfully restart the engine!"

"Captain Wang Lei, we have seen the success of your work, and you have worked hard! Thank you very much for the CN171-11 rescue team’s contribution to the earth. Now please relax completely and prepare to receive new orders!" Can't go home, the crisis facing the earth has not been completely resolved yet.

"This is the CN114-3 flight rescue team. Member Li Yiyi reported to you that I have arrived at the Sulawesi equatorial steering engine base with the CN171-11 rescue team and successfully restarted using the flint delivered by the CN171-11 rescue team. The engine, the rest of the rescue team has... All sacrificed!" Li Yiyi cried again after the report.

"Observer Li Yiyi, I am very grateful for the efforts and sacrifices of the CN114-3 flight rescue team. Your achievements will always be remembered by humanity!" When the officials of the coalition government replied in this way, they felt with emotion that the humanity will always be left How long? I'm afraid there are only seven days left?

Seven days is the time when the earth is pulled into the limit of Roche by Jupiter's gravity, and it is the result of the moss calculation; he quickly shook his head to dispel this idea, no, there is no seven days before the earth falls into the Roche limit and is torn by Jupiter's gravity, Jupiter's gravity will completely evacuate the earth's atmosphere, causing humans to suffocate and die. Most humans in the dungeons will die painfully because they can't breathe. Only a few people can rely on the artificial oxygen generation system to survive.

But they only live a few more days, and then they will still die, or they will die from the earthquake caused by the gravity of Jupiter, or they will die from the lava flowing, or they will die from the battle for materials between the survivors... These death methods are not as good as suffocation to say that the pain is smaller.

   Maybe I can choose a more dignified method of death? The official remembered his pistol, so it was so decided. After confirming that the fate of the earth could not be recovered, I ended my own life...

Wang Lei, who was sitting on the ground and resting for a short time, received a new order, "CN171-11 rescue team, please go immediately to the location to rescue the Russian rescue team!" A coordinate appeared on his communicator. Rawaisi’s equator turned not far from the engine base.

  According to the mission report from the superior department, Wang Lei learned that the Russian rescue team encountered aftershocks during the rescue process, and the carrier was stuck in the ice crack. The casualties were also serious and urgently needed rescue.

   "Zhou Qian, hammer, slipper... ready to go!" Wang Lei immediately ordered, he knew that arriving at the rescue point at an early time might save another life.

   "Yes!" Although they were all tired, they didn't hesitate at the moment, because it was the Russian rescue team that needed to be rescued this time. Maybe they will be the next time. Now when they go to save people, they save themselves.

"I'm going to drive!" Since Han Ziong and Han Duoduo had arrived at the base safely, Shen Long was relieved, and the rest was to rescue Liu Peiqiang's problem. He already had a plan. Following Wang Lei and they went out to save people did not affect this plan. .

   "You have done a great job and did not embarrass your father. Now that your task is over, the next thing has nothing to do with you!" Wang Lei said seriously.

"But look at the people under you. Whose driving skills are better for me? It's always good to help one more person. Oops, you don't have to be wordy, hurry up and get on the car!" In the car, I started the car with Han Ziang's driving ID card, and then waved to Han Ziang and Han Duoduo, "Grandpa, Duduo, you stay here with peace of mind, I will come back in a moment."

   Han Ziang wanted to retain Shen Long, but he didn't say anything to his Han Duoduo waved his hands in tears, "Hukou, safe journey!"

   "Let's go!" Shen Long has already proven his driving ability along the way, and Wang Lei does need such an excellent driver, so he hesitated and let his men keep up.

Carrier No. 373 re-exited from the base and drove all the way in the direction of their arrival. Soon they reached the Sulawesi A-3 supply station where they last supplied. The roof of the supply station had been blown away by the wind, leaving only The lower skeleton stands here, next to the supply station, is the body of a whale, this huge whale has been completely frozen, half of the body stands on the ice, Shen Long can't help but think it may be jumping out for survival Was it frozen in a moment on the sea?

  In the ice beside the whale, a carrier was stuck there. When they came over, a cracked Russian rescue team member waved his hands desperately.

Shen Long stopped in front of him with a flick, Zhou Qian rushed down with the first-aid kit first, took out the spray and sprayed it on his helmet. Under such circumstances, if the helmet was not replaced Crack, he will soon freeze to death.

   "Don't care about me, go and rescue the people in the car!" The Russian rescuer seemed impatient and reached for the car.

  Shen Long was about to get off, and suddenly flew a kick to kick Wang Lei away, and a gunshot came immediately.


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