All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2339: It’s a luxury for everyone to remain rational

"I'm with you!" Wang Lei looked back, and Yuzi and Hammer were repairing the Russian rescue team's carrier. Zhou Qian was giving Karelin treatment, and it would take some time. He had nothing else for the time being, so he followed After coming up, collecting intelligence from the resistance organization is also a part of his work, which can be done when the rescue mission has been completed.

Speaking of this, Liu Qi's child also has some rebellion. This is probably because Liu Peiqiang was not with him since childhood, which caused his resentment and rebellion against his father; when he left the underground city, he once told Han Duduo that he did not intend to When he came back, it might be that he extended his dislike of Liu Peiqiang to the coalition government, so he planned to go to the resistance organization.

  Just after experiencing life and death rescue with the CN171-11 rescue team and pushing the pointer with rescue teams from all over the world, it also witnessed that after Liu Peiqiang sacrificed himself in order to save the earth, Liu Qi’s old immature ideas have changed greatly.

The boots made a clear sound on the ice covered with snow. Soon after, Shen Long and Wang Lei saw the bodies of the three members of the resistance organization. Their protective clothing was patched with helmets, new or old, and they looked like Far from being as glorious as Wang Lei, this is also a matter of reason. How much material can be obtained by robbing the supply station alone?

Unlike Wang Lei, they are backed by a strong coalition government and provide them with sufficient supplies. The living environment on the ground is many times worse than the underground world. Under this extreme environment, humans can only survive in groups and resist the organization. Without the ability to build underground cities like the coalition government, their lives are naturally very difficult.

   "How did these people survive on the ground?" Shen Long asked. The information collected by Bai Ze did not represent everything. Perhaps the party like Wang Lei knew better.

"How can I survive? Robbing the supply station! These mice must have come to the Sulawesi A-3 supply station. Seeing us is like a big one, and the car is a good thing in their eyes! "If he wasn't wearing a helmet, Wang Lei wouldn't be able to bite these members of the resistance organization.

It's just that in this environment, he dare to take off his helmet, and he will soon be killed by extreme cold. Even if he takes off a little, he will be frozen off his nose and ears. As for spitting, I'm afraid it has not landed It became ice lump.

"There are some privately built refuges on the earth. Although they cannot be compared with the underground cities built by the coalition government, it is not a problem to maintain the survival of a few or dozens of people. It’s just that the supplies need to be obtained from the outside world! The city was not built in one go. During the waiting process, some people secretly built their own underground refuge, but now it has become a rat nest!" Wang Lei called these members of the rebellious organization a rat nest, and the place where they live is naturally a rat nest. Too.

  This answer explains a doubt among many fans. Why was it accepted that there are 7 billion people on earth who are not qualified to enter the underground city? Because it is not a one-time construction of the underground city and then a unified lottery, but a lottery while building, many people died because of various disasters in the process of waiting.

For example, the backflow of sea water encountered by the Han Duoduo couple, China’s mobilization ability to prevent large natural disasters, and there have been more than 100,000 casualties, not to mention other coastal countries. This disaster happened in India, Bangladesh and Africa. The country is definitely a disaster.

"In addition, there are some dungeons that have been destroyed, either because of earthquakes or because of the influx of magma, making these dungeons no longer suitable for the survival of a large number of people, these guys have hided here, so big The city is not easy to search." Shen Long nodded. After this disaster, there will be many underground cities destroyed, which will be temporarily abandoned by the coalition government and become the stronghold of the resistance organization.

Since the Wandering Earth Project, due to the worsening of the living environment, people's desire to reproduce has been declining, and in addition, endless accidents have led to a gradual increase in mortality. At the beginning, 3.5 billion people entered the underground city, and now on the earth Of the population is less than this number, and it is not uncommon for the underground city to be abandoned.

"In addition to robbing the supply station, they can also dig up the ice to find food. Well, for example, the frozen whale you saw just now, and those abandoned above-ground cities also have a lot of good things, as long as Patience will always find something useful," Wang Lei said, pointing at the whale carcass not far away.

At this time, almost all of the skill points are focused on controlled nuclear fusion and aerospace technology. Relatively small fusion devices have emerged, which allows rebellious organizations to obtain energy through fusion for heating and melting ice to obtain supplies. Shen Long reminded me of a pick-up game.

   has to admit that although this kind of life is extremely difficult, and even has the danger of losing its life at any time, it is much freer and happier than the boring and boring life in the underground city. No wonder there are more and more resistance members. UU reading

Wang Lei opened the communicator on his arm, reported to the superior what had just happened, and uploaded a photo of the deceased's appearance, "They don't have large transportation, so their stronghold is certainly not far from here. If the support team can arrive in time, You can definitely find the mouse nest!" But it must be impossible now. The power of the coalition government is now all invested in the rescue, and no extra troops can be drawn to search their refuge.

Once more than a certain period of time, those members of the resistance organization who stayed in the refuge will evacuate urgently, take everything that can be taken away, and completely abandon this refuge, Wang Lei did not deal with these resistance organizations, and their habits Clearly, it is precisely because of such vigilance that the resistance organization has not been completely eliminated.

Looking at the corpses, Shen Long sighed and slowly shook his head. In fact, the coalition government and the Wandering Earth Project were the only hope for mankind. What these people did was to delay the human race. At the end of the novel, if they had not flown away from the sun Far enough away, the rebels haven't had time to adjust the engine to let the earth go home, maybe human beings will really be destroyed.

It is indeed an extravagant hope for everyone to remain rational, but then again, it is human diversity that has created the current civilization. If humans, like bees and ants, always remain rational and obedient, then maybe humans It is still in the Middle Ages, even in the distant past.


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