All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2344: Astronauts' decision

"What's the matter?" This scene caused the people who had just hoped to panic again. Some people couldn't stand the stimulus and went crazy. They cried and laughed in the crowd, then rushed out of the supply station, took off the helmet, and instantly It was frozen into an ice sculpture.

"The influence of Jupiter's magnetic field!" The scientists of the coalition government made a judgment, "Jupiter's magnetic induction intensity is as high as 9 Gauss, and the magnetic field on the Earth's surface is only 0.25-0.65 Gauss. Unmanned exploration vehicles have entered the strong magnetic field environment and will be inevitably subject to strong magnetic fields. The interference of Jupiter's magnetic field deviated from its intended orbit."

   "The aircraft is so far away from Jupiter that it will be disturbed?" an official of the coalition government asked. Now the aircraft is still far from Jupiter.

"Jupiter's magnetic field is one of the most powerful magnetic fields in the solar system, second only to sunspot explosions; at the same time, its magnetosphere has a large range and a complex structure. Jupiter's huge space is between 1.4 and 7 million kilometers from Jupiter. The magnetosphere; while the Earth’s magnetosphere is only within the range of 50,000 to 70,000 kilometers from the center of the earth, Jupiter’s four large moons are shielded by Jupiter’s magnetosphere, and now the aircraft has entered the range of Jupiter’s magnetic field. "The scientist replied.

"Moreover, the volcano of the Io satellite will release a large amount of sulfur dioxide, forming a gas ring along the satellite's orbit. These gases are ionized in the magnetosphere to generate sulfur and oxygen ions. They and hydrogen ions from Jupiter's atmosphere, Plasma sheets are formed in Jupiter's equatorial plane; these sheet-like plasmas rotate with the planet, causing a deformed dipole magnetic field that enters the magnetic field plane. The current in the plasma sheet generates a powerful radio signal, which interferes with unmanned exploration of the aircraft's control signals , I think the space station'Navigator' can no longer contact this aircraft!" another scientist added.

   "The signal was interrupted by interruption! Moss, recover as soon as possible!" As soon as his voice fell, the pilot's space station remembered Liu Peiqiang's anxious voice.

"Sorry, Jupiter's magnetic field interferes too much with the signal, I am afraid it is difficult to re-establish a stable connection!" Moss is using various methods to re-contact the aircraft, but the situation is not optimistic, even if the aircraft is occasionally connected, it will soon be The magnetic field disturbance is out of control again, so intermittently, the flight path of the aircraft has greatly deviated from the predetermined line.

   "According to the current route, the aircraft has been unable to reach the tipping point, the plan has failed!" The cold tone of moss makes everyone's mood colder, which declares that humanity's plan to save the earth has failed again.

   "There are other aircraft in the space station! We can try again!" Lieutenant Colonel Makarov shouted loudly, saying that he would leave and go to the area where the aircraft was stored.

   "Useless!" Lieutenant Colonel Hamandan grabbed him. "Do you still have a second bottle of vodka? Even if you can find other combustibles, who can guarantee that this aircraft will be able to fly according to the predetermined route?"

"Always try! Even if there is only a little hope, we cannot give up. Behind us is the entire humanity! It is our home planet!" Liu Peiqiang and Lieutenant Colonel Makarov stood together, Lieutenant Colonel Hamandan With a sigh, I followed them to the storage compartment of the aircraft. Yeah, to this extent, I don't care about losing one or two more aircraft.

   They used all the resources they could find on the space station to act as igniters, put these igniters on the aircraft, and then released them one by one, trying to control these aircraft to fly toward the tipping point.

"It reminds me of the era of the great voyage. Those warriors sailing towards the unknown seas. Over 600 years ago, we gradually conquered all the oceans, but now, we have just begun to venture into space, and humanity will be destroyed!" A coalition government official from Spain sighed that Columbus found a new continent for Europe, but they seem to have lost sight of the hope of humans reaching the new galaxy. He does not feel that these aircraft can successfully reach the tipping point.

"A similar situation will be encountered when launching intercontinental missiles. Jupiter's strong and chaotic magnetic field will interfere with the missile's trajectory, making them unable to follow the predetermined route!" This is also an important reason why the coalition government did not launch missiles against Jupiter. In a strong magnetic field environment, even a reliable missile will become an Indian product. It will only do irregular Brownian motion. If you want to reach the detonation point, you can only hit the Universiade, which is obviously impossible to succeed.

"So in this strong magnetic field environment, if you want to use the aircraft to reach the detonation point, you can only use human control to judge the flight line with the naked eye, but we do not have a suitable flight vehicle now!" The previous unmanned exploration aircraft did not Space for astronauts, and space shuttle launch preparation is not something that can be done in a matter of hours.

  Wait for astronauts who are willing to dedicate themselves to mankind and prepare for the launch of the space shuttle. At that time, the atmosphere on Earth was already sucked by Jupiter's gravity.

   And even if it can be successfully launched, can the space shuttle successfully reach the tipping point? Relying only on the star map and the naked eye to navigate, this difficulty is not so great.

   "We still have a suitable flying vehicle..." Someone suddenly thought of Pilot space station is the only hope for the continuation of human civilization. We cannot use it to perform this mission! "The chief scientist interrupted him without hesitation. Everyone can guess that he was talking about the Pilot space station. It was in space, right between Earth and Jupiter, with plenty of dye, The acceleration can be completed in a short time, reaching the detonation point before the limit of Roche reaches, and ignites Jupiter.

   "According to calculations, the success rate of the Pilot’s space station igniting Jupiter to save humanity is 3%." Moss published the calculation results, and this data silenced everyone.

If it is 30%, no, even 20%, 10% success rate, everyone is willing to take this risk, but now there is only 3% hope, then reserve a copy for humanity Tinder, seems to be more important.

  Liu Peiqiang looked at Lieutenant Colonel Makarov and Lieutenant Colonel Hammandan. Makarov patted his shoulder, "I also have relatives on earth."

   Lieutenant Colonel Hamandan smiled, "I can't stand the pain of losing my child. Even if I can escape, I will certainly commit suicide, so let's try it!" They all made a common decision.

   "Moss, help us connect to the coalition government!" Liu Peiqiang smiled. Soon, Liu Peiqiang's face appeared on the big screen of the coalition government headquarters.


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