All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2349: Can it succeed?

At the next moment, all the people who can see Jupiter on Earth subconsciously covered their eyes. The brightness emitted by thousands of laser beams at the same time is too bright, making them unable to open their eyes, but fortunately the helmet comes with brightness adjustment function, Soon they can let go of their hands and enjoy the magical scene.

Compared with the picture in front of me, the laser shows I saw before were weak, Shen Long sincerely admired, red, green, blue... colorful lasers were shot at the sky at the same time, showing a kind of A magnificent sight that cannot be described in words.

"Really...beautiful! This is the color that spring should have?" Han Duduo looked at this scene blankly, and she remembered the text of her last lesson, although the scene in front of her had nothing to do with spring, but Those rich colors, as well as the hope contained in these colors, let Han Duduo feel the breath of spring.

   "Are you sure you can succeed this time?" Li Yiyi, Tim, Wang Lei, Zhou Qian, Yu Zi, Hammer and others also opened their mouths and admired the scene greedily.

   "Even if it fails, we can greet the end of life in such a beautiful scene, there seems to be nothing to regret?" I don't know who said it in the crowd, and it immediately aroused the approval of many people.

  However, in the era of wandering earth, there are only a few people who have such romantic ideas. More people are concerned about whether these lasers can ignite Jupiter. If not, the magnificent picture is useless.

"A total of 137,835 large-scale laser transmitters have been activated worldwide, of which 5.7 percent are accurately irradiated to the detonation point area!" Moss began to report on the progress of the work. "The temperature in the detonation area has increased slightly, but There is still a big gap from the ignition point of hydrogen."

   "Accurate laser irradiation is still too little, and there are also scattering and the weakening effect of the atmosphere on the laser energy!" The chief scientist muttered to himself.

"6.8%, 7.2%, 7.9%..." Moss is still adjusting. To control so many laser emitters requires a lot of computing power, it is mobilizing quickly Computing resources, for this reason, it gives up as far as possible all non-essential functions, such as communication.

   So Liu Peiqiang at the space station Pilot lost contact with the coalition government. He stared blankly at the scene in front of him. The earth fired countless lasers, but the gas mixture in the umbilical cord area was still not ignited, so what should I do? Continue driving the Pilot?

   But now that the flame of the planetary engine has been extinguished, how can I detonate the Pilot? Liu Peiqiang desperately called the coalition government, "The coalition government, here is the pilot number, here is the pilot number, please answer it when you receive it, please answer it!" However, there was no response.

"11:2 degrees, 13:47 degrees, 14:00..." At the headquarters of the coalition government, scientists and officials stared at the numbers on the big screen, which was concentrated in the laser irradiation area Temperature, once this temperature reaches the ignition point of hydrogen, it can cause an explosion.

Even the high-energy lasers used in nuclear fusion engines have excellent convergence, but scattering also occurs at such a long distance. Otherwise, only one laser is enough to ignite Jupiter. To know the usual task of these lasers is to put stones and so on. The heavy elements are heated to a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees.

The distance can greatly attenuate the energy of these laser beams. When the original millimeter-level laser beam reaches the target area, the spot area is expanded to square kilometers. Fortunately, there are enough laser emitters on the earth to The beams of multiple lasers are superimposed, just like Archimedes used a copper mirror to illuminate the sails of the Roman army more than two thousand years ago, igniting the mixed gas in the umbilical cord area.

  The key now is whether the moss can focus these laser beams to the target area in a short time. At a remote distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, the angle of one nanometer deviation, the spot spot may be a few kilometers away! So this requires high-precision calculations and extremely fine operations, whichever requires a lot of computing power.

   "Moss' computing power is consumed too quickly." The chief scientist frowned, and the data on the large screen showed that the consumption of moss computing power was far faster than the proportion of the laser beam adjusted in place and the temperature of the detonation area.

   "It is very likely that the mixed gas in the umbilical cord area has not been ignited, and the computing power of moss is exhausted!" Another scientist added, which was really worrying for them.

"And the laser beams that are more powerful are aimed first, so the temperature rises more slowly as you go behind. If you continue like this, I am afraid... I am afraid that it will be difficult to succeed." If you say the previous laser beam, each beam can be Let the temperature of the target area rise by 0.01 degrees, and then the laser beam may only increase the temperature by 0.001 degrees, but the consumption of computing power for moss is not necessarily reduced.

   "Mobilize all the computing power in the world to support moss." The chief scientist made a decision, and representatives of the coalition government can only agree now.

As a result, communications around the world were interrupted almost simultaneously. The computing power required to maintain these communications was all handed over to moss. In all the dungeons, UU reading fell silent, leaving only the sound of public broadcasting. The Kimid plan requires a lot of computing power, so the communication is temporarily suspended. Please don’t worry, wait for the notification."

With the support of these computing powers, the moss is much faster at controlling the laser beam, "21.37 percent of the laser beam is already in place, 24.62 percent, 2 percent 18:59..."

  The temperature is also increasing rapidly, "126.8 degrees, 134.1 degrees, 140.7 degrees..."

However, after a short period of rapid improvement, this growth rate has slowed down again. The coalition government can only continue to mobilize computing power to supplement, but after three consecutive supplements, they have no extra resources, and the capacity of moss has an upper limit. Continue Investing resources does not necessarily increase efficiency.

   Liu Peiqiang in the Pilot space station also realized that the situation is not optimistic, can this plan succeed? He began to think about whether the laser energy attenuation was due to scattering and the atmosphere. In the final analysis, it was still distance. If I could drive the Pilot Space Station past, would it be possible to use the laser to detonate the 30,000 tons of fuel stored in the space station? Then ignite Jupiter and successfully push the earth away?

  He subconsciously wanted to act. This information was captured by Bai Ze, and Shen Long suddenly became nervous. Don't you, if you do this, then my task will not be completed.


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