All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2454: Guo Dao is here

Give Liu Qi the joyous scene of father and son reunion. Shen Long chose to return to the real world immediately, and a system prompt sound came to his mind, "Liu Qi from the world of "Wandering Earth" thank you very much for saving His father Liu Peiqiang and grandfather Han Ziang are now gifting his driving talent to you. Please accept it, please confirm!"

   "Accept!" As soon as the words fell, there was a white light integrated into Shen Long's body. He felt that there was something more in his mind.

The kind of large carrier vehicle driven by Han Ziang requires five years of training to get on the job, which is more difficult than the A photo, but Liu Qi started it and tried it smoothly, which shows that he still has a talent for driving. This reward is also suitable, coupled with Shen Long's original ability, he feels that he can beat Schumacher by giving himself a car.

   is of course not the current Schumacher, but at its peak, it has won seven F1 annual championships in Benetton and Ferrari, the strongest car **** in the history of 91 station championships.

   However, Shen Long’s gains from entering the world of "Wandering Earth" can be much more than this. Compared with the information collected by Bai Ze, Liu Qi’s driving talent is nothing.

"Bai Ze, show the scientific and technological information obtained in the world of "Wandering Earth" this time." Shen Long ordered a large holographic screen to appear in front of him, and Bai Ze listed all the lists he got in front of him. .

"Complete set of unified textbooks for the Earth in 2075, "Physics", "Chemistry", "Mathematics", "Biology", "Computer Technology"..." There are a lot of textbooks alone, including all the mainstream textbooks in the era of wandering earth. Don't underestimate these textbooks, the above shows the most basic things, and the basic ones are the most critical.

   What is the level of textbooks that are more than fifty years ahead of this era? Looking back through the 1970 textbooks, you can know the general idea. Perhaps most of it is the knowledge that Shen Long has learned, but the last part of human knowledge that has not been thoroughly studied is enough to satisfy Shen Long.

Of course, certainly not all textbooks have such a ratio. Basic subjects such as Physics and Chemistry may have less than half of the new knowledge. The physical theory of Newton, Einstein and others still need to be learned; but " The textbooks on artificial intelligence, high-energy laser, and controlled nuclear fusion have less than one-third of the existing knowledge system.

  Only the ordinary textbooks in Mathematics are not much different from the current ones. You must know that this subject is the only one. Twenty-first world teaches 19th-century theories, which is too much for ordinary undergraduates.

   In addition to astronomy, aerospace, mechanics and other disciplines, the technological level of the wandering earth world is far behind the current earth. These are the branches of science and technology that must be focused on to implement the wandering earth plan.

  Look at the difference between the content above and what I got in the world of "Iron Man", right? Shen Long opened up the data on heavy nuclear fusion. After research, it was found that to some extent, the nuclear fusion technology used in the world of "Wandering Earth" is even more advanced than that in the world of "Iron Man".

After all, Iron Man can only use palladium and new elements synthesized in the future as raw materials for nuclear fusion, and in the world of "Wandering Earth", ordinary stones can be used to burn, and the gap between the technological levels of the two can be seen at a glance. understand.

   Perhaps this technology is more useful to Academician Lu? The technology brought back from the "Iron Man" world has special requirements for the materials of controlled nuclear fusion, even if it does not use the highly toxic palladium element as Tony Stark or re-create a new element, it also needs Use raw materials such as tritium deuterium and helium 3, which are not easy to find.

  Of course, compared with the huge benefits of controlled nuclear fusion energy, the consumption of these raw materials is nothing, but since it can directly burn the stones everywhere, why not spend this effort?

Hey, it seems that the nuclear fusion engine in the world of "Wandering Earth" does not need to be carefully selected for raw materials. Whatever the excavator digs from the mountain, the carrier truck is directly loaded, and then the carrier truck is loaded with these messy things to the engine The feeding port at the top can be removed directly from there.

   If this is the case, wouldn't it be possible to use garbage directly for nuclear fusion? The disposal of urban waste is a big problem now. The existing waste power plants are not efficient and can not completely avoid the pollution problem, so the construction of a waste power station there will be opposed by residents in the near future.

   If this technology is used, the pollution of those harmful materials will have been solved in the face of the high temperature required for nuclear fusion! In this way, not only can human beings be provided with a steady flow of energy, but the problem of waste disposal can be completely solved.

Shen Long could not help starting YY. Now China has stopped importing garbage from abroad. When the large-scale waste fusion power station is built in the future, can it be imported to them again? When the time comes, all imported garbage will be sent to the power station to generate electricity. , And then export the excess electricity abroad.

In this case, import garbage can receive a sum of money, and export electricity can also collect a sum of money. If UU reads the book, if those foreigners know, the garbage they see in their eyes is not only useless but also polluting the environment. Turned into fusion fuel, they are estimated to be mad? This picture is interesting to think about!

  Shen Long spent a few days researching, thoroughly studying the theory of heavy nuclear fusion, and then carefully studying the structure of the fusion device. It was found that it takes a long time for the country to build such a fusion device, but it is not impossible.

   So he sent an email to Academician Lu specifically on this issue, in which he carefully described the theory of heavy nuclear fusion and the sketch of fusion generator.

   Academician Lu received this e-mail and was suddenly forced, what? Use garbage to generate nuclear fusion power? Today is not April Fool's Day? Looking further, he found that this solution is not completely infeasible! It seems there is really hope for success!

   He was a little bit entangled for a while. Am I going to continue researching the current project, or should I study this project which uses garbage for fusion power generation? The latter seems more interesting.

Shen Long did not know to what extent Academician Lu was entangled. He began to try earthworm grilling, but after making it, Arya was reluctant to eat it. Although the taste of this thing was okay, Shen Long did not want to try it without lacking meat. Had to give up.

   On this day, the people of the special effects company brought a guest to visit Shenlong. Shen Long looked at it, Yo, isn’t it Guo Guo?


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