All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2457: Yiwu merchants

   "...Chen Jianghe hopes you can make him and Luo Yuzhu complete." The sound of the system came to my mind, Shen Long froze, "Chicken Feather Flying to the Sky"? What drama is this? Why does the name sound so strange?

Opening the phone and searching, Shen Long knew what kind of drama it was. Like "Dajiang Dahe", this drama reflected the development of reform and opening up for more than 30 years, but with a different focus. "Dajiang Dahe" is about state-owned enterprises and collectives. The changes of enterprises and private enterprises in the past few decades, and "Chi Fei Fei Tian Tian" is a history of entrepreneurship of Yiwu businessmen.

The protagonists of this play are Chen Jianghe and Luo Yuzhu. The villagers of Chenjia Village picked up an orphan who was waiting to be fed in the snow. No one thought that this named chicken feather would actually take them to the sky and become a local. legend. From the ears of the ears, I dyed the chicken feathers of adult people for sugar, and learned how to quickly exchange the value of the goods and get the most benefits.

The villagers were arrested for their livelihoods, but they were forced to leave the village to take refuge by burning their warehouses. However, before leaving, Uncle Jinshui named him Chen Jianghe, and placed great hope on him. I met Luo Yuzhu, my loved one, for a lifetime. The love relationship between the two was not favored by others, and even the uncle Jin Shui deliberately created a contradiction and broke it up. He beat the mandarin ducks. Luo Yuzhu walked away from the land, married in poverty and became a child.

Chen Jianghe started her business and kept watching her for eight years. The ex-husband passed away. Luo Yuzhu took his son to grind his teeth. He met Chen Jianghe again on the interlaced train and decided that he would never be separated in this life; Hardware selling department stores, over five levels and six levels, overcame the credibility crisis, won the market trust, made their own brand of goods, made the traditional retail industry the ultimate Internet e-commerce, and joined the national strategic level Spreading business all over the world in the torrent...

Yiwu merchants are a force that cannot be ignored in China’s business community, and chicken feathers for sugar exchange are their specialty and the foundation of their foundation. As early as Qianlong years, Yiwu farmers started the business activities of “chicken feathers for sugar”. At that time, people in Yiwu used chicken feathers exchanged for brown sugar to make feather dusters. Every New Year and New Year, they went to the streets to sell.

After the original funds accumulated through the exchange of chicken feathers for sugar, Yiwu people began to expand their business to various fields, from needles and threads, laces, buttons, zippers, toothpicks to exquisite gifts and exquisite accessories; from shoes Socks, scarves, hats, clothing to woolen textiles; from various toys and lighters to televisions, mahogany furniture, various hardware tools, and electronic products...

These products may not be as dazzling as mobile phones, computers, large machinery, etc., but they are indispensable products in people's lives. Without the hard work of Yiwu merchants, the quality of life of the big guys may be reduced a lot now. I want to see that a lighter costs three yuan and a nail clipper costs five yuan. Each item does not seem to be expensive. However, when all kinds of daily necessities are added together, the overhead is very large, and most people can't afford it.

   They made all kinds of humble commodities to the extreme, and became the king of one industry after another. For example, straw king Lou Zhongping, how much is a straw for drinking beverages? How high can profits be? However, he has spent more than 20 years to achieve more than 30% of the global market share. The gross profit is 100% and the net profit is 22%. He has a straw patent that accounts for 2/3 of the world. The global straw industry standard is issued by his company every year. The profit is close to 200 million.

For example, sock king Weng Rongjin, his annual sales of Langsha socks accounted for 20% of the total sales of socks in China; for example, the ribbon king Ding brothers, their Yiwu Universal Ribbon Co., Ltd. is the world's largest ribbon company; for example, the former richest woman in Zhejiang , Jewelry king Zhou Xiaoguang; there are also zipper king Tao Haidi, photo frame king Wang Bin, lantern king Xia Rongwang and so on.

  The small commodities here are sold all over the world. As long as the small commodities targeted by Yiwu businessmen, there are very few competitors in the world who can compete with them. There are countless foreign companies falling under their feet.

There is a case where people talk about it can illustrate their strength from another angle. During the US election, Trump and Hillary had an unmatchable relationship. Analysts in various countries used various theories to infer who will be the last. The winner, however, Yiwu people have long been certain that Trump will win, because the number of orders with Trump hat logo far exceeds that of Hillary.

In the end, Trump won, and people laughed that the Yiwu index is the most authoritative data for judging the president of the United States. In fact, it is far more than the United States. Yiwu has companies that specialize in the production of flags and promotional banners required for national elections. The Yiwu index can not only judge the United States. The success or failure of the election can also judge the political structure of many countries such as Southeast Asia and Africa.

   It's kind of interesting, so let's check the information first and brush the drama. Whose brand should I turn over this time...Oh, no, who are you going to watch TV with yourself? Shen Long wondered.

It didn't take much effort, he decided to let Gao Xiaoqin accompany himself. Guan Juer and Shen Bing were not suitable to accompany themselves to watch this. Song Yunping was suitable. Xiao Lei's entrepreneurial history can also provide a lot of reference, but there is a leader Come conveniently? Shen Long can remember The provinces under his charge also have many obligatory small commodity markets.

  After making preparations, Shen Long returned to the world of "The Name of the People" through the light door, working in the unit during the day, and returning home to play with Gao Xiaoqin at night.

  Also let his secretary collect more information about Yiwu businessmen. This task is much more normal than before. After all, is it also Shen Long’s job to attract investment, and the Yiwu business gang is also a force that cannot be ignored by the Chinese business community.

  Don't just look at the information, Shen Long also went to the local Yiwu small commodity market to inspect it, and chatted with the Yiwu merchants in the market. Just looking at the information, is it intuitive to hear the parties? Today, the merchants in charge of the small commodity market are already the second and third generations of Yiwu merchants, but they are also very emotional when they talk about the entrepreneurial history of their fathers.

  After making preparations, Shen Long entered the world of "Feather Feather Flying to the Sky", and a white light flashed, and he went from his villa to Yiwu.

Shen Long followed the crowd to the ancestral hall, looked around and looked at the season. Now it’s about the autumn equinox, the work in the field is finished, and other places enter the agricultural leisure season, but in Yiwu, many people are preparing to be busy. They gathered in the ancestral hall today to carry out traditional Ci activities.

   After this ceremony, they will carry the burden of changing the feathers and start walking around to knock the sugar for the feathers.


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