All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2460: Sugar Videos

Shen Long wore a pair of rubber-soled liberation shoes, picking up the load, one foot deep, one foot shallow, walking cautiously on the country road. The shoes were too big to be accepted by the feet. Thimble plus two sugars.

After entering the village, he did not rush to scream, but observed it first. Now, business is not allowed in this month and year. Their behavior is getting bigger. They are speculation. When they encounter the rigid village of the leader, they have to be arrested. Yes, but they are all doing small business, and they are also sent to the necessities of rural life, so in general, most of those people do not count.

After confirming that the village is safe, Shen Long started to shake the rattle, knocking on the sugar to help his ancestors to do this. The rattle was also played by them a lot of tricks, Shen Long shook the rattle with exaggerated movements and expressions, and suddenly attracted a lot Children's attention, they jumped and jumped behind Shen Long, curiously watching the rattle in his hand.

When I walked to the village's drying valley, many children have gathered behind me, and adults have rushed over to hear the sound, changing the needle, thread, brain, etc. with things like chicken feathers and toothpaste skin, and the children are looking at the quilt. Ginger candy and osmanthus candy covered in plastic paper swallowed the saliva constantly.

Shen Long finished his business and saw that these children still refused to leave, so he used a shovel to knock out pieces of crushed sugar under the size of a fingernail from a whole disk of osmanthus sugar In the hands of the children, give them candy, and just let them help themselves to shout "chicken feathers for sugar".

"Little sugar-changers are generous!" The children were running around the village happily with sugar, and spread the news that the sugar-changers were coming to every household, which was much more labor-saving than Shen Long's own village. So more people either came with chicken feathers or duck feathers, or came with small change, in exchange for the necessary small bits and pieces.

Of course, there are also children who have tasted **** candy, and they are always entangled with their parents to change the sugar. Some parents change their hearts when they are soft, curse a few bad things, and then put the sugar into the child’s mouth. Seeing the children's beautiful expressions, their tired and numb faces rarely showed a smile.

Some parents are reluctant to get used to their children, so there are some greedy children who stole things from home and found Shen Long to change the sugar. The colorful copper hip flask was taken out and they just wanted to change a little pimple. This kind of business Naturally, it can't be done. Hurry to send the hip flask back to others, and give the child a piece of candy for free. It has to stop the parents from breaking the child. Some parents who don't care will also change things in Shenlong.

Chen Jinshui looked at all this from afar, and when Shen Long left the children reluctantly and walked out of the village, he came out and patted Shen Long's shoulder with satisfaction, "Well, you are treating our Chen family My ancestors have learned their skills from generation to generation! The rules are also well-held. As I see it, I will talk to you for a few more days, and you will be able to do business with your own load!"

The thought of using children to solicit business is certainly gratifying, but it also makes Chen Jinshui happy, or he is not greedy and cheap. A copper jug ​​may make a lot of money, but if he takes it, don’t give it to Yiwu next time. I want to enter this village, which shows that the child is following the rules and has a long-term plan. With the cleverness of persuading the parents just now, Chen Jinshui also assured him to do it alone.

So, after a few days with Shen Long, Chen Jinshui and Shen Long separated, "You just go along this road, and then go back two months later, and you must arrive before the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. Zhuji, then let's buy new year's goods together and go home for the New Year!"

"Hole, I must go back on time!" Shen Long responded loudly, and then picked up the salesman to walk forward, Chen Jinshui looked at him for a long time, until Shen Long's back disappeared in Shanwan He turned and went to another path, but not far after Chen Jinshui turned back, strode up, and followed Shen Long secretly for a day before leaving.

Shen Long walked forward for another three days. When passing by a town, he heard that the host family said that the day after tomorrow, people from all the villages of Lili Village would come to the town to catch up with them. It's still too hard to make money with chicken feathers, and the added value is not high. You have to find a way to play a new trick.

   He found the blacksmith's shop in the town and gave a half-day price, gave the blacksmith's son some sugar, and gave his daughter-in-law and daughter a few hairpins, and added some money for him to help himself with a gadget.

  Shen Long talked nicely, and the gadgets in his hand were indeed beautiful, so the blacksmith agreed happily, busy working for a long time, and put things in accordance with Shen Long's request.

Shen Long stayed in the town for a day. He didn’t directly pick up the sellers until the day of the gathering. Instead, he went out empty-handed and watched for a while. The town’s leaders seemed to be more enlightened and did not care too much about the farmers’ own stuff. The situation of the transaction, but this is not a correct working attitude, but it is a good thing for Shen Long.

He took out the straw handle he had prepared earlier, and carried the load out. He found a place to put down the things and started to set up the stall. This time he did not shake the rattle, but first he used the blacksmith to help the stove. Take it out and wait for the stove to heat up, take a piece of maltose from the load and put it in a spoon to heat the sugar scent will spread out, many people subconsciously **** their noses and flow up Drooling.

   "Knock sugar guy, how do you change the sugar?" Someone came over and asked.

"Wait a moment, I'm not here yet!" Shen Long responded with a smile, but he didn't rest at all. At this time, the sugar in the spoon had burnt. He lifted the spoon to his chest, and then a The sugar thread came out and dripped on the marble board he had prepared. The hand holding the spoon moved slightly, and a fat carp appeared on the marble board.

   Then a little modification, stick the carp on the bamboo stick, shovel it up and insert it on the straw handle, "Hey, there are more than one year after year, eat our big carp, keep a good harvest of crops in the field next year!"

"Good craftsmanship! This carp is really like it!" There was a cry from the crowd. Today's life is really too boring. A little new stuff can attract countless people to watch. After a while, Shen Long is around There were a lot of people around, and there were more and more sugar paintings on straw handles, with shoutao, big cocks, monkeys...

   It felt like there were enough people. Shen Long stopped and started to solicit.

   "Dad, I want this big carp!"

   "I want monkeys, monkeys!" The children got into trouble.


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