All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2464: Kidnap

Shen Long watched from a distance, Luo Yuzhu returned to work under the bridge hole after washing his face, and threw wild vegetables into the pot on fire. It was estimated that the wild vegetable soup was almost cooked. Shen Long shook the rattle and walked over to hear the rattle. Luo Yuzhu looked up, she also knocked on the sugar to help the family background, very familiar with this voice.

   The two people just looked at each other, Shen Long said with a smile, "Little brother, get up early in the morning, can you give me a stutter, I can change things with you, sugar, needle thread brain, whatever you want!"

   Perhaps Shen Long’s smile made her feel cordial, or perhaps the identity of knocking on the sugar gang made her feel close. Luo Yuzhu hesitated for a while and then responded, "Yes, you don’t want to give up!"

"Hole! Thank you!" Shen Long walked happily under the bridge, unloaded the burden, and found the two nest heads from the inside, and passed it over, "Hey, don't dismiss it, this is really good to go out. , I can’t swallow it just by eating it. It’s much better to have a mouthful of soup; by the way, my name is Chen Jianghe, what’s your name?”

The hardship of changing chicken feathers to sugar is a long way to go. I only eat two meals a day in the morning and evening. I don’t have any dishes, so I use salt or soy sauce to eat dinner. Sometimes I miss the place and I can only eat the cold and hard nests. Instead, the sorghum noodles are made of black nests, and when you swallow, you straighten your throat.

Luo Yuzhu hesitated and took it over. After she left home, she was hungry and had a full meal. Even Wotou could not eat it every day. She said while warming the Wotou on the fire, "My name is Luo Jianghe, wild vegetables Tang Ke can't be worth a few dollars. I'll just take you a litter, and the rest is hot enough for you to eat."

"Yeah, what a coincidence, our two names are the same!" Shen Long pretended to smile with surprise. Luo Yuzhu, a little girl who was alone in the rivers and lakes, naturally wanted to protect herself, so it was normal to keep short hair and change her boy name, but she It looks so beautiful, you can recognize it with a little more experience.

"It's a coincidence, are you knocking on the sugar gang? In fact, my family is here too. My mother used to boil the sugar!" Luo Yuzhu was very happy to meet someone of his own age and origin. .

"Well, I only went out for the first time last year, but it came out after the Lantern Festival! Recently, I was planning to go around in the neighborhood and try my luck in the villages!" Knocking on the sugar gang did not move in a straight line, they I often choose a place with convenient transportation for a short stay, and then go to the nearby villages and towns to do business, and wait for the surrounding area to run around before going to the next place. There are many villages on the ancient moon bridge side, which is worth staying for a while.

Luo Yuzhu heard her eyes bright, and she was happy for a while. She had just ran out and had to live by digging wild vegetables. She was worried about the way to make a living. Shen Long sent her to the door, so she hurried to the collapsed half. At the corner of the pier of the bridge, he took a pot and handed it to Shen Long's eyes. "This is the sugar I boiled! What do you think? Or if we will work together, I'll boil it and you'll change it."

  Shen Long knocked down a small piece and put it in his mouth to taste, "It's a good condition, your craft is good in our Chenjia Village, if you help, it can save me a lot of effort."

  After drinking wild vegetable soup, Shen Long and Luo Yuzhu were in a small broken house in Qiaodong, and started to knock on sugar. An iron pan was supported at the corner of the pier, and the firewood turned their faces red.

The tormented sugar water turned golden yellow, and thick and round bubbles appeared in the pot. Luo Yuzhu kept stirring with an iron spoon. From time to time, he dipped a little with his fingers and put it on his tongue to gently lick it. Shen Long marveled at the movements and expressions he received, and he asked, "Who did you learn this technique from?"

  Luo Yuzhu focused on boiling sugar without raising her head. "My mother taught me that the sugar she boiled is good, and everyone in Shili Baxiang likes it."

  Shen Long nodded, "It seems that you have learned a lot, but it's not that simple to knock on the sugar, it's better if it's not sugar!"

  Luo Yuzhu looked at Chen Jianghe in surprise, a little disbelieving, "The business of adults knocking on sugar is much more, you will hear it all?"

Shen Long smiled and began to talk about the business experience of knocking on sugar, "I have changed the sugar from the adult feathers since I was sensible; what do you know to open four doors? What do you know to get out of six and four? If you don’t understand this, this life You must not be big in business."

  Luo Yuzhu believed Shen Long’s words, hesitated for a while, and said shyly, “I’ll call you a brother, just teach me.”

Shen Long closed his eyes and said, "This is our rule in Yiwu to pick merchandise. When we earn one hundred, sixty will be spent on others, such as friends who have helped out for themselves, and those who are left and right, The remaining forty is my own, which is called six in four."

"As for the opening of the four doors, it’s that the sellers have to make friends in a new place. The situation in all directions in the southeast and northwest should be understood. The relationship in all directions should be well established. When you can help others, you need to help each other. Who is missing something? , Anyone who has a lot of heart to remember, so as to make money!"

   Luo Yuzhu listened attentively, nodded in admiration, "I didn't expect you to be quite good."

"Also, don’t deceive customers, be honest when you go out, deceit is to make a fortune, and smash one’s own counts one thousand others, and divides it to eight hundred, preferring to earn less yourself, but also Think more for others. Earning a dime (money) to starve a person and earning a cent (money) to support a person, that is, not at the cost of squeezing the profits of the upstream and downstream, prefer to do eclipse, not to do absolutely. There are also open and closed , I don’t get out every seven, I don’t pay in the morning, I go back to the business, and there is more.

"I don't think you have a story, why don't you ask me if you don't want to say it, but the world is a family of knocking on the sugar gang, if you are willing to follow my student's will, I am willing to teach you! Anyway, I have to stay here too For a while!" Hey, not for you, I will come here specifically.

"OK, brother, I will help you cook sugar and cook in the future, you teach me the doorway inside, I must learn with my heart!" So Shen Long lived in the bridge hole of Guyue Bridge and gnawed the nest with Luo Yuzhu every day. , Eat wild vegetable soup.

In the evening, they boiled sugar together under the bridge hole. In the morning, Shen Long carried a burden to the village and went to the village, and Luo Yuzhu followed him. This was also requested by Shen Long. If you want to learn the skill, you have to give it a try. What can I learn?

   Sometimes he will give Luo Yuzhu a rattle, let her try to shout, Luo Yuzhu was a little embarrassed at first, but soon learned.

  It took a few days to turn around the nearby villages, and Shen Long should also leave. Before leaving, he asked, "What are you going to do next? Do you want to go with me?"


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