All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2471: Qiu Yingjie

Fighting speculation is a policy tool. For a senior official like Shen Long who has been the governor of a province, the best way to deal with policy is policy. Taking out articles in the Central Party News may not necessarily solve all policy problems. But it will never be such a small problem, so this newspaper is really a talisman for the Chen family villagers, for the sugar gang, and for the small merchants.

When someone is blocking the road and wanting to arrest someone, as soon as this thing is taken out, it can be released immediately. Of course, it does not rule out that you will encounter an illiterate stunner, but the stunner is also a leader, and he was stopped on the way. It doesn't matter. When I arrived in the office, I saw these two newspapers. When I was a leader, couldn't he let the people go?

Therefore, after a busy day in the town, everyone returned to the village and started queuing to pick up the newspaper from Luo Yuzhu. After receiving the newspaper, he hung it on the pole and prepared plastic paper with some care. When it rains, wrap the newspaper in plastic paper to prevent it from getting wet. This thing is more important than the cargo in the load.

   If you lose the goods, you can still go to the station on credit. If you lose this item, don't want to do this business. Hurry up and find another one, if you can find it.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that a five-cent newspaper can be sold for five dollars based on the article on it. Some vendors and hawkers ask for five dollars for an amulet that won’t be caught by the work team. , That's too cheap!

This is due to the fact that Shen Long and Luo Yuzhu acted early. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to find so many newspapers. If you are reborn in this era and want to earn the first pot of gold, you should hoard a batch of these two copies at this point in time. Newspapers can definitely make a lot of money without any capital. Some of the major agencies and units are newspapers that are thrown away after reading them. Just ask people for them.

"Thanks to Yuzhu this time, you are the great benefactor of our Chenjiacun! In the future, what can Chenjiacun do to help? Just ask, I am absolutely unambiguous!" Chen Jinshui is a person with clear grievances. Having received such a great favor from Luo Yuzhu, it would certainly not fail to express.

  Don't have too much, you can marry me to Luo Yuzhu! Shen Long muttered in his heart, but now it is not the time to say this, he said, "Uncle, Yuzhu is actually very fateful! Her family was originally from the sugar gang..." Shen Long gave Luo Yuzhu's life experience I said it again, but omitted the experience of Luo Yuzhu as a trafficker, " Yuzhu doesn’t want her at her house, and she doesn’t have a place to live, she can only rent a house in Hangzhou. Can you let her Settled in our Chenjia Village?"

"What's this? The official seal of the brigade is with me. In one sentence, even the homestead is okay, but the cultivated land is a bit troublesome, and there is not much land in the village." Chen Jinshui was anxious that a capable person like Luo Yuzhu would stay. Now, don’t look at them using newspapers to tide over this difficult situation, but Chen Jinshui has experienced a lot of things, knowing that the policy will also change, this will not always be able to maintain the safety of Chenjiacun, if Luo Yuzhu becomes a native of Chenjiacun , Then you can ask her for advice on anything else.

   "Uncle, I don't want the land. Let's forget about the homestead. I can rent my house and settle down! Then I will go out and do business with you!" Luo Yuzhu said quickly.

   This is not a problem anymore. Chen Jinshui immediately took the official seal and helped Luo Yuzhu settle down. He has always had the final say in the affairs of Chenjiacun. As for the commune, he just said it.

   "If you live, if you don't dislike it, live with Qiaogu, she is about the same age as you." Chen Jinshui simply left Luo Yuzhu in his home, which made Shen Long very happy.

So Luo Yuzhu stayed in Chenjiacun, and when she saw Qiaogu’s first face, she took the clothes, shoes and candy that Shen Long specially asked her to buy in Hangzhou as a gift to Qiaogu. Qiaogu immediately regarded her as My dear sister, there can be thought of this one who came to grab the chicken feathers from her.

This is also a strategy that Shen Long has long thought of. If Qiaogu voluntarily proposes to let Luo Yuzhu and Shen Long be together, then Chen Jinshui will have nothing to say. If you want to do this, let Luo Yuzhu and Qiaogu first become good girlfriends, they are not made of plastic.

With the "People's Daily" and "Guangming Daily" as amulets, the Chenjiacun Knock-up Gang began to flow unimpeded. They continued to carry their burdens and walked in the countryside in the south of the Yangtze River, using chicken feathers for sugar to slowly accumulate original capital; Shen Long And Luo Yuzhu also left Chenjiacun again and embarked on this difficult road together.

The men in Chenjiacun actually feel a little awkward when a woman joins the sugar gang, because for hundreds of years, men have been in this business. Women, help make sweets and make hairpins and other gadgets at home. That's it.

   But Luo Yuzhu just gave Chen Jiacun such a great kindness, why are they embarrassed to say? The most is to think about it for yourself, even if you can't even whisper this mouth in private; and the saying that "women can hold up half the sky" has long been spread, and now in Yiwu Knock Sugar Gang, there are more than Luo Luo who carry the burden and go to the village. Yuzhu, among these people are a few rich women who are worth over 100 million yuan.

So they can only default and ask Shen Long to take care of Luo Yuzhu. Who asked Luo Yuzhu to be invited back by Shen and they are about the same age. As for whether they have anything , They can't even think about it for the time being, now they are all thinking about making more money.

Under Shen Long’s teaching, Luo Yuzhu has become more and more adept at human relations and sophistication. When he returned to the village, he could not forget to bring some gadgets to the Chen family. These things are not worth a lot of money, but every family needs them. Yes, if someone has something to do on weekdays, they will be the first to go there without saying to her.

   Coupled with her beautiful appearance and a good job, Luo Yuzhu quickly gained the love of the people in Chen's village. Aunt Qiao was surrounded by her every day, shouting one by one sister Yuzhu.

   "It's a pity, if Yuzhu is such a smart boy, if he has been studying, he might be admitted to university now!" Chen Jinshui said with emotion.

   "Uncle, I also heard that I was able to take the university entrance examination recently. Did we pass the entrance examination in Yiwu?" Shen Long took the opportunity to ask.

"It's true. When I went to the commune for a meeting last time, I heard that a child of the Qiu family was admitted to a university in Beijing. This is amazing. Once he graduated, he will be a national cadre!" Chen Jinshui sighed, now he is better than a national cadre. Better job now.

After a while, Shen Long rushed to the train station and saw the team from the county who had come to see off Qiu Yingjie, and then got on the train with Qiu Yingjie, and then began to look at this young man with black-rimmed glasses. This attitude is indeed extraordinary. !


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