All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2477: Wind direction changed

"Feather, are you still here to pick me up?" Qiu Yingjie got off the train, her hair was a bit messy, and her clothes were a little wrinkled. After sitting on the hard-seat train for so long, he looked a little haggard, but when he saw Shen Long, he immediately became energetic. .

   "I also just returned from the New Year's Day, thinking you are almost there, I will wait! Go, I will take you home!" Shen Long helped with some salutes, and then walked out of the train station together.

"Chicken Feather, the day after tomorrow is the day to go to the fair at Niansanli, can I go and see with you?" Qiu Yingjie said excitedly, "I told my classmates what you wrote in your letter. They argued fiercely, but I haven't seen a lot of things with my own eyes, and I can't say too much, but I always think it's a good way to make money in my hometown."

"Okay, go straight in the morning, and set up a stall with me at that time, and you will know everything!" Shen Long never thought of letting him learn from Song Yunhui to help him write articles like in the world of "Dajiang Dahe". There is still a gap between Qiu Yingjie's school and Song Yunhui's school. The weight is different. Secondly, he has a better choice.

   "It won't delay your business, right?" Qiu Yingjie asked. After getting a positive answer, he agreed. On the day of the fair, he came to Niansanli early in the morning.

   "So many people? They are all here to do business?" Although Qiu Yingjie had heard of the prosperity of Niansanli in the letter, he still felt shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

"Yes, not just from Yiwu, but from Wenzhou, Taizhou, Ningbo, Quzhou... people from many places in the vicinity know that they all come here to set up stalls, this place is not enough!" Shen Long pointed to those. Said the enthusiastic merchant.

   "This is what the reform should look like!" Qiu Yingjie said with emotion, and then asked one by one the questions he cared about, and Shen Long answered seriously.

"This is an opportunity for Yiwu. If we can find a larger place, build a simple shop for rent, and provide the merchants with the necessary services, Yiwu will be able to get a lot of financial income, and then invest the money in In terms of promising projects, a benign development can be formed.” These are extremely common methods seen in later generations, but not many people have thought about them right now.

"These services include helping merchants apply for licenses so that they can do business in an open and honest manner; maintaining order in the trading market, cracking down on rogues, petty theft, etc., and creating a good business environment; combating counterfeiting and maintaining the credibility of the trading market. Prevent bad money from driving out good money, so that the market can develop in the long run..."

At the beginning, Qiu Yingjie was just listening, but then he took out his notebook and started to record, "Feather, what you said is really good. It is far more profound than many teachers in our school think. In addition to these, there are Any other ideas?"

  呸, I'm the dean of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, professor of Tsinghua University, Nobel Prize winner, pioneer of Peking University Medical School... Is that comparable to your school's teachers?

"There are still many ideas, such as warehousing and logistics, such as the school children of merchants, buying houses, opening factories, etc.... If we want to expand this market, there are still a lot of work to be done, but these are not in a hurry. One bite and one bite, the road has to go step by step, right?" Qiu Yingjie is an ambitious person, and Shen Long doesn't mind pushing him, so that he can achieve higher achievements than in the TV series. With his support, his career will be More smoothly.

   Any company that wants to grow bigger cannot do without the strong support of the local government. I won’t talk about policies and finances. How did Nanshan Pizza Hut get its name? Why would the invincible Nanshan Pizza Hut be slapped back by the old godmother? These questions can be understood after a little thought.

Qiu Yingjie was fascinated. He was reluctant to leave until Shen Long sold out the goods and went home from the stall. He followed Shen Long all the way back to Chenjiacun, and went to see the electro-optical button factory in Chenjiacun. It was only after dinner. He went back, and waited until the next day to come back. During the winter vacation, he stayed in Shen Long longer than his own home.

As soon as school started, Qiu Yingjie reluctantly left. As soon as he returned to school, he began to write letters to Shen Long, communicating with Shen Long at a frequency of one long letter a week. At the beginning, the topic was limited to Yiwu's small commodity market. Since then, it has slowly spread to other fields. Shen Long regards communication as a class, trying to cultivate Qiu Yingjie's ability.

This situation continued until Qiu Yingjie was in his sophomore and junior year... Now Qiu Yingjie is about to graduate, and the button factory in Chenjiacun is getting bigger and bigger. Now his family's sales account for the whole Yiwu small commodity market button sales. More than 80% of the total amount was beaten up by button merchants from Wenzhou and other places.

   However, at this time, the wind direction suddenly changed. In early 1982, a group of people who were on the "top of the storm" in the market economy were arrested for "speculation".

In Wenzhou, the birthplace of the private economy, hardware king Hu Jinlin, miner's lamp king Cheng Buqing, screw king Liu Dayuan, contract king Li Fangping, second-hand goods king Maiqian, catalog king Ye Jianhua, coil king Zheng Xiangqing, and electric appliance king Zheng Yuanzhong were listed as important. The target of the attack is the famous "Eight Kings of Wenzhou" incident in the history of reform and opening up.

This trend has also invaded trading market in Ersanli was banned, and the staff with the red sleeves of "fighting speculation" began to appear in railway stations, Niansanli and other places, and small merchants and hawkers were reprimanded. In order to "make people profiteers", the policy and measures of prohibiting, blocking, restricting and closing small traders were adopted. Chenjiacun became the focus of the crackdown because of the previous prosperity.

   The Knock Sugar Gang no longer dared to set up stalls in Niansanli, nor did they dare to carry their burdens to sell in other places. The button factory was also closed, and men, women and children all gathered in the ancestral hall with worries.

   "Yuzhu, what can I do this time?" Now the big guys regard Luo Yuzhu as the backbone, and start to seek Luo Yuzhu's help whenever they encounter problems.

   "The previous newspaper is still there, can you use it?" They remembered the amulet again.

   "The newspaper must not be used anymore, after all, it has been several years now, and those task forces can definitely say that the policy has changed!" Luo Yuzhu said.

"What can I do then?" The big guy is even more worried. Although he has made a lot of money in the past few years, he can expand the factory building and buy machinery...In addition to the renovation of the house, etc., there is not much savings left. If Niansanli doesn't open again, then Chenjiacun will have to sit and eat!

   "Don't worry, the general policy will not change. Let's bear it, and then there will be a solution after a while!" Luo Yuzhu said confidently, giving the villagers a lot of peace of mind.


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