All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2489: Luo Dali

Qiu Yingjie rushed over to discuss the new market with Shen Long, but was splashed with cold water on his head, but he was not angry, because he calculated carefully, the money is indeed not something that Yiwu can use today. The money is too much to cover right now! If it weren't for you to remind me, I would be embarrassed."

He originally planned to report to Xie Gaohua and the others at the meeting. Shen Long said with a smile, "Although it's not working right now, it doesn't mean that it won't work in the future. When relocating the Huqingmen market, this layer will be taken into consideration. Can you save a lot of money? Since it is a transitional market, don't waste too much money in the construction process."

"At the same time, when building a new market, you can also plan for the glass roof market first, and do it as soon as the time comes. This can save a lot of time!" This is a question of short-term planning and long-term planning.

"Well, what you said is right. When we are planning, we should really think more. If we think more, it will be more convenient when we implement it in the future! By the way, you can just help me out. How is the business? Except for the buttons, I didn't think about doing anything else?" Qiu Yingjie felt that it was not appropriate to accept Shen Long's help, and he also wanted to help Shen Long.

"There is this plan. I originally planned to buy the socks from the county socks factory and sell them for wholesale. Who knows that people look down on us, small traders and hawkers, and don’t want to sell them to us; yes, I won’t beg them, I’ll go Buy a machine and make your own socks! If no one buys their socks by then, he will probably blame me!" Shen Long shrugged.

This is not an impossible thing. The influence of the planned economy is still there. Everyone pays attention to a game of chess. There is already a sock factory in the county. If you build another sock factory to grab business, what's the matter? Isn't this digging the corner of the collective? When the time comes, the socks factory will definitely say so. As for why they can't grab it, is it bad style and quality? They will not consider these.

This kind of thing Shen Long has seen a lot in the world of "Big Rivers", this method may be useful in the short term, but companies that still hold this kind of thinking will have a dead end in the end.

"Hey, isn't this the same problem as the cotton spinning mill! Why don't their heads turn around?" Qiu Yingjie also felt a headache. He felt that the biggest difficulty encountered in reform was that there were too many old-headed people. .

Maybe it’s not that you can’t turn your head, but there is interest there, but Shen Long didn’t say these things; Qiu Yingjie thought about it and said, “Or else, I’ll tell the factory and let him sell you socks. !"

Shen Long believes that after experiencing Chen Sanjin’s incident, Qiu Yingjie’s right to speak in Yiwu has been greatly improved. If he said that, the manager of the sock factory would definitely not dare not agree, but he did not have this idea. Forget it, anyway, I want to make something by myself. He refused me but made me make up his mind. I will definitely be able to make socks of better quality and better price than him."

In the future, we will register another brand of Langsha Socks. We will not only be the king of buttons, but also the king of socks! As for this factory, it will be bought directly in the future, the workers will stay, and the factory director will let me go.

"Well, if you buy the machine, you want to go to Hangzhou? It happens that I have a few friends in Hangzhou, you tell me when you leave, and help me bring them something!" Qiu Yingjie said.

When Shen Long was about to leave, Qiu Yingjie bought some specialties such as brown sugar and citrus and asked Shen Long to help them. The ham was too expensive, and meat was a scarce product at the moment. Qiu Yingjie really couldn't afford it. .

When they arrived in Hangzhou, Shen Long searched one by one and handed them the letters and gifts. These were all Beijing university students who had returned to Zhejiang with Qiu Yingjie. After reading the letter, they were very kind to Shen Long, and they also took the initiative to ask what Shen Long had. Do you need help? Qiu Yingjie didn't say anything, but he remembered Shen Long's kindness in his heart. He wanted to use this method to repay Shen Long.

Shen Long is also not welcome. The so-called favor will only last forever. If you inherit Qiu Yingjie's favor, you will be comfortable in the future. If one party always gives favor to the other, and accepts favor I also feel awkward.

Although his classmates have just joined work recently, they are all assigned to good units and good jobs because of their status as college students. With their help, whether it is buying machines or raw materials, they are all very smooth. It didn't take a few days. The task of going out this time was successfully completed.

Back to Chenjia Village, and Luo Yuzhu together to find factories and train workers, this is also at a disadvantage in Chenjia Village, you can do things in the name of a collective enterprise, if it is a private enterprise, now you dare not hire large-scale workers.

As for the future, when the policy changes, it will be contracted first, and then converted to private ownership. As long as the money is sufficient, people will not be afraid of turning over the old accounts in the future.

"Sister Yuzhu, can I also come to the factory to help? Can't you see me?" Qiao Gu also came to work.

"Okay, Qiaogu, you are so clever, can I help you? Are you in a hurry to save your dowry? Don't worry, your sister-in-law will help you prepare it!" Luo Yuzhu joked Qiaogu. After arriving at Chenjiacun, her personality has become a lot more cheerful, not as extreme as in TV series.

As long as Luo Dali, an old bastard, can't find Luo Yuzhu, she should always be better, right? Shen Long muttered in his heart, but said that Cao Cao was here.

In the morning, I chanted Luo Dali. When Shen Long and the villagers changed shifts for dinner at noon, they saw a black and thin man with dusty face and tousled hair, limping on crutches. Turning to the bottom of the Zhongjiang Bridge, it was Luo Yuzhu's father, Luo Dali.

Although Luo Yuzhu was unwilling to go home and did not invite Luo Dali over to get married, she still regarded him as a father, and would send money to Luo Dali every month. The money was enough for Luo Dali and his post-wife, post-wife to give birth to children. The family of three lives, if they live well, they won't become what they are now.

But Luo Dali is not a person who can live his life. This guy is not only a drunkard, but also a gambling dog. The money Luo Yuzhu sent back was used for gambling as soon as he got it, and then he was killed as a fat sheep again and again. The second was a miserable loss and unpaid debts, so I had to come to Luo Yuzhu.

Although Luo Yuzhu has never returned home, her reputation in Yiwu has now risen, and someone will surely pass the news to Luo Dali’s ears.

Damn it, originally I didn't intend to care about you, but now that you take the initiative to deliver it to your door, don't blame me for taking care of you!

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