All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2491: Everything starts easy

"Chen Gong, I have long admired your name. I have long heard that you are the technical backbone of our sock factory. Whether it is a jacquard machine, a single-cylinder hosiery machine or a folding hosiery machine, there is nothing you are not familiar with!" Yes, through the introduction of an intermediary, Shen Long invited Chen Yuqing, an engineer from the state-owned sock factory.

Chen Yuqing wears glasses and is thin, just like an old intellectual in a TV series. He speaks in a style, "Little comrade, I don’t remember I don’t know you? Why do you invite me to dinner? The saying goes. Shoulu, I don't think there is any expense, right?"

"What I want, I invite you to come over, because I want you to support the development of township collective enterprises." Shen Long understands this kind of people. They may like money, but they definitely don't like to talk about money. To bid a high price, but first find a theoretical basis for your behavior.

   "Support the development of township collective enterprises?" Chen Yuqing is a little confused about the situation. Although he works in a sock factory, he only has technology in his eyes and has no research on market conditions. He did not know that Shen Long opened a sock factory.

"Yes, isn't this reform and opening up? Our Chenjiacun also responded to the call of the central government by setting up a collective enterprise. Taking advantage of the development of Yiwu's small commodity trade, we bought a batch of machines from Hangzhou and opened a socks factory, but now we have jacquard in the factory. There is a problem with the machine. Our village’s technical capabilities are limited, and the workers’ literacy level is not high. Experts like you are needed for guidance!" Shen Long introduced the situation again.

Chen Yuqing did have two brushes technically, but he didn’t hear so many good words on weekdays, so he felt very comfortable in his heart and showed a shy smile, but he refused Shen Long’s invitation, “No, no, I’m here now. I’m working in the sock factory, how can I go to your place?"

He didn’t even ask about wages. At present, workers’ reliance on the collective is not comparable to that of later generations. Don’t look at the income of many private households that have already surpassed workers’ income, but at most they are only a little envious. You must know the benefits of state-owned enterprises. It's not comparable to self-employed people. The medical treatment can be reimbursed, the factory will send someone to the hospital to take care of it, the children will go to school, and the housing factory will allocate them... How much will these benefits be counted as money?

This is like working alone in a private company with a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan. Although his classmates work in large state-owned enterprises such as tobacco companies and power companies, although the salary is only one-fourth of his, he still can’t do it enviously, because the welfare is good. The work intensity is low, and there is security. Unlike you are at risk of unemployment at any time, you can't be reimbursed for seeing a doctor. The provident fund is stuck on the line... If you convert these into wages, it will be much better than yourself.

"I'm not asking you to go to work all day, or I want to ask you to come and help out on Sundays!" Shen Long didn't even think about getting it right in one step. With the current factory scale, one day a week is enough for him, and occasionally something happens after work. Come here, anyway, their factory doesn't work overtime at night.

   "Isn't this a private business for personal gain? I can't do illegal things!" Chen Yuqing waved his hand again and again.

"You are all the old calendar. Have you heard of Han Kun?" Han Kun is an assistant engineer at the Shanghai Rubber Products Research Institute. In 1979, the manager of Haifengxian County Qianqiao Industrial Company visited the cottage and invited him to provide technical services. Han Kun's hard work has solved a lot of problems for Qianqiao Industrial Company. The company decided to reward Han Kun with a one-time reward of 3,300 yuan.

   But he was immediately sued by his work unit with the People’s Procuratorate of Changning District, Shanghai on the charge of “privately receiving business and seeking personal gain.” This lawsuit directly shocked the central government.

Finally, "Guangming Daily" published an article by Xu Panqiu, Dean of East China School of Political Science and Law, on the front page of the headline: "To draw a clear line between right and wrong." This legal expert explained legally his views on the "Han Kun incident" with a clear-cut stand. The local government expressed support for Han Kun's approach, and then the Supreme Law, Supreme Procuratorate and other departments held meetings to convey the spirit, and the engineer's approach was recognized on Sunday.

Shen Long brought the newspaper to Chen Yuqing, "Look, the central government said that this approach is okay, you don't have to worry about it." Seeing Chen Yuqing's attitude loosened, Shen Long chased after victory, "If you are willing to come, I will give Your salary of 20 yuan, if you help us solve the big problem, there will be a bonus!"

"Twenty yuan?" Now Chen Yuqing's heart is moved. His monthly salary in the factory is only 36 yuan, and he can earn half a month's salary in a day, and at least eight a month. Ten yuan, if this is added to the salary of the state-owned sock factory, the monthly income will be broken directly?

He is a single-employee family, his wife does not have a job, and he has two children. The family relies on his wages and supports his parents. He lives very tightly. Now he can have extra income without quitting his job in the factory. Not to mention many, as long as the first half of the year, their economic conditions will be greatly improved!

Chen Yuqing twisted it a bit, and Shen Long was also familiar with their tempers. It was enough to report the salary and let him know. Next, he would never mention money, instead he kept talking about supporting township enterprises and helping farmers get rich. After that, report the model of the machine at my factory and this is all set.

   "These kinds of machines you mentioned are better than those used in our factory, I really want to try them!" Even if he agreed, Chen Yuqing looked very awkward.

Anyway, just agree to it. As soon as Sunday arrived, Chen Yuqing came over on his bicycle, helped repair the jacquard machine, and then started training workers. This helped Shen Long save a lot of trouble. Shen Long can also hand over the factory to Luo Yuzhu. I went out to run business.

   When he came back from his business, Qiu Yingjie found him again, "Feather, the county has decided to relocate and expand the market in Huqingmen. Let me be responsible for this. I want to hear your opinion."

   Hey, it doesn’t make much sense to run around for business. Why didn’t Qiu Yingjie beg me to help him? It’s much more interesting to be an official in the county than to do business! Shen Long has been in business for a long time, and he somewhat misses the years when he worked in government departments.

   "I really have some thoughts about this matter." Hey, if I can't become an official, let Qiu Yingjie be a little older, so I can enjoy it a little bit.

"People often say that everything is difficult at the beginning, but I think everything is easy at the beginning. As long as you set a good policy and formulate a reasonable system at the beginning, it will be much easier to develop in the future! Conversely, if you don’t think well at the beginning, you will leave hidden problems. When these hidden dangers grow stronger, it won't be easy to correct them!" Shen Long said slowly.


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