All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2494: Shanzhai (Thanks to Wang X for the reward)

The problem Yang Xue mentioned is a long-standing problem in the commercial field. The technological leader uses its own technological advantage to squeeze the backward party. This situation still exists even when Shen Long crosses over, such as the lithography machine, not to mention yourself. After repairing it, even if you open it, you won’t be able to watch it. There will be monitoring at any time. If the machine is slightly abnormal, Asmer’s side will find that it will not give you the opportunity to study it carefully, so you have to accept their squeeze.

This is pretty good, at least you can buy machines, but nowadays Sino-U.S. relations are getting worse and worse. Not only is the supply of Asim’s lithography machines a problem, even TSMC’s foundry has stopped. The domestic IT industry has been hit hard.

   But it is not that we have turned the West in the opposite direction. China's shakers exported to the United States have also put forward similar requirements. The operation and maintenance can only be done by the Chinese themselves, and the Americans can only stay far away.

When the industrial backward countries are facing competition, they can often only adopt the route of purchase, copycat, and innovation. This is the path that Germans, Americans, and Japanese have gone through. Now it is finally the turn of the Chinese. It doesn't matter how to produce advanced machines. First buy from foreign countries, and then carefully analyze foreign machines, try to copy them first, and then innovate on the basis of copycats, and eventually become the world leader.

In the fields of high-speed rail, infrastructure, and electricity, China has successfully achieved this goal. The same is true in the field of small commodities. Yiwu people have achieved the ultimate in straws, flags and other products. Foreigners have no ability to compete with Yiwu. Shen Long plans Take this path in the field of socks, and then leave nowhere for foreigners to go.

   And buying advanced machines from the Japanese is only the first step. Yang Xue saw that he was determined to be resolute and could not persuade him anymore, so he took him to a Japanese merchant and placed a deposit to buy five machines.

   After returning to Yiwu, he ordered the cessation of purchasing raw materials for glass socks. The production of each workshop had to slow down gradually, waiting for the deployment of new machines. The workers were puzzled. The socks production site is good. Why should it slow down? Shen Long told them what he had seen and heard during his trip to Shanghai.

   Nowadays, Shanghai people don't wear glass socks for a long time, and Shanghai has always been the vane of domestic fashion. Sooner or later, this trend will spread all over the country. By then no one will buy glass socks.

   This factory was born in the hands of Shen Long. He has a deep prestige. Coupled with his successful experience in introducing electro-optical buttons, the workers all believed in him, so after listening to the explanation, they went away.

Soon after, Yang Xue brought the machine and the Japanese engineer down to Yiwu from the mountain. When installing the machine under the mountain, other people were strictly forbidden to watch. The big guys were very depressed when they saw it. "Every time the machine fails, we have to buy an airplane. Tickets, accommodation fees, and foreign staff’s salaries must be paid. Ask someone to come and repair it, right? It means that we spent money to hire an ancestor. The Japanese are too dark."

"It's easy. They won't let us see. Let's take a peek! Let's break the machine. Daguang, you can buy a few binoculars, Xiao Jiang, you will bring the technical team with you. The telescope took a peek at the process of repairing the machine at the foot of the mountain! Write down every detail! I still don't believe it. Isn't it an engineer? How strict is the defense?" Shen Long said.

   I bought the binoculars, and Xiao Jiang took someone to the site to try it out. He came back and said, "You can hide in the corner of the roof, but it's a bit far away. You can only see a general idea, and you can't see many details."

"It's okay, just let Miss Yang help!" Shen Long said calmly. He had already convinced Yang Xue that others could not watch. Yang Xue, as a translator, could follow the mountain, and she did not understand the machine, and the mountain would not be able to guard against it. Holding her.

So while waiting for the machine to be dismantled and repaired at the foot of the mountain, Yang Xue with her back hand, Yu Guang glanced at the beam of the room, and Xiao Jiang holding the telescope, the movement of the demolition of the mountain was quietly magnified in an instant. The technician looked down at the mountain from another angle.

   "Change the steel buckle for the three yarn lanes, remove the broken needle protector, change the auxiliary color. Remove the two-speed motor, the latitude density..." Xiao Jiang whispered the operation of Yamashita, and quickly marked on the drawing.

   Yang Xue asked something in Japanese from time to time, and then sighed in Chinese, "The two-speed motor is so difficult to disassemble, the latitude density number is 3, 5, 11..." He revealed all the details that Xiao Jiang couldn't see.

It lasted for more than a month, and Shanxia was repairing almost every day, while Shen Long took Xiao Jiang and the others carefully to study every detail. Yang Xue admired their intentions and worried that their hard work was in vain, "Even if you figure it out. The technical link is also useless, Chen Jianghe, why are you so naive! Who of you understands the parts? Besides, the motors and computer templates are not made in China. In the end, I will look for them."

Don’t worry, in terms of computers, the world is no better than me. If it weren’t for cultivating Xiao Jiang and the others, I would be able to knock out a more powerful machine with a hammer. Shen Long laughed, "Zero Don’t worry about the parts. I’ve found out that the parts used by the Japanese are actually bought from our country, and assembled after being shipped back to Japan, together with the computer control program, it becomes the current machine; I have already bought a large When the pile of parts comes back, UU Read prepares to assemble the machine."

   Then he took Yang Xue to the secret workshop and opened the door. Xiao Jiang was studying the welding template nervously with a few people, and the walls were covered with drawings. A newly assembled computer jacquard machine is up and running. Xiao Jiang said excitedly, "Director, why can't I start it? It turns out that we have two less disassembly procedures than Yamashita!"

   "Where did the two-speed motor come from? How did you do the computer program?" Yang Xue was taken aback.

"Hehe, we are not the only domestic company that wants to catch up with foreign companies. This motor is not too advanced technology. After I paid a deposit, the factory developed it by itself!" There are more factories. As long as the funds can keep up, it is okay to imitate some simple machines.

"As for the program, our little Jiang is a college student. He not only copied the Japanese program, but also designed dozens of programs that can knit more patterns of socks! The performance is better than the Japanese machine! The Japanese still want to blackmail me? Dream it! Then we will be able to produce this kind of machine ourselves!" Shen Long said, hugging his arms, laughing in the workshop.

   "This is just our first step. Next, we will buy European and American machines for research! Then we can develop more advanced machines by ourselves!" It's not enough if you don't master the machines.


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