All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2505: China Pages

"Well, this is also a way to make money. You can still contact many businesses, but you can make a few million at most. No matter how much it is, it is impossible. After all, doing a website now sounds very tall. Yes, in fact, the technical content is not high, and there is no way to monopolize it on a large scale. People can find a few college students to do it.” Shen Long analyzed.

   "Go tall?" Ma Yun was a little confused, what does this mean?

   "Oh, it's the high-end atmosphere." Shen Long explained.

   "This word is good!" Ma Yun's eyes lit up, feeling that she had learned something, and then she asked, "Then, do you mean I do it or not?"

"It can be done. It is not realistic to set up an online trading platform anyway. Rather than continue to do translations during this period, it is better to get in touch with the Internet." EBAY will not be established until September this year, let alone China; and Ma Yun also got acquainted with the Internet when she was working on the China Yellow Pages, and got the opportunity to go to Beijing, and met many people. Without this wave of experience, it is estimated that Alibaba would not be so easy to do it.

"How are you planning now? How much money is still lacking?" Shen Long asked. During this period of time, it is indeed profitable to do a website. Ding Lei, Ma Huateng and others have done this, but the name of the Chinese Yellow Pages Shen Long felt awkward. It always reminded him of the Hong Kong Yellow Pages series that he had watched earlier.

   I don’t know if this series is out now. If there is, can I buy a few DVDs and go back and criticize Luo Yuzhu in private.

"Mr. Chen, you said before that the Internet is the future development trend. If this is the case, many companies need a platform that can display themselves on the Internet, so we definitely have a market for them to make websites! And the Internet sounds like I feel tall." He is still learning very fast. "Your company has a website. When the customer comes to talk about business, you turn on the computer and show it to him. The feeling is immediately different. This is the image of the company. A great help."

"In terms of money, tens of thousands of dollars is almost the same; in terms of manpower, I found a colleague from my school. He graduated from Beihang University and has very good computer skills. It will be no problem for him to build the website! My wife I’m in charge of finance and logistics; I have met some people over the years, many of whom are company bosses, so I first hired them to make a website. They will definitely show off to their peers when they have a website, so they can find our company to make a website. There will be more and more people!" Ma Yun even came to find Shen Longla for business, "Mr. Chen, why don't you make one for you?"

  噗, if my company builds a website, I can do it myself, and it's definitely better than you! However, Shen Long agreed, "No problem, you leave an account, I will let the finance call you, and don’t just do it for my family. There are still so many people in our chamber of commerce. When my company’s website is completed, I will show them too and introduce them to do it with you!"

"Thank you Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen." Ma Yun suddenly smiled. This time it is the right one. The funding problem has been solved and the customers are not worried. This is the president of the Yiwu Chamber of Commerce. He said that others can Made me look bad? It only costs tens of thousands of yuan to be a website, and no one can pay for it.

   "By the way, how do you count the shares?" When he was happy, Ma Yun became entangled again. She gave less shares, and people were upset. Give too much, and she was reluctant.

"It's just a small business. It doesn't need to be so clear. This is not an online trading platform. You have invested a lot of money, plus your manpower and technology. It's about 30% of my money. "Shen Long doesn't like this little money either, he cares more about this person.

   "How embarrassed, do you want to give you 40%?" Ma Yun was relieved immediately and gave a little bit. In the end, he signed the contract according to Sancheng. Shen Long sent the money to him and asked his assistant to sort out the company profile to him.

Ma Yun went back happily with the brief introduction, and it didn’t take long for He Yibing to complete the website, and then went to Shen Long to ask for his credit. He turned on Shen Long’s computer and dialed in and entered the URL. The progress bar squirmed quickly and it took a long time to show The whole picture of the website is said to be a website. In fact, it is just a large PPT. You can add a few links at most. For later generations, junior high school students will be embarrassed to show it, but now it is absolutely high-tech .

"Look, this is the development history of your company. Click here to see your company's product catalog and prices. The contact information is available below. Other people can contact your company after reading and calling. How convenient is it? "Ma Yun introduced to Shen Long with joy.

"Yes, yes, I asked them to add the website address when I printed the business card, and also in the company brochure." Shen Long praised with a smile, "It will be a meeting in the Chamber of Commerce in just a moment. When they come, let them all Take a look, if you are not busy, don't rush away, and give them a good introduction!"

There is business to do, Ma Yun was willing to leave, and immediately agreed. When it was time for the party, Ma Yun took out his full set of flickering skills ~ ~ Bill Gates once said that the 21st century is In the century of the Internet, the Internet will greatly change the existing business operation mode...This is the website our company made for Mr. Chen. Just enter the URL, even if it is in the United States, you can see the latest developments of Mr. Chen... …."

Maybe it was because he was really good at fooling around, or maybe it was because of Shen Long's face. Most people who came to the party accepted Ma Yun's business card and invited him to make a website for his company, his Haibo computer Service Co., Ltd. has gained a lot of business since its establishment.

Soon afterwards, his fame gradually became popular. In addition to businessmen, there were even government departments who came to China Yellow Pages to make websites. He created a website for the Zhejiang Provincial Foreign Propaganda Office to promote Zhejiang’s economic culture on the Internet. Engineering" has also had a certain influence in politics since then.

However, this also made other people notice this blue ocean of business. The local telecommunications department also began to help people build websites. Their business was much more convenient than Ma Yun, so Ma Yun was gradually squeezed out of the market by the telecommunications department, and finally the two merged. .

   This experience has made him hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is not a small figure in this era, but he is not satisfied. At this time, the Ministry of Foreign Trade extended an olive branch to him and invited him to Beijing to help establish the China International E-Commerce Center.

   Ma Yun found Shen Long again, "Mr. Chen, do you think I will go or not?" He was still a little bit confused.


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