All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2512: Alsace

  Movies are also a more complicated industry. Do you need actors to make movies? Some companies are unwilling to let actors come, and what if this actor is the most suitable for a certain role? Do you need equipment to make a movie? It's too expensive to buy directly, and if you rent it, the schedule is not appropriate. Would you leave it to you?

   Team leader, right? Clothing, makeup, props, martial arts coaching... Shen Long can do all these messy tasks, but there is no reason to let him do it alone? It is also necessary to recruit people. It is not easy to find ordinary talents. Top talents are not easy; in the end, you have to release the movie after it is shot? How to coordinate the schedule with the theater? Not to collide with other big productions, Shen Long believes in the strength of the "Three-Body" series, but if the schedule is not appropriate, he will still lose profits, right?

"Avatar" and "Avengers 4" collide. This is a situation that no one wants to see. In addition, there are problems in various aspects such as overseas releases. To solve these problems, we must introduce some partners. They can help. Solve a lot of troubles by yourself; therefore, it is necessary to review the companies that have the intention of cooperation. It is not enough for companies with money. They must be able to help themselves solve more than one trouble.

As for the investment amount, it depends on how many problems they can solve. If you can solve more problems, let you invest more. If you can solve fewer problems, then you can only invest less. If you can’t solve any problems, then you still Go back and forth from there, Shen Long has no shortage of money.

"Of course I understand this!" My subordinates are not laymen. They naturally know the doorways in the film and television industry and know what Shen Long is talking about. "I have collected information about these companies, and I will also ask for them during initial negotiations. If they can do it, I will let them talk to you again. If they can't do it, I don't have to disturb you!"

   He also knew that Shen Long was too lazy to pay attention to these trivial matters, so he solved some troublesome things first, and then took these people to Shen Long to make the final decision.

   "By the way, people from Ali also called me just now. In addition to wanting to collaborate in the "Three-Body" movie, they also want us to help them with special effects!" The other party reported again.

"As long as they are willing to pay, then do it!" After using Shen Long's new software, the speed and quality of special effects production are much better than those of ordinary special effects companies. They are fully capable of receiving more orders. Oh, by the way, don’t accept the film and television works that Xiao Xianrou performed. Anyway, their investment has gone to Xiao Xianrou. There is not much money left in the budget for special effects production. This little money is still for other companies. Go and make money, it doesn’t break our company’s reputation.

   You mean to cut out the picture, Shen Long can definitely cut out the first-class level, and keep it so that the general audience can't see the clue, but why do you do such an unscrupulous thing? We have no shortage of business!

"No problem, no problem. From now on, we will only accept good movies that are willing to spend a lot of money to do special effects, and bad movies will not understand!" He also understands the truth. How much of a propaganda role did the demon play? "Lord of the Rings" also made Weta Studios become the world's top special effects production agency.

Now that the company is still in its infancy, the most important thing is to establish a good reputation and wait for its own company to secure its position as the world's number one special effects company-it's actually just a matter of time, so you can make a lot of money, generally bad movies. We are all embarrassed to find us, some people give us big money!

   In the next few days, a large number of people in the film and television circles visited the special effects company almost every day. They either wanted to invest in "Three-Body" or asked them to make special effects.

Those who want to produce special effects will look at the project first, but if the script is stubborn or the actors are not good at acting, they will say that they are busy making "Three-Body" and have no time to pay attention to other businesses; there are only a few projects with excellent script quality and online actors’ acting skills. Won the favor of the company, signed a special effects production contract, and then separated personnel to start busy.

   As for those who want to invest, they also set the conditions clearly. Can your company help us find first-class actors or excellent behind-the-scenes staff? Or can it help us solve the problem of shooting equipment? Or, can I help you get a good schedule and multiple rows?

What? You can't do anything, you can only come up with money? I'm sorry, there are too many rich companies. We really don't lack you.

   Oh, can you guarantee 30% of the bottom gear for the first weekend? If the film quality is good, can you add it? Oh, what we need is a collaborator like you, let's go to meet the big boss together?

As a result, there are a few more guests in the courtyard of Shen Long, all of whom are representatives of major film and television companies. They may have ample human resources reserves, whether they are actors or behind-the-scenes workers, they have very good personnel; or Mastered a large number of media promotion channels to ensure that the film can be frequently searched as soon as it starts, so that fans are always full of expectations for this film.

   When they arrived in Shen Long's yard, they were a little startled. Is this style a bit awkward? There are statues of Venus and Victory in the Su Dongpo and Li Gonglin are hanging in the room. What style is this? And these things are fake, they are exactly the same as the real ones, you have to be serious, why are there so many obvious bugs? Where did Venus' arm come from? What happened to the Taoist priest in Ming Dynasty painted by Li Gonglin?

These people were confused, but they came here this time not to appreciate art, but to discuss business, so they quickly put these aside and told Shen Long in detail about what their company can do. What do you do to help the project, and how much money you are willing to put in for investment.

Shen Long listened attentively, sometimes nodding his head, sometimes asking a few words, he is not a layman, he is very clear about the doorway of this line of fooling people, seeing him so familiar with the industry, these people have put away what they shouldn't have. Xin Si, seriously discussed with Shen Long, and finally finalized the contract.

   They provided part of the funds, and at the same time used resources to solve the problems of actors, behind-the-scenes personnel, shooting venues and equipment, publicity and promotion, and screening schedules. Together, they created a good project.

   After discussing the general direction, the remaining details and legal issues were left to the company's professional negotiators and legal department, and Shen Long became more relaxed again.

   This evening, when Shen Long was wondering whether to persuade Arya not to review such hard work, the system prompt sounded again in his mind, "Alsace from the World of Warcraft asks for your help..."


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