All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2517: Reunited with Jaina

The art of war of the orcs is a little rough, especially the bewitched Blackrock tribe orcs. Shen Long, who inherited Li Yunlong’s war talent, quickly discovered the weakness of his opponent, and led Lordaeron’s army into the Blackrock Tribe’s The formation, separated them, brandishing the warhammer and smashed the heads of one orc after another.

At the same time, he added various BUFFs to his men to make them more brave. The Blackrock tribe immediately fell into chaos and was about to lose. Their leader also found it difficult to win this battle, so Want to kill the people of Lordaeron who were taken captive at the last minute to please the demons they believe in.

Shen Long was aware of their thoughts and immediately sent out the signal that had been discussed in advance. The dwarves who had been waiting for a long time shot quickly and killed the orcs who were going to kill the people of Lordaeron. Shen Long took the opportunity to rush over and kill these innocents. Protected by the people, propped up the Holy Light Shield to block the enemy's attack.

And the soldiers of Lordaeron saw that the prince was so brave, their morale immediately rose, and quickly resolved the remaining enemies. The Battle of Steinblad ended, and Shen Long won a complete victory, avoiding Alsace's encounter. The tragedy did not let the people of Steinblad die in front of him.

"Well done, Arthas! Even if I led the army to fight, I would not do better than you! You are already an excellent paladin now!" If Uther praised him, he He was not happy that Shen Long had defeated the enemy. He was happy that Shen Long had guarded these people of Steinblad. Guarding was the most important mission of the Paladin.

Shen Long left amidst the cheers of the people of Steinblad. Before he left, he had asked his men to assist them in rebuilding their homes. Nowadays, the city is praising the heroic and merciful Prince Alsace. legend.

   It's a pity that peace and harmony are too precious to the continent of Azeroth. As soon as Steinblad's orcs were resolved, Lordaeron encountered a new problem.

The plague and natural disasters began to spread in Lordaeron. Medicines and ointments have no effect on this disease. If it is not suppressed early, even the priest’s sacred magic will not relieve the suffering of patients; Lordaeron’s capital has also received information about the epidemic Report, but no one knows what it means. Diseases are not uncommon. The people of Lordaeron have experienced too much famine and disease, especially after the Second World War.

   King Terenas Menethil II believes that the existing intelligence is not enough to persuade him to invest more resources to investigate the plague. Considering that there are orcs wandering around the kingdom, he is unwilling to expend his troops to isolate the infected villages. In his eyes, the tribe is the most urgent threat.

   Soon, Lordaeron appeared the first batch of patients who died of the plague. Relatives and friends sent away the deceased in grief, but people don’t know that this is not the last time they see their beloved. If death is really the end, it would be a kind of compassion.

However, as the number of dead people continues to increase, rumors about various visions quickly spread across the country. Some people say that the bodies of people who died in the plague disappear at night. Others claim to have seen the dead rise from the cemetery and become Unconscious walking dead, this situation gradually attracted the attention of many people.

Medivh is aware of the terrible nature of this plague, but even he cannot save those who have been infected; and he has no time to take care of these disasters, because the real threat facing Azeroth is actually the Burning Legion's control of the second eternal In the well's attempt, Medivh needs to concentrate all the resources he can control to protect this fountain of power.

But if you do this, it means giving up Lordaeron and watching it be destroyed in the plague. He uses the power of the guardian to enter the dreams of many people, reminds them of the threat of the plague, and sends a warning: they must leave the Eastern Kingdom , Sail west to the ancient continent of Kalimdor, otherwise the whole world will be destroyed.

   But Terenas is still facing the threat of orcs. He feels that the orcs are more terrifying than the plague, and for any king, giving up his own land is a difficult decision to make.

Antonidas and his mages have studied the plague in East Weld, and this plague is caused by magic, but if you want to prove this and find a solution, you must have more As evidence, he sent his most trusted student, the female mage, Jaina Proudmoore, to observe the outbreak of the plague and collect information along the way.

The plague in Lordaeron became more and more serious, and Terenas gradually realized the threat of the plague, and learned that Kirin Tor had sent Jaina to investigate, so he found Shen Long, "Alsace, you too I see, now Lordaeron is becoming more and more dangerous, the plague and the orcs threaten us at the same time, I must make more preparations."

   "Antonidas sent Jaina to investigate the cause of the plague. I think, whether it is for Lordaeron or for yourself, you'd better take someone to investigate with Jaina!"

   "Okay, I'll go with Farrick!" This is the captain of the royal guard of Lordaeron and Alsace has been with Alsace for many years.

Shen Long set off with the team, and they quickly arrived at the agreed place. Shen Long leaned on the tree trunk and closed his eyes to the faint sunlight. The current situation is tense, but as the leader, the more you look like this, the more you have to look. Calm down, lest his subordinates see that he becomes more nervous, besides, Shen Long already knows how to solve the problem of undead natural disasters.

Farrick looked restless. Lordaeron faced the threats of the orcs and the plague at the same time, but they were about to leave Lordaeron. He kept walking around the crossroads, and finally couldn't help it. "Alsa His Royal Highness Prince Si, "We have been waiting here for four hours. Are you sure your friends will come? "

   "She's already here!" Shen Long smiled at the corner of his mouth, and opened his eyes to look at the hill ahead, seeing that the domineering look had already caught Jaina's trail.

A slender female figure crossed the hill into his field of vision and ran towards him, followed by two vaguely known elements as far as he knew-an air vortex and a green water with a crude head and arms. Elements, behind them are two ogres.

   "Holy light is on!" Falike shouted, preparing to rush over.

  Wocao, still want to play heroes to save beauty in front of my daughter-in-law? Are you stealing the limelight? However, Shen Long didn't organize Farrick because he knew that Jaina didn't need help at all.


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