All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2523: prophecy

The group rushed through the night and then fought two more battles. They were all very tired, so they took a rest soon after entering Stratholme, but Shen Long did not sleep. Instead, they discussed plans with Stratholme officials, "Now we must Strictly restrict unnecessary movement of people. The food problem may not be the only place in Brill! Soldiers are sent to the streets, and once there is a situation there, they will immediately use horns to warn..."

Although the Undead Scourge is a plague caused by magic, the principles of preventing and controlling the plague are still the same. Shen Long also has no shortage of experience in this regard, but the situation in Azeroth is different. There is definitely no way to be completely closed, but fortunately , They also don’t have a train, as long as they guard key nodes such as the portal, they can prevent the spread of the plague.

  These officials showed a serious look of surprise. They didn't expect the prince to handle government affairs so decisively and well. He didn't look like a young man at all. Perhaps King Tenaris did not do as well as him! This is naturally a matter of course, Shen Long has been emperor for longer than their age, and dealing with these things is nothing at all.

   "Your Royal Highness, it's time for you to rest, we will definitely do these things!" The officials promised to send Shen Long into the lounge.

Shen Long closed the door, but saw a stranger appeared in the room. He had never seen him before, but he had an amazing sense of familiarity. He was tall, with broad shoulders, and he was wearing a piece that seemed completely woven from shiny black feathers. The cloak, the face is hidden in the shadow of the hood, but when he looks at Shen Long, his eyes are shining, his gray beard splits to the sides, showing a pure smile.

"You won't hurt me, I have to get your attention." He said, his voice low and kind, "I talked to your father, young man, but he doesn't listen to me, so now I come to you ." He bowed.

   "It's nice to meet you, Your Excellency Medivh!" Shen Long also bowed in return. He claimed to be a prophet before and ran to Terenas's throne room and issued a prophecy about the end of the world.

Astral Mage Medivh, the last guardian of the Council of Tirisfal, the son of Magna Aegwynn, the legendary guardian of Azeroth, the master of Khadgar, the leader of the Kirin Tor, the current guardian of Azeroth, before the storm The son of the city's palace archmage Nelas-Ellan.

Medivh is one of the most powerful mortal wizards in the world of Azeroth. He inherits most of the guardian powers of his mother. His mage Takarazhan, located on the Deadwind Path south of the Redridge Mountains, has a huge collection of magic books. It is a magical holy land that can crush Dalaran, the kingdom of wizards.

   He had hinted at Antonidas and Terenas in this way before, but Antonidas didn't believe them all, and Tenaris regarded them as nonsense.

"How did you know?" Medivh was a little surprised. Since he was defeated in Karazhan and his soul wandered in the star realm, not many people knew him. Even Antonidas did not recognize him, but was unexpectedly The young man identified himself.

   "You are not the only one who can see the future." Oh, I slapped you when I was scanning the dungeon, but I still didn't explode any good things. Look at my black hands.

Medivh was silent for a moment, "Since you can see the future, then perhaps you know that this land has fallen! The shadow has come, and no matter what you do, you can't stop it. If you really want to save your people, take them. Cross the the west." This is also Jaina's future choice.

"How much to go to Kalim? Human power alone does not seem to be enough to resist the Burning Legion, but it is not so easy for the Burning Legion to enter Azeroth!" Jaina took the remaining humans to reach Kalimdor. , Formed a wartime alliance with the orc tribe, and finally defeated the invasion of the Burning Legion together with the night elves, fought hard before Archimonde reached the Eternal Tree, and finally Malfurion blew the horn of Cenarius and became Thousands of elves blew themselves up and severely wounded Archimonde, and then used the power of the world tree to blow up Archimonde to death

   But the price of this victory was too great. After this battle, Nordrassil was no longer eternal, the night elves were no longer immortal, and Nordrassil became a relatively ordinary giant tree.

   Now Kel'Thuzad is beaten to death by himself, there is no way to open the portal for Archimonde, can the Burning Legion come in? As long as he doesn't let Arthas fall and eliminate Ner'zhul, he may still win.

   Shen Long said sternly, "As the prince of Lordaeron, I have the responsibility to protect the people. Although I know that going to Kalimdor may save some people, I want to try to protect more people!"

Medivh was silent for a moment, "It seems that some changes have taken place in the future, but I don't know if this change is a good thing, but I still want to remind you that the more you try to kill the enemy, the sooner you send your people. Into their hands."

   The complete destruction of Kel'Thuzad has changed things, which Medivh did not expect, "If you really want to protect your people, then go to Kalimdor!"

Then Medivh’s body has begun to The cloak wrapped around his body like a coat of fur, and as the body gradually shrank to the size of an ordinary crow, a pair of black oily wings stretched out, it He let out a rough quack with frustration, rose into the air, hovered for a week, and flew away.

Fatalism is really annoying. This tradition continues from the Greek tragedy throughout Western civilization, but we don’t believe that if the sky falls, we should make up for it, if the flood occurs, we will deal with it. If the sun is too much, it will shoot down. !

We are never willing to succumb to destiny, kneel down in front of the gods and pray for their blessings, so as to win a chance for ourselves. Our destiny must be controlled by ourselves. Even the great gods cannot make us succumb, let alone. A little prophecy?

   Shen Long ignored Medivh’s warning and went straight to bed. The next morning, he was awakened by a knock on the door, and Fariq came to report, "Your Royal Highness, Your Excellency Uther is here!"

Then at the door, Shen Long saw Jaina. She also met Medivh yesterday. "He also looked for Antonidas. I have to say, I feel that he has a very powerful body. The zombie plague is It has never happened in history. This is not an ordinary battle or war. It is something more terrifying and evil; ordinary tactics may be useless. Maybe he is right, maybe he sees what we can’t Something arrived, maybe he really knows what will happen."


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