All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2529: Muradin

Northrend is a wasteland covered with snow and ice all year round in the northern part of the world. It is usually called the "Roof of the World". Before the ancient war and the continent collapsed, Northrend was once part of the Kalimdor continental plate. .

With the separation from the mainland and the northward movement of the plate, the climate here has gradually changed from the mild climate of Azeroth to getting colder and colder. Most of the original wild animals here have become extinct due to their unsuitable conditions. Some special arthropods with strong survivability were left behind.

After a long period of evolution, these animals have become a race called Nerub, ferocious and insidious. They have built a series of huge nests in the deep frozen soil. The capital of this underground kingdom is Aizhuo- Nirub. Here they rule the entire Northrend. There are also a small number of humans and cave giants living here, but their appearance can't compete with those "Spider-Man".

And now, here has become the territory of Ner'zhul, where there are more than 200,000 undead natural disasters: including ghouls, crypt lord, frost dragon, abomination, death knight, psychic, lich and others The troops are stationed in the Ice Crown Glacier; and there is a surprising force under the glacier, where there are caves and tunnels made by humanoid spiders. After the Spider War, these architectural principles were absorbed by Ner'zhul and applied to the architectural structure of the Undead Scourge.

Shen Long and Jaina took a boat northward and disembarked from Dagger Bay. The cold storm is here, the cold blue-gray water is bottomless, and the cliffs are little bit of strong pine rising up, which is a natural barrier against the cold wind; a waterfall from high Falling from place to place, water splashing, the scenery also has a special flavor.

   Shen Long jumped off the boat and looked around, observing the surrounding plants and trees, "Jaina, let's camp here tonight, and tomorrow we will look for the way to the Ice Crown Glacier."

   At night, the cold can't stop their enthusiasm. Their passion seems to melt those glaciers that have been immutable. Fortunately, there are not many creatures here, and no one can hear them without magic.

The grim and stern dawn arrived, and Shen Long woke up before the first morning light. His kiss also woke up Jaina. The two began to study the incomplete map together. The Northrend continent came to people from other continents. It is said to be a strange place, few people have been here, so there is no complete map.

   However, Shen Long has long mixed the complete Northrend maps prepared in advance in these maps. He pointed to the map and said, "Perhaps we should go in this direction."

   "I believe your decision!" Jaina said, leaning on his shoulder, she is now very dependent on Shen Long.

   Northrend is a vast continent that has hardly been opened up. On the first day they found nothing except for the sporadic zombies, but these zombies have well proved the existence of Ner'zhul.

Shen Long did not show too much strength along the way. He easily defeated these zombies by relying only on the Holy Hammer. Jaina's fireball was also solved a lot. Although Northrend had 200,000 undead Scourges, Shen Long believed , Ner'zhul will not let these legions dispatch collectively and then besiege them.

   After all, Ner'zhul's purpose was to tempt Arthas to pull up Frostmourne, not to kill him. The scattered zombies in front should only mislead them, lest they enter the Ice Crown Glacier too smoothly, which would cause suspicion.

   This is just a bargain for Shen Long, otherwise two hundred thousand zombies will come together, it is not easy to deal with, it can't be said that he can only summon somersault clouds and fly over.

Shen Long and Jaina rushed during the day and camped in the tent at night. Jaina was surprised to find that the night activities not only did not consume her physical strength, but instead made her feel energetic, and even increased her magical cultivation. This allowed her to let go of worry and become more proactive.

   After walking for a few days, they marched in the cold wind as usual that day, and Shen Long suddenly stopped, "Jaina, I seem to hear a sound, it seems to be coming from over there!"

   So they moved forward, and soon they found a large number of zombies from the spies, but these zombies were no longer capable of attacking them. They all lay on the frozen ground and became fragments. Then they were shot.

Shen Long propped up the Holy Light Shield and blocked the attack for Jaina. A fireball was lit in Jaina's hand, and she vigilantly searched for the enemy's trail. However, the attack stopped almost at the beginning, and there was a shout, "See him Damn it! The lesbians are not zombies! The lesbians are alive!"

   The voice is so familiar, Shen Long quickly found the source of the voice in Alsace's memory, "Muradin?" He shouted in surprise, "Muradin-Bronzebeard, is that you?"

   The dwarf who just yelled came out from behind a row of muskets, carefully examined it, and his gloomy face opened with a smile, "Alsace, man! I really didn't expect it to be Li!"

Arthas used to learn various fighting skills and weapon skills from the dwarf hero Muradin-Bronzebeard. They are good Muradin with a thick beard strode forward and spread his arms. We greeted him and hugged Shen Long's...waist, no way, Muradin's height can only reach here.

   "Alsace, why are you here? And who is this beautiful lady?" Muradin asked after the hug.

"This is Jaina, the daughter of Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, the ruler of Kul Tiras. She is also a disciple of Mage Antonidas, Jaina. This is the dwarf king Magni Bronzebeard. Brother Muradin-Bronzebeard, I learned how to use weapons with him back then." Shen Long introduced them.

   After Muradin and Jaina greeted each other, they took Shen Long to their camp and served Shen Long and Jaina with hot porridge, and of course the dwarf’s favorite ale was indispensable.

"So, what are you doing here?" Before Shen Long could answer, Muradin patted his shoulder and said, "You have grown into a handsome boy, really, kid; now that you can find this bird Come where you don’t lay eggs, then you have the right to know what I and my people are doing here. I’m looking for something legendary."

   He blinked, swallowed a sip of beer, wiped his mouth, and continued, "You know we dwarves are always interested in strange things."

   Not only do I know this, but I also know that you are here to find Frostmourne. Don't worry, I won't let you die this time.


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