All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2543: Warcraft RPG

Anyway, I’m idle, so let’s do it. Shen Long rubbed his hands and started to build a document to write the game outline. Or let’s make an RPG game with Alsace as the protagonist. The main storyline of the game is before me. Those who have done in "World of Warcraft", get rid of the shackles of fate and become the heroes of Lordaeron.

After writing the game outline, Shen Long directly handed over the rest of the work to Bai Ze, "Bai Ze, write an RPG game according to this outline, and then make a free game and hang it on the Internet for download." But it’s pirated, and it’s too unkind to charge any more. Just take it out and let the gamers have fun.

"Okay, please wait a moment." Bai Ze immediately started to get busy, borrowed the source code of Warcraft, and then modified it. Maps and characters do not need to be reworked, but the performance of the characters needs to be modified slightly, otherwise, Alsa Si's original ability was not enough to complete this task, and he could not beat Ner'zhul and the others.

During the time when Bai Ze was busy, Shen Long went to the kitchen to cook a few dishes. After finishing cooking, he called Arya out, and the two enjoyed it together. Hey, they got married again. Shen Long was still a bit self-conscious. Responsible.

   While eating, Arya seemed to have discovered something, "Why did you cook such a Dovestro-style dish today? Did you go play it yourself again?"

"Um, doesn't it mean that you are about to take the exam, do you make something delicious for you!" Shen Long was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't guarantee that she would be able to take her with her on the next mission. Who knows if the next mission is appropriate? Suitable to take her.

   "Hey, I just take what you said is true!" Arya rolled her eyes, anyway, no matter what mission world you go to, this world is only me by your side, and the others are treated as ignorance.

After eating, Arya went on to review her homework, and Bai Ze also finished the game, and even made some advertisements to promote the game. Many Warcraft-related forums, post bars, and QQ groups are all This advertisement appeared.

"I'm good, I'm Alsace, I'll introduce the new version of the ship that I haven't saved before. I need to experience three times, and I will be like a ban on the oil system." Many QQ groups bombed at the same time. Open, someone posted an ad video to the group.

"Damn, the owner of the group, come out to kick people! What kind of junk games also come to the group to advertise!" Someone immediately exploded, hey, although they are all nostalgic games, Warcraft players and legendary players have always been two groups , They thought it was a new version of Lan Yue's advertisement.

"I'm going. Did Lan Yue start making the version of Warcraft? Arthas took Frostmourne to level ninety-nine? Huh, the following is a link?" Someone couldn't help but click on the attached ad. link.

"No, it's really a Warcraft! Isn't this Stearnblad?" Although they said no, their bodies were quite honest. Seeing the familiar game interface, they couldn't help but operate. This game does not need to create characters, do not need to debug skills, you can start the game immediately.

"Although this ad is shameless, but I can't control my hands when I see Warcraft?" Someone posted a screenshot of the game to the group. "At present, I can only choose Alsace as a character. It looks like he is The protagonist's stand-alone RPG game, but the performance of the game characters has been enhanced a lot, almost all of them are spikes."

   "I'll try it too! I'm idle anyway!" You don't need to spend money, and you don't need to click on the ads with hot eyes, you can start playing directly, so more and more people in the group began to try.

"I'm going, when has Arthas been so strong? Is it a World of Warcraft or Three Kingdoms Warriors? Isn't this just cutting grass! But cutting grass is really enjoyable! You can imagine that you can release a skill in Warcraft Destroy the scene full of mobs? You can experience it now!"

"It's over, I played for three minutes. I really love the elephant ring wide oil system! Stanblad has been penetrated by me, and the people of Lordaeron have been saved by me. Should I go to Stan next? Som rescued the people there?" The players had a great time. These plots are really familiar to them, but it is the first time to experience it from Alsace's perspective.

"It looks like it is a plot to make Arthas a hero, but I want to command the undead natural disaster army more? I don't know if there will be this option in the future! Command the undead army to sweep Azeroth, sling the Burning Legion, Just think about it!"

   Many addicted players began to share this game with their friends, so post bars, forums and QQ groups, and a lot of ads in this area.

   "Making wool, what's wrong today, where are the administrators dead, and so many ads are not cleaned up?"

   "Excuse me, I went to play this game. Seriously, you guys should try it out, it's pretty enjoyable."

   "It's over, what's your ethics for the administrator? Did you start to have bad money too?" Many people complained, and couldn't help being curious, and started playing this game.

In this game, I can’t control my own hands. I was stunned to kill from Steinbride to Stratholme, and then from Stratholme to Northrend, controlling Alsace to kill all quarters. Hurry and then they went to other places to shout, "Damn, are you still playing private servers? Come and play this new Warcraft, Warcraft, Legend, Three Kingdoms Warriors three in one game you have seen No? Blind your dog's eyes!"

   Now even the Warcraft official knows, "Hey, are they infringement? Send them a lawyer's letter!"

   "Who do you send to? I can't find the main messenger." The official is also depressed. Everyone is playing this, and the number of official games online has dropped a lot.

   There are still people complaining, what are you doing, why don’t you charge for such a good game? If I had this ability, I would have to make a fortune when I was sued by the company. With so many people playing, even if one person collects ten yuan, I can earn a lot, right?

   Then I will add a VIP system or something. If you want to get Frostmourne, you have to charge me to increase the drop rate. Surely many people are willing to pay? Then I will post it!

Some people even quickly cut the game video and posted it on video sites such as Xiaopozhan. Others went to Douyu to start the live broadcast of the game. Many melon-eating people clicked on the word "Warcraft" and were immediately surprised by the picture in front of them. shocked.

   "Am I drinking too much? There is still this copy of Warcraft?" They looked at the screen, and Arthas rubbed his eyes with Frostmourne opening Wushuang mowing. What the **** is going on?


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