All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2558: Visit the comic club

Latest website: "Huh?" Nobita, who was in excitement, was splashed with cold water and looked at Shen Long in a daze.

"The requirements for comic editing are very high. Those who are engaged in comic editing must not only have deep literary skills, but also comics skills and a sense of layout." Shen Long began to popularize his knowledge.

"The daily work flow of comic editing is like this, accepting manuscripts, reviewing the content, editing, making timely changes when problems are found, proofreading, submitting to the editor for review, technical editing and typesetting, publishing on the specified date, post-publishing self-checking, responsible for manuscripts, Organize and save the files." Hearing this, Nobita has already started mosquito coils.

"Ah, it's so difficult!" He began to cry, this lazy guy hates troublesome things the most, and when he feels the difficulty he starts to shrink back, "Then I'll forget it!"

I'm so...Shen Long finally let go of his tight fist. It seems that I've been too kind to him these days. How about letting him be a training partner for Fat Tiger! Take a deep breath, control your emotions, and barely squeeze a smile, "However, the most important thing here is the talent to insight into the potential of comics. In this regard, Nobita, you are still very powerful."

"With this kind of talent, the rest can be trained slowly!" In order to complete the task, I will endure! I'd better praise you a few more words.

"Nobita, it's hard to find your own talent, so don't give up! I will cheer for you!" Oh, Yuan Shizuka is so good, and this has begun to help Shen Long to encourage Nobita.

"Yes, Nobita, it's actually a rare thing for people to discover their talents, don't waste them." Chu Mushan Yingcai is really a perfect student.

"I know that even if this guy has talent, he will be wasted because of laziness." Guchuan Xiaofu is much more comfortable, hahaha, Nobita is still the most suitable waste.

"Yobi-kun, you have to come on!" Gotian also said something rare, hey, if he can persist, he can help me read the comics in the future, right?

"Duang!" Fat Tiger's persuasion method was even more direct. He punched Nobita in the head, and then reprimanded him loudly, "You look like a man, so show off some fighting spirit!" But I love my sister very much, knowing that my sister likes to draw comics, so I hope that Nobi Nobita can persist.

"Yeah, Nobita, do you want to continue to fall like this!" Doraemon said while pulling Nobi Nobita's clothes. It was to change Nobita's destiny that he never came to this world, and finally saw it. Opportunity, how can Daxiong just give up like this! It has even begun to figure out what props to use to make Nobita work hard.

"These jobs are actually not as difficult as you think. It's better to be like this. Tomorrow I will take you to the comics agency to see how the comics editors work!" Shen Long said, as for contacting the comics agency to obtain permission to visit , It’s not too difficult. You can do it with your Ph.D. status in Yale University. In Japan, the status of cultural people is still very high. A doctor from a prestigious foreign university can enjoy this kind of preferential treatment.

Sure enough, the next day, Shen Long came to Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 2-chome 5-ban, Hitotsubashi, and reported his identity. The manga agency here gave him a warm reception. An editor welcomed him into the reception room and handed him his business card. , "Hello, Dr. Shen, this is the editor of the editorial department of the company's five hundred flag heads, our first meeting, please take care of me!"

When receiving the reception, Wubaiqitou felt like a drum in his heart. Although the sales of comics are getting higher and higher, many parents still regard comics as scourges and complain that comics have delayed their children’s learning. The parent board often conducts various activities. All kinds of protests. At this time, the visit of a doctor of education can never be sloppy. What if he is here to make trouble?

As long as he is slightly dissatisfied, and then publishes an article condemning comics in the newspaper as a doctor of education at Yale University, then the company will be out of luck! The superior will also throw the responsibility on me, right?

So he didn't dare to be sloppy at all, for fear that he didn't take care of Shen Long and caused people's complaints. All kinds of good words were sent up at the same rate. "Yale University is a world-renowned university. It is really amazing to get a doctorate from such a famous university!"

Shen Long was very polite. He didn't come for trouble. He chatted with Wubaiqitou with a smile on his face, and soon Wubaiqitou relaxed, and even chatted with Shen Long about American comics.

"American manga and Japanese manga styles are completely different. American manga themes are almost concentrated on superheroes, while Japanese manga is richer in themes. When Tezuka went to the United States, he felt that if Japan has been Following the American comics, there will never be a way to surpass it."

"So, he started to explore the road of manga belonging to Japan. Manga like "The Forest King" and "Astro Boy" are nothing but excellent manga, but they have not exceeded others too much. The Birds series, as well as the "Weird Doctor Black Jack" just released last year, are different. Master Tezuka makes comics no longer just entertainment works for children, but injects life into comics, just like Bob Dylan Let rock music begin to have a Jack, a strange doctor, criticized the society and veiled irony. With superb narrative and rebellious surrealistic fantasy, this work successfully broke the early new The various dogmas and frameworks of the manga can be regarded as an immortal masterpiece in the Japanese manga industry; and "Fire Bird" absorbs a large number of myths, legends and historical facts, showing readers the different attitudes of human beings to life and death in various eras. Thick and profound, the theme is unprecedented. Master Tezuka's skillful combination of mighty novels and experimental performance techniques can be said to be an immortal pioneer in the history of Japanese comics. "Ah, it's a pity that "Firebird" is pitted.

"Although Tezuka-teacher rarely cooperates with Misha, but Tezuka-teacher is also an existence that everyone admires in Misha! Your understanding of manga really makes me admire." These words made five hundred flags and nodded again and again.

Feeling that the conversation was quite enjoyable, so Wubaiqitou boldly asked, "Dare to ask the teacher what are you doing here this time? If there is anything in the club that can help, then absolutely It's the honor of the company!"

"Oh, it's actually not too big a time, just want to bring a few children over to visit it!" Shen Long said.

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