All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2565: Andachong

   "Huh? Eighty-five points? This is my test?" Nobita pointed to his nose with a look of disbelief. Can I really get such a high score?

   "Is the question too easy?" Guchuan Xiaofu was unwilling to admit this, and quickly leaned over with others to read the test paper. However, the test paper seemed not easy. At least it would be difficult for him to take 85 points.

   "The difficulty of the test paper is not low, Yeh-kun is really good!" It should be the teacher who taught well, right? If it is the same level of education as just now, it is not surprising that Nobita scores 85 on the test, and the outstanding talent in Mushan muttered in his heart.

   "So, as long as you pay more attention, you can still do it!" Shen Long patted Nobi Nobita on the shoulder. Can this not take the high score? The test papers are specially customized by me according to his progress. It is not an easy task to ensure the difficulty of the test papers and to make the big bear test high scores.

   "Really? Can I really?" Nobita looked at the number eighty-five on the test paper, and then recalled when he used to often test zero points, it felt like in a dream.

"Yebijun, believe in yourself!" Yuan Shizuka was cheering for him, "Look, you just listened to a class with a little bit of attention, and you got 85 points in the test, and the points deducted are just sloppy. It's not that you won't. If you are more careful next time, you might get 100 points in the test!"

   I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it, will I be worse than Daxiong if this continues? Guchuan Xiaofu looked at the test paper stupidly, he was unwilling to accept the result of being compared by Daxiong.

   "Haha, it seems that my supervision is working! Nobita, if you dare not listen to the lecture in the future, hum!" Fat Tiger raised his fist, taking this incident as his own credit.

   "Then, come here today. You can go home and have a meal. Tomorrow I will speak Chinese, and I still have to take an exam." Hey, in order to build confidence for Nobita, I worked hard.

On the third day, Shen Long began to teach Daxiong according to the plan, "Mathematics allows you to master the ability to analyze data, while the Chinese language allows you to know how to write a clear and logical report. Then, start from the simplest. Let's start." Shen Long opened the textbook and started to talk to Nobita.

After the lecture, I continued to take the exam. This time Nobita also achieved good results. After 90 points in the exam, he again won everyone’s praise. On the fifth day, he taught him about society. This is not about letting Nobita be a member of society. From a point of view, he is not this material, Fat Tiger may be about the same.

The educational curriculum of Japanese elementary schools consists of three parts: various subjects, morals and special activities. The teaching subjects include Chinese, society, arithmetic, science, music, drawing, housekeeping, and physical education. The content of social classes is a bit like a combination of history and social common sense. Specific courses are divided into units, such as telling about changes in the city, the evolution of lights, and so on.

He has achieved good results in several consecutive exams. Nobita’s hard work has been positively rewarded. He gradually doesn’t hate studying and can listen to lectures at school. Of course, is this a positive motivation or a fat tiger threat? The result is really not easy to say.

However, no matter what the reason, the result is good. In the school exam, Nobita scored an average score of over 80. Teacher A Rong also praised him specifically, "Nobita has made great progress these days, I hope Continue to work hard in the future."

At the same time, he also muttered in his heart that he deserves to be a doctorate in education from a prestigious foreign school. It is really amazing that even Nobi Nobita can save a student who is as slow as Nobi. Maybe I should also ask for advice and learn the advanced educational concepts of the United States. He didn't know that these routines of Shen Long were not entirely American educational thinking, and most people were not easy to learn.

Nobita took the report card and went home. Nobita Shinsuke and Nobita Tamoko were both happy. Not only did they make Nobita delicious food, they also gave him extra pocket money, and waited for Nobita to finish eating and read the comic book upstairs. At the time, Nobita Tamako and Nobita Shinsuke discussed, "My child, his dad, Nobita has become so good. It is the teacher's credit. Do you want to bring gifts to thank you?"

   "It should be, but I don't know what the teacher likes." Nobi reached out and touched his chin, and started to have a headache. What should I give him?

When they came to the door with gifts, Shen Long received them, but did not accept them. He just told them some targeted education methods based on Daxiong’s recent performance, "You must be patient with children, and you must be punished if you do something wrong. But should you encourage it if you do it well..."

   Nobita Shinsuke and Nobita Tamako nodded their heads again and again, and they couldn't help but believe them. Not to mention Shen Long's status as a doctor of education in a prestigious foreign school, they should listen to Nobita's recent progress.

   By the way, Shen Long gave them a vaccination, "Nobita’s future still needs you to worry about it. Maybe I should leave Japan after a while." Can't you let me keep bringing you kids? And this task will always be completed, right?

   "Eh, is the teacher going to leave?" Nobita Shinsuke and Nobita Tamako suddenly hung their hearts. Can Nobita keep the same after the teacher leaves?

This day Long still took Nobi Nobita to Shueisha for an internship. When he arrived in the editorial room, Wubaiqitou first told him a good news, "The reader said, "This is the front of Kameari Park in Katsushika "Police Station" feedback is very good, now it is almost when the booklet is published, the first 10,000 copies are printed, after all, it is a newcomer's work, so it is normal for the first edition to be slightly conservative, but I believe that the achievement of a "reprint" will be achieved soon!" Reprinting means reprinting.

   "I have discussed with Mr. Akimoto, and when it is printed, the first book will be given to Nobi-kun." By the way, Nobita was given a small gift.

   "Eh, is it really okay?" The good news made Nobita full of energy, and he immediately plunged into the work of reviewing the new draft. When he was about to get off work, Nobita found another get off work that could score five points.

   "Teacher Wubaiqitou, I think this baseball cartoon is very good!" He handed the sample to Wubaiqitou.

""Youth Koshien"? Junior high school baseball? This is a very popular subject. It is not easy to satisfy readers! But the style of painting makes people look comfortable and has a youthful taste, Nobita, you Sure enough, Wubaiqitou's vision is good." Wubaiqitou commented while watching.

   Looking at the author column again, this time the five hundred flag head is a bit familiar with the author's name, "Anda Chong? I seem to have heard it somewhere."


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