All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2568: Come out to see the gods

After trying a few props, Shen Long went back to the room and continued to sleep. After waking up the next day, he continued to test. It must be inconvenient to test at home. Shen Long thought for a while and came to Daming, and then went out of the palace invisible and looked for it. A wasteland, began to search for items from the four-dimensional pocket.

He also specially tested it. Putting the four-dimensional pocket in the portable space and then taking things from it still works. This saves him a lot of trouble. If this thing is accidentally lost, the world will be worth it. Messed up.

   Try this first, Shen Long took out the bamboo dragonfly from the portable space. Although he has mastered many flying skills, the bamboo dragonfly is the feeling of childhood! But for anyone who has watched "Doraemon", that kid never thought about flying around with a bamboo dragonfly?

Shen Long did some research. This thing was not made into the air by the rising force generated by the rotation of the two blades. With such a large blade, the rising force generated by it is not enough to drive a person to fly. Gravity device.

In the cartoon, Nobi Nobita and the others usually put the bamboo dragonfly on the head, but in fact, this thing does not affect the effect there. Putting it on the head and the **** can fly. If you think you are bull Force, put it on the crotch, this thing can also take you to heaven, as long as you are not afraid of pulling the egg.

It’s also very interesting. Next time you enter some mission world, you can give Arya one and let her experience the joy of flying, but this thing is battery-driven, and the use time is only eight hours. Be careful to avoid finding a suitable place to stay when the battery is almost dead.

  Speaking of which, the battery inside must be very awesome, right? When you go home, take apart and do your research. As long as you can thoroughly understand the anti-gravity device and battery, it can definitely promote the progress of science and technology in the real world. As long as you are willing to disclose your identity and win the Nobel Prize in Physics in the real world, That is also a matter of minutes.

But let’s forget it. It’s not that we have never won the Nobel Prize, and more than once, we will not be in the limelight. After we can get the results, just like other scientific and technological materials, pass them to the right people through Academician Lu Right! I will continue to be the boss quietly behind the scenes.

Shen Long is not afraid that the bamboo dragonfly will be broken by the test and research. There is more than one bamboo dragonfly in Doraemon's four-dimensional pocket. In the cartoon, it is often given to Nobita Nobi, Yuan Shizuka, Fat Tiger, and Bone. Chuan Xiaofu and the talents in wooden sweaters each send one and there is still some surplus, there are so many things.

   Besides, Shen Long still has time to cover the furoshiki. If it is broken, cover it with the furoshiki, and it can be restored, right? No, it doesn’t matter. Shen Long took out another new prop from his pocket-the copy mirror. The copy mirror can copy everything, but the copied thing is turned upside down. If you copy it with a precision instrument, it doesn’t seem to work, but it doesn’t matter. , Use the copied bamboo dragonfly to make a copy again, and the bamboo dragonfly is reversed and then reversed. Isn’t it changed back to the original?

  Hey, if you use a copy mirror to copy an atom, will the atom turn around? Then, will the electrons rotating around the nucleus also change the direction of rotation? If this is thoroughly studied, the theoretical physics of the earth will definitely be a big step forward! Shen Long's scientist spirit has broken again.

   Cough cough, or don't you die? I always feel that it is very dangerous to continue to study this way. It doesn't seem strange to destroy the earth that day? I'd better study the bamboo dragonfly.

   Oh, by the way, there is a restoring light that can restore the broken things to their original state. This can also be used to repair broken bamboo dragonflies. There are so many good things about Doraemon.

   "Roar~~" Shen Long was having fun playing with various props here, and suddenly heard a tiger roar, and the white-fronted insect appeared in front of him.

Go, I’m playing here. You can quickly find something to eat somewhere else. Shen Long just wanted to release a little domineering look and scare the tiger away, but he changed his mind and found one from his fourth-dimensional pocket. Momotaro's rice ball was thrown to the tiger, who was obviously a vegetarian, but when he saw this thing, he leaned over and smelled it, and subconsciously swallowed it into his mouth.

   After eating, the tiger suddenly became extremely docile, ran over and rubbed his head on Shen Long, as if he was his master.

   Hey, I can finally get over the addiction of riding a tiger today. We have ridden a lot of tigresses, and I have not ridden a real tiger yet! So he reached out and patted the tiger's ass, "Get down, let me ride!"

   "Roar~~" The tiger roared in a low voice, then leaned down obediently and let Shen Long ride up.

   "Drive!" Shen Long didn't care if he shouted, right, straight ahead, "Go, let's run a lap!" There are a lot of racing bikers, and there are a lot of horse racing people. Who can race tigers, who have you seen?

   Why don't you fly to Sichuan to look for a ride? Forget it, Chi You used to be riding and rolling back then, this is not a good sign.

The tiger roared and ran wildly in the mountains. The cats spine ups and downs in the process of running. It is extremely uncomfortable to ride. If ordinary people, they would have been thrown off the back by the tiger, but Shen Long was totally uncomfortable. Caring about these ~ Whether it is martial arts or physical skills, he can sit firmly on the tiger's back.

   All the way through the mountains, they only felt the sound of the wind in their ears, and they went from the mountain to the market below the mountain. As soon as the tiger appeared, the small town was suddenly frightened.

   "There is a tiger!" The common people immediately returned home and closed the door tightly. They only dared to peep through the crack of the door, but their eyes widened at this sight. Why is there a person sitting on the tiger's back?

   "I'm really sorry that I've disturbed you all for a moment." Shen Long apologized on the tiger's back. This is his people, he can't scare them anymore.

   Then he patted the tiger's head, "You wicked animal, patronizing your own running happily, haven't you thought that you will scare others? Don't apologize to the fathers and villagers."

   "Roar~" The tiger groaned aggrievedly. Who made me run quickly just now? But it couldn't violate Shen Long's order, so it had to learn Shen Long's appearance, holding its two front paws and apologizing to the surroundings.

   This scene can show the people in the town dumbfounded, "God? Father, come out and see the god, the **** is sitting on the tiger's back!"

   With a bang, someone opened the door and walked out. When they came to Shen Long, they started to kowtow without saying anything, "God, please help my mother!"

   What should I do now?


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