All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2573: No one will go back

   After talking about Monkey King, he looked at Shen Long eagerly, thinking in his heart, waiting for him to rescue himself, if he gets along, he will walk with him for a while, and if he doesn't get along, he will go back to my Huaguo Mountain.

   Without thinking, Shen Long sat down and looked at Monkey King with a smile, "It's easy to save you, but why should I save you?"

   "Uh, I can protect you from going to the West to learn the scriptures." Monkey King blinked his eyes. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said, as long as I say that, he will definitely save me?

"Hehe, I think I was a disciple of the Tathagata Buddha in my previous life. He listened to the Dharma in Lingshan. I was a little confused for a while. The Tathagata thought that I was indifferent to the Dharma, threw me into reincarnation, and reincarnated in the Great Tang of the East! Although I experienced some hardships during this period, but meticulous I think about it, but after all, it’s more comfortable than the people under the Lingshan Mountain." Shen Long pondered, from Xiniu Hezhou to Dongtu Datang, it is almost equivalent to reincarnation from Africa to the United States, and it is still a high-class American family. It can be regarded as punishment.

"From this, I couldn't help but wonder. If the Dharma really works, why do the people of Xiniu Hezhou who are closer to Lingshan, on the contrary, have not lived far as the Dongtu Datang?" Since the Tang Sanzang set off from Chang'an, all the way west, in Datang I didn't encounter many monsters in the territory, nor did I encounter the King and City Lord who was obsessed with Buddhism and the evil side. On the contrary, the closer to Lingshan, the more monsters and ghosts became more and more. What a thing.

"Therefore, this time I went west, not to learn from the past, but to find an answer! So, would you still go to Lingshan with me?" Shen Long looked at Monkey King, "I heard that Qitian University five hundred years ago How mighty is the Sage's trouble in the Heavenly Palace? I don't want to shrink to this point now. Whenever a mortal meets a mere mortal, he would bow his head and beg! Where did the Great Sage who used to be axe and thunder and lightning but still stand still? Is it in the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun?"

"Ah~~~~~~~~~~" Monkey King gritted his teeth and thought, Shen Long's words stuck in his heart like a knife, and the dusty past turned out one by one, he thought of Huaguo Mountain. Those monkeys who died in the hands of the heavenly soldiers and generals remembered the suffering of being struck by thunder outside the Nantian Gate, and remembered the suffering of being suppressed by the Buddha for more than five hundred years under the Wuxing Mountain. How could they not remember these? !

   "If you want to become a Buddha in order to get rid of it, then forget it, Lingshan is just a bigger prison, not necessarily happier than under the Five Elements Mountain!" Shen Long said, quitting and preparing to leave.

Just two steps, I heard a sneer from behind, "Hehe, what else can you do? Can you continue to be pressed down under the mountain to eat iron pills and drink copper juice? You are a disciple of the Buddha, and you must also know how powerful he is. Since you are a Buddha, you were easily driven into reincarnation by him. Now, you are just a mortal, what can you do?"

"I heard a sentence in Datang that water can carry boats and overturn them. Compared with mortals, the gods and Buddhas in the sky seem to be aloof, but why do they still need mortal worship? If you can understand this principle, gods and Buddhas It may not be terrible!" In the future, Bowen Liu will be able to reach the world, why can't I? I could have won Guanshiyin before.

   "What do you want to do?" Sun Wukong was silent for a long time, seeming to think about Shen Long's words, but he has shallow experience, not enough experience in the world, and can't understand the truth, so he can only ask like this.

"I want this day, I can't cover my eyes; I want this land, I can't bury my heart; I want these sentient beings to understand my intentions; I want the gods and Buddhas to disappear in smoke!" Shen Long stood alone between the sky and the earth. , His body looks so small against the background of the Five Elements Mountain, but at this moment it looks extremely tall.

Hearing this, Monkey King felt like he was struck by lightning, and his mind buzzed for a while, all of which were Shen Long's four paragraphs. He seemed to remember that he was wearing a phoenix-winged purple-gold crown, wearing a gold chain mail, and stepping on a lotus root. Xie, holding a golden hoop of Ruyi, hunting and hunting in the wind with a great sage flag on his back, standing high on the Huaguo Mountain, facing the moment of 100,000 heavenly soldiers without fear.

  Thinking about the heroic and heroic figure of oneself in the past, and thinking about the sufferings under the Five Elements Mountain in the past five hundred years, Monkey King couldn't help but screamed, "Ah~~~"

"What's the matter with the monkey?" The four-valued master, Wufang Jiezhe, Liuding Liujia, and Garan, who were hiding in the distance, couldn't help but tremble when they heard this voice. They also thought of Monkey King's trouble in the Heavenly Palace in the past. Power.

At this time, the Tathagata Buddha on the Lingshan Mountain, and the Taishang Laojun in the Palace of Li Hen Tiandou, 33 days away, opened their eyes at the same time. The westward road that was clearly visible in the past seemed to gradually become blurred, and they frowned slightly. Ready to start the calculation.

  Although the four-valued Gong Cao, Wu Fang Jie Di, Liu Ding Liu Jia, and Apologetic Garan have all stayed away, but such a big change, the Buddha and the Supreme Master should have a hunch? Shen Long also guessed this, but he was not worried, and directly took out the cognitive changer from the four-dimensional pocket.

The Buddha Tathagata on the free spirit mountain closed his eyes again, and seemed to be immersed in the Dharma; the old monarch of Li Heng Tian Dou Li Gong also continued to stare at the medicine in the Eight Diagrams furnace, as if nothing had happened. .

Four-valued Gong Cao, Wu Fang Jie Di, Liu Ding Liu Jia and Apologetic Garan have also recovered their I think the monkey head has been crushed under the mountain for 500 years, and now there is hope of getting away, so Feel happy! "They murmured softly, in front of Monkey King, they took a mouthful of a saint, but in private, they didn't take Monkey King seriously.

   Although our status is not high, we are also a formal worker with the establishment of Tianting and Lingshan. What are you outside the system? Even if we can call the great saint in front of the face, it is polite, don't even think that we can shout like that behind the back.

"Wukong, I can let you out, but it's not for you to accompany me to the west to learn the scriptures!" Shen Long turned around and said, since nothing happened, it means that the cognitive changer is working. I temporarily blocked the prying eyes of Lingshan and Dou Li Gong.

   "What are you going to do?" Monkey King reduced his expression and asked with unprecedented seriousness.

   "Take Lingshan to break the sky, and restore peace to the people in the world!" In fact, there are not so many superheroes in the world of Meiman, and this world does not need those gods and Buddhas, and mortals can live their lives by themselves.

   They enjoy the respect and worship of mortals, but they often use trivial things to torture the people. How can there be such a reason! What do they think of mortals? Are you herding sheep?

   "If you don't go back?" Monkey King asked.

   "I will never go back!"


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