All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2580: Sunny Rain Pen

"This wind is not the spring and autumn wind, the pine bamboo wind, and the east-west winds from north to south, nor is it a pinnacle wind, a sheep ear wind, a leprosy wind, or a righteous wind? Good at scraping ghosts and sorrows, cracking rocks and breaking cliffs, and killing lives." Shen Long laughed and said, "If you want to surrender this monster, it is best to find Lingji Bodhisattva to borrow the wind beads."

   "Then what are you waiting for? Call the big brother back quickly, and let him go to Lingji Bodhisattva to fix the wind by fixing the wind beads?" Zhu Bajie said, covering his head.

   The little white dragon next to him volunteered, "If I know the residence of Lingji Bodhisattva, I can go there, but I am afraid that I will not have somersaults faster than the big brother."

"The Lingji Bodhisattva is going straight to the south. There is still two thousand miles to reach there. There is a mountain called Kosumi Mountain. There is a dojo in the mountain, but it is the Bodhisattva lecturing monastery." Shen Long said, "But your senior brother Still fighting against King Huang Feng, if you go to Osumi Mountain and come back, your senior brother will suffer!"

"I have a magic weapon here too, maybe it can be used." Shen Long took out a prop from the four-dimensional pocket. This prop looked like a drawing board brush for a child to play, with a square drawing board inserted behind it. With several pens of different colors, Shen Long thought for a while, and drew the terrain around the Yellow Wind Tunnel on the drawing board.

   Then I circled the surrounding area with a golden pen. In an instant, the surrounding wind stopped, and it was clear and cloudless, and it was a sunny day!

This item is called a sunny rain pen. With this pen, you can make the weather you want appear anywhere. When you draw with a golden pen, it will appear sunny, and when you draw with a blue pen, it will rain. If you want to increase the temperature, use a red pen. If you want a tornado, use a black pen. Just wipe it with an eraser to restore it to its original state.

   As long as you have this thing, all weather conditions can be controlled. Wind is also a kind of weather and can naturally be restrained. When encountering this kind of props, King Huang Feng is considered unlucky.

   "What's going on?" King Huang Feng was happy when he saw Sun Wukong running around like a headless fly in the samādhi sacred wind. Who ever thought that the wind suddenly stopped.

   "Good grandson, you continue to blow!" Monkey King yelled, raising the golden cudgel and hitting the head of King Huang Feng, and King Huang Feng could only raise his steel fork to resist.

   His own tricks have no effect today. The King Huang Feng was in a state of confusion and began to sway from left to right. He gradually became no match for Monkey King. "Children, come and help!"

He could only urgently summon the little demon in the cave to step forward and entangle Monkey King for a while, and then he opened his mouth three times on the ground while looking at Sunda. He sighed and blew out. Suddenly, a yellow wind blew up from the sky. Samadhi Kamikaze once again enveloped the entrance of the Yellow Wind Cave.

   "Master, master, quickly extinguish the wind! Big brother can't hold it anymore!" Zhu Bajie hurriedly shouted, Shen Long still circling the golden pen, and the wind just blowing went out again.

Sun Wukong grabbed a handful of hairs and blew it, turned into countless avatars and solved the little demon. He surrounded himself again, and suffered two losses on the samadhi kamikaze. Sun Wukong had already hit the real fire, and immediately brushed the golden hoop. There was a whirr, and one rod after another hit the head of King Huang Feng.

   This happened twice in a row. The King Huangfeng already knew that the samādhi kamikaze he was good at was useless this time. On the edge of the rocky cliff, it appeared to be a stingy mink.

Wukong stepped forward to ask about its origin, Huang Fengda Wang said, "I was a Taoist mouse at the foot of Lingshan, because I stole the clear oil in the glass lamp, and the lights were dim. I was afraid that King Kong would take me. So I left, but here I am. I don’t want my subordinates to collide with Daxian today, but please let Daxian spare his life!"

  "Master, according to your opinion, should this monster deserve to die?" At this time, Shen Long, Zhu Bajie and Xiao Bailong also arrived at the entrance of the cave, and Monkey King quickly turned around and asked.

"Listening to what the Tiger Pioneer said, I think there is no less eating in this cave on weekdays! You wait to check it out in the cave, if you find evidence, just kill it!" In the original book, Lingji Bodhisattva is just After subduing King Huang Feng, he didn't put him to death, but brought him back to see the Tathagata. I don't know how to deal with it in the end.

   I don’t expect to kill it, right? What is the Tathagata? Does he know if there is a mouse stealing lamp oil and gnawing candles in Lingshan? It is estimated that it was deliberately arranged for the four-member group. Since King Huang Feng has completed the task, he will naturally not be punished too much.

Monkey King stepped on the King of Yellow Wind, Zhu Bajie watched the little demon around him, Xiao Bailong went into the Yellow Wind Cave and searched it, and indeed found a lot of skeletons. Now the evidence is conclusive. Needless to say, Monkey King is up and down. , Smashed King Huangfeng to death with a stick, while Xiaobailong and Zhu Bajie smashed the brood of sly rabbits, monsters, fragrant deer, horned deer, and nailed palladium swords to death, and gave the monsters in Huangfeng Cave of Huangfengling a way to remove the roots.

After the solution was cleaned up, Shen Long asked Monkey King and the others to dig pits to bury these monsters, then sat down cross-legged, and sang a rebirth curse to them. This life is not good, so in the next life, don’t do that. Now the sins are cleared in the underworld, and then reincarnated. Be a good person, or a good monster!

After cleaning up, they went into the cave to explore, and asked Monkey King to clean up all the gold, silver, jewelry, food and property in the cave. "It is expected that these monsters usually do harm to the people around them. Give these things to them!"

   The three apprentices took their orders and set up clouds to sneak into the nearby villages. They distributed some of the food and property to each family, and informed them that the monsters in Huangfengling had been eradicated and they could live and work in peace and contentment. The people around were grateful.

   Actually this is what the Journey to the West should look like, right? Slaying demons and slaying demons all the way to restore local peace is more meaningful than asking for a few scriptures.

At the same time, Lingji Bodhisattva who was meditating in the Osumeyama Zen Monastery suddenly had an idea, "Well, the King Huangfeng died? Without my Dingfengzhu to withstand the samādhi wind, what is the Monkey King? How did he kill him?" He could think of the magical tool like the Qingyu pen in the world.

   "Okay, let's go!" When Monkey King and the others came back after dispersing the food and treasure, Shen Long stood up and said, the four masters and apprentices once again set foot on the westbound road.

After walking forward for a while, Shen Long stopped again after thinking about it, took out the Qingyu pen, circled the Huangfeng Cave with a blue pen, and immediately went down in the pouring rain. It was only when Monkey King and Zhu Bajie killed the monsters. The blood on the ground was washed away by the rain, and the ground was clean again.


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