All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2589: Look at J

  Sun Wukong watched carefully, it turned out that it was Laojun Li, who was too panicked and said, "Old official, where to go?"

The ancestor soared to the throne of the Jade Bureau, standing in the sky in the sky, shouting, "Monkey King, return my baby, the gourd is for me to hold the pill, the clean bottle is for the water, the sword is for the magic, and the fan is for the fire. Yes, the rope is a strap of my robe; those two strange things: one is the boy who watched the golden stove, and the other is the boy who watched the silver stove, because he stole my treasure and walked into the lower bounds. Looking for a place, it was you who held it today and achieved merit."

   Sun Wukong said, "You old official, you are really rude and indulge your family members as evil. You should ask for a crime of lax restraint."

   Laojun explained, "If you don't do my business, you must not blame people. This is the Bodhisattva on the sea asked me to borrow three times, and sent him to entrust a monster here, and see if your master and apprentice have a sincere heart to go west."

Shen Long smiled and returned the gourd to him. The old gentleman received five treasures, uncovered the caps of the gourd and the net bottle, poured out two celestial airs, pointed with his hand, and turned into two boys of gold and silver. Follow the left and right, and then return to Liheng Tiandou Rate Palace.

After Taishang Laojun left, Shen Long muttered in his heart, if it weren't for the cognitive changer, he might have guessed something. He immediately reached into the portable space and saw the purple gold red gourd copied with the copy mirror. The baby is still there. Although these things are not easy to use in the world of "Journey to the West", they can be used in other worlds.

A few people packed up the other little monsters, and continued to travel westward, heading down the mountain. They couldn’t say enough about the water and breeze meal, and the frost was exposed. The masters and apprentices walked for a long time, and another mountain blocked the road in front of them. For fear of another evil invading.

   When the golden wheel fell to the west, when the jade rabbit ascended east, everyone saw that there were towers and pavilions in the alcove. Before they arrived, they saw the five big characters of the imperial Baolin Temple written on the plaque, but the plaque had been dusty for a long time.

   Entered the temple, but was rejected by the monks in the temple. When I asked the reason, I learned that it turned out that it was the monks from the monks who had taken in the temple in the past. Unexpectedly, these monks were reluctant to leave and caused the temple to be devastated.

Shen Long understood that the so-called imperial construction was built by imperial decree. It is inevitable for the abbot to have some snobs, and now the Wuji country is occupied by the lion spirit, and the lion spirit is a Taoist priest. Naturally, the monks in the temple will be left alone. The imperial court cannot support it, and can only resist receiving all monks from outside.

This time, Wukong was so angry that he directly smashed the stone lion outside the door and stopped these monks, went inside to rest, and slept in the middle of the night, and there were ghosts looking for them. After asking Fangzhi, this ghost was originally the king of Wuji Country Five years ago, Tiannian drought was in the critical place. Suddenly, there was a real person in Zhongnan Mountain, who could call the wind and rain, and beg for rain to solve the drought in Wuji Country.

   So the king of Wuji Kingdom became a brother with him, but he didn't want the Taoist priest to push him into the well while visiting the imperial garden together and occupy his country. It has been three years now.

Shen Long sneered, "You don't know that there is a reason for this. At the beginning, you were a good monk, and the Buddha sent Manjusri to send you back to the west, and early proved the golden body Arhat, because it is impossible to meet in the original body and become a kind of ordinary. Monk, I asked you to make some fasting offerings; but you were confused by his words and did not know the real body of the Bodhisattva. You tied him with a rope and sent him to the Yushui River for three days and three nights. Now he lets him sit Go down the lion and push you down, soak you for three years to repay the hatred of the floods for three days. One drink and one peck, is it pre-determined."

   What is the equivalent of this? It is like a company's grassroots employees who have been conscientious and conscientious. The leader sees it and asks the personnel commissioner to check him out to promote him. Who knows that he had a little misunderstanding with the personnel commissioner, and he was refrigerated for three years.

   To say that the black-bone king was wrong, it was indeed a small mistake, but just because of this little incident, people were killed. It was too much to be thrown into the well for three years, right? This Buddhist man is really stingy!

   "Ah? How can this be good?" After hearing this, the Wuji king panicked. He thought it was just a monster, but who knew it was the Bodhisattva who supported him.

"Maybe, now that the three-year period has come, I will ask my apprentice to go to Liheng Tiandou Rate Palace to borrow a Nine Ranked Golden Pill to rescue you from resurrection, and then take you to the hall and confront the lion spirit!" Give that bodhisattva a good look.

   "Such a treasure pill, how can the Taishang Lao be willing to give it?" The Wuji King shook his head.

"If it's someone else, the old gentleman may not give it, but the previous lion has turned into a Taoist priest and broke the name of the Taoist school. The old gentleman will definitely not be able to see it!" Why would such a precious pill be given to Sun Wukong? ? It's not that Sun Wukong's face is big, right? "If you have a guilty heart, you should cultivate one more Taoist temple in Wuji Country, regardless of whether Buddhism and Taoism are treated equally!"

  Shen Long is fair in dealing with things. Taoism will benefit Taoism if it is done well. The original Wuji country was devoted to worshiping Buddhism, but it suffered such a fate, so it is better to introduce Taoism.

   When he woke up the next day, Shen Long asked Monkey King to ask for the medicine. When he arrived at the Lihen Tiandou Rate Palace, although Lao Jun was reluctant to give up, he finally asked Monkey King to take the medicine away.

He also asked Zhu Bajie to go to the well and carry the corpse of the black chicken king, set it in the emperor’s lips, opened his teeth with both hands, flushed the golden pill down his belly with a mouthful of water, and gave the king a breath of breath. Live back.

After that, things are simple. Just like in the novel, Monkey King finds the Prince Wuji King and becomes a villain. He pretends to know the afterlife and explain the truth to him. Then he communicates with the queen through the prince to help eliminate demons. Good foreshadowing.

When the previous dynasty changed the customs, Wukong sang a song in front of the false king, exposing the false king's various evils. The lion spirit still wanted to become Shen Long and fooled him, but Shen Long easily cracked it. In Wukong When he was about to fight, he was captured by Manjushri Bodhisattva. It turned out that Manjushri's mount was a green-haired lion descending to the earth.

Manjushri used the magic mirror to fix the lion spirit, explaining the reason for this matter, and explained, "It came from the decree of the Buddha..... It has not harmed anyone. Since his arrival, the weather has been smooth and the country is peaceful and the people are safe in the past three years. Is it there?"

   Sun Wukong said, "That's true, but only San Gong Niang, who slept with him, stained his body, and how much ethics has been broken, is it said that he has never harmed people?"

   Bodhisattva explained, "It's not stained, he is a deceived lion."

   Bajie heard the words, approached, touched it, and smiled, "This goblin really has a bad nose and doesn't eat alcohol--it's a vain name!"

After saying that the Bodhisattva will take the lion spirit away, Shen Long said, "Wait a minute, this lion has no eggs. You and I know, but the people of the Wuji country don't know it. What happened today has already shocked the palace. Going out will be a hindrance to the concubine's reputation. According to my opinion, it is better to let this lion walk around the city and show it to the people!"


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