All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2591: Che Chiguo

Sun Wukong's somersault was one hundred and eight thousand miles away, so he came back in just a few moments, "Big Brother Niu was very enthusiastic when he saw me, and he insisted on hosting a banquet to entertain me. I only urged that it was important to protect the master from going to the west to learn the scriptures. It won’t be too late for Ji Leishan to have a feast. It was so easy for Big Brother Niu to let me come back."

After talking about Sun Wukong, he began to mutter in his heart. Hey, the master doesn’t seem to need my protection on this journey. On the contrary, I’ve got a lot of light from the master. If it weren’t for the master, it would be impossible to escape from the Wuzhuang Temple last time. The eldest nephew couldn't please him, so he was ashamed of my grandson, but it was just that way to be the master of my grandson.

   "How about your nephew? Didn't the Bull Demon span his ass?" Zhu Bajie asked gleefully. The father heard his son say that he was happy when he died?

"I didn't talk to Big Brother Niu about this much, I only said that I escorted the master to the west to learn the scriptures, and misunderstood one or two things with my nephew." Monkey King is not an idiot, so naturally I won't say this much. It's better to hear Niu Devil and Red Boy. , No one will be happy.

After cleaning up the little monsters in the withered pine stream and Huoyun cave, the nearby mountain gods are grateful. When the red boy was there, he treated them as slaves to toss them. He went to the cave every day and had to work hard. The life was miserable. In other words, now that Red Boy has been sent home, they can finally resume their usual lives.

After traveling for more than a month, I suddenly heard the sound of water. I saw that there was a black water in front of the sky, and horses could not enter. It turned out that the Heishui River had arrived. There is a dragon spirit here. The father is the Jinghe Dragon King and the mother is the Xihai Dragon King. My sister, the former Dragon King of Jinghe and Yuan Shoucheng, had time points for the "Raining Rain" bet. In order to compete for strength, they missed the time and deducted the points and were executed.

  Jinghe Dragon King’s wife had nowhere to stay, so she had to take the Dragon Spirit to the Xihai Dragon King to settle down. After the Dragon Spirit grew up, the Xihai Dragon King "stayed him to live in the Heishuihe River to raise his sex, until he became famous, don’t move."

Now they are greedy for Tang monk meat and come to the trouble of their masters and apprentices. Unfortunately, Xuanlong is not good enough. He wants to pretend to be a male to lure Shen Long onto the boat, and then ask Shen Long to eat wonton noodles in the middle of the river. Let him succeed? This dragon spirit was easily taken by Monkey King, and Shen Long asked Xiao Bailong to send the dragon spirit back to Xihai as usual.

   Anyway, this is also Xiao Bailong's cousin, it is not easy to kill people in front of him, it is better to let Xiao Bailong go, and somehow reunite with his parents.

Xiao Bailong returned to the West China Sea for various reasons. The five masters and apprentices crossed the Heishui River and continued on the road. It was winter, and it was snowing in the wind, wearing the moon and wearing the stars. He traveled for a long time, and it was early spring. The weather, but seeing the transfer of the three suns, everything is radiant, the flower fragrance is warm, the clouds are light and the sun is new, the willows on the roadside are soothing, the ointment rain breeds the spring of Vientiane, the masters and apprentices are watching the scenery up the road, walking slowly, suddenly hearing With a shout, it seemed like a shout of thousands of people.

   Sun Wukong stretched his body, stepped up in the sky, opened his eyes and saw a city in the distance. He looked at him closely, but it was auspicious and faint, and there was no viciousness.

After I went down to find out, I learned that this place is called Chachiguo. The king believed in Buddhism before, and after Huli Daxian, Luli Daxian, and Yangli Daxian came to Chachiguo, the monk bet on the race for rain to win and was respected by the king. As a national teacher, he solemnly respects Taoism, and punishes the monks to do hard labor in Taoism. Most of them are tortured to death. Only five hundred monks are protected from death by the Bodhisattva.

   "They also said that they dreamed of Taibai Jinxing's dream and told them that when I waited until the car was late, it was the day when they left the sea of ​​suffering!" Taibai Jinxing gave the monk a dream, which is strange.

   The Monkey King returned to report to Shen Long, and Shen Long sighed, "The Three Religions are originally a family, so why bother to come, even if the three of them have the idea of ​​a vast family, it is better than the monks to suppress them, why hurt so many lives."

   "It's weird, if the Bodhisattva is willing to bless the monks, why not save them all, but only save the lives of five hundred monks? Why didn't the rest of the monks save?" After he finished feeling, Shen Long suddenly remembered a key.

"Disciple go and inquire again!" Sun Wukong went to inquire about it again, and said again when he came back, "So that the master knows that the monk of Che Chiguo relied on the king's cronies to do something illegal, so he came to the three national teachers. After arriving in Chechiguo, these monks were reprimanded. It was not just a matter of betting for rain and losing. It is expected that most of those monks are evildoers, and the Bodhisattva can't see it!"

"So that's the case!" Shen Long nodded slightly, and it made sense. "Looking at that Che Chi Guoxiang is faint, those national teachers may also learn the authentic Taoism, but these five hundred monks have suffered so long. It’s time to let them practice in peace, and I’ll tell them a couple after I enter the city!"

   This car is not too big for Chi Guocheng. In the past, there were thousands of monks raised. This pressure is also great enough! Shen Long sighed inwardly, then entered the city and went to Zhiyuan Temple to place orders and rest.

At night, Zhu Bajie and the others went to sleep. There was something in Sun Wukong's mind and couldn't fall asleep. He just listened to the blows there, and quietly got up, put on his clothes, and jumped in the air to watch. , But it is the Taoist priest of Sanqing Guan Xingli.

   Sun Wukong saw the excitement in the Sanqing Temple, so he wanted to join in the excitement, so he returned to Zhiyuan Temple and planned to call Zhu Bajie and others to disturb the three national masters' ceremonies.

  I don’t want to just drop the cloud and saw Shen Long standing in the yard, "Wukong, your brother and sister are already asleep, so let me accompany you through this experience!"

   "How does the master know what I am going to do?" Sun Wukong had to take Shen Long to go with him, hiding in the hall and waiting for the arrival of the three national teachers.

   The ceremony in the hall was tight, and the little Taoist priests obeyed their orders. The two squads were arranged in order. With a chime, they read a volume of "Huang Ting Moral Scripture" together.

The great immortal Tiger Li put on his vestments, carried the jade slip, danced in front of him, prostrated himself to the ground, and proclaimed, "Sincere and fearful, return to the head. The ministers and others prosper the religion, looking up to the pure. Extinguish monks and contempt, respect the glory of Taoism The imperial palace was built by imperial courts. It was provided by a wide range of trees, and the dragon flag was hung high. The candles were held all night, and the day was fragrant. One sincerity reached up, and an inch of godliness returned. Today, I have been surrendered to drive, and have not returned to the fairy car. Hope to give some gold Dan holy water, enter the court, and live longer than Nanshan."

   Great Immortal Luli and Great Immortal Yangli follow and worship again, praying that Sanqing can reward them with the immortal water pill, Shen Long muttered in his heart, I have all the immortal water pill, but it can't be so cheap for you.

   So he let Monkey King wind up for a while, and then said loudly, "You don't know if a catastrophe is imminent!"

   "Huh? I waited for the blessing car to make the country smooth, and dare not slack in the slightest. What's wrong?" The three suddenly panicked.

   "Hehe, don't you know what you are waiting for?"


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