All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2594: Tongtianhe

   Qiu Yu revealed the magic power of Monkey King. The three national teachers surrendered again, and Che Chiguo had no reason to continue to embarrass the monks. The king immediately forgave them and returned the monastery to the monks.

Huli Daxian, Luli Daxian, and Yangli Daxian personally went to the construction site to apologize to the monks, and used the savings in the Taoist temple to rebuild the temple. By the way, several temples were built to worship the Jade Emperor and other gods of the heavens. , The monks finally got out of suffering, and couldn't help crying with joy.

   Later, after processing the beginning and the end, the three national teachers declined Che Chiguo’s retention, and went back to the mountain to Qingxiu, but they left a legend in Che Chiguo.

Of course, these are all funerals. After seeing the liberation of the monks, Shen Long said goodbye to Che Chiguo and continued to travel west; Xiao Xing lived at night, thirsty for food, and felt the end of spring and summer. , It was autumn weather again, and the moonlight was still good today, so they took an extra journey, and suddenly heard the surging waves, a big river blocked them in front.

   Zhu Ba Jie went to find a pebble, looked into the water and threw it away, only to hear that the bones were full of yuzu, sinking to the bottom, seeing this Ba Jie shook his head repeatedly, "Deep! Can't go!"

Sun Wukong boarded the head of the cloud to explore, "Master, wide and wide! No way! Old Sun Huo has golden eyes, he often sees thousands of miles in the day, and he knows it, he also sees three to five hundred miles at night. Nowadays, you can't see the shore. How can a broad number be determined?"

   Another stone stele was found in Zuo Jin. On the stele, there are three large characters in seal script. The two lines below contain ten small characters. The three large characters are "Tongtianhe", and the ten small characters are "Across eight hundred miles, few people walked in the past."

"Master, it seems that I will rest here tonight, and I will cross the river tomorrow. If there is a ferry, it will be fine. If it fails, I can only use the previous means and walk through the door. "Wukong asked for instructions.

"Such a big river, there must be aquatic monsters, and first go to the surrounding villages to inquire about it. If it is a monster with a lot of evil, except for it." At this time, there was the sound of drums and cymbals. A group of people heard the sound and saw a cluster of people's residences. There are four to five hundred families, but they all live well. They only found out about the Tongtianhe when they went inside to find people.

   There is only Li Xu from the inscription on the stele, and there is a great temple of inspiration. Nian Nian Zhuang Shi Gan Lu, Sui Sui village Qingyun; originally this is a good thing, who would have expected that the inspiration king once a year to sacrifice competition, a virgin, a virgin, pigs, sheep and cattle; he would have a meal Eat it to keep us in good weather; if we don't sacrifice to the game, we will come to bring disasters.

"This is fornication! Righteous practice. Regardless of the gods and Buddhas, they are all compassionate. It's nothing more than asking for some incense and fruits. How can you dare to eat people? This must be a monster. You and other sacrifice monsters may be evil. Buddha, there will be disaster sooner or later!" Shen Long said, this kind of monster can quite confuse the foolish husband and wife of the village. If you don't make it clear, you can just do it directly, maybe the villagers will stop it.

   Fortunately, the villagers here still understand the truth. After hearing what Shen Long said, they just smiled bitterly, "How can I not know that the inspirational king is not a good person? But I am all ordinary people, how can I resist monsters?"

   "So don't be afraid, my apprentices also have some means, it is better to turn him into a sacrificial virgin and get rid of the great inspiration!" Shen Long said.

This inspirational king was originally a goldfish raised in the lotus pond of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Every day he floats his head to listen to the scriptures and cultivates into a method. He uses an unopened stalk of red copper to hammer into a weapon. When the tide rises, the goldfish is fine. Leaving the lotus pond and running to Tongtian River, he seized the house of Lao Yuan. He would call the wind and rain and pretend to be a god, asking the villagers to keep the good weather at the cost of offering a pair of virgins every year.

Thinking of the origin of the inspirational king, Shen Long also sneered. He listened to the scriptures at the lotus pond in Luojia Mountain every day. He did not learn to be compassionate. Although Guanshiyin Bodhisattva caught him for a while, he treated him for the young boys who had eaten him all these years. The virgin did not give any explanation. How could this be easily let go? Since I met him this time, I must take his life to comfort these virgins.

   Monkey King and Zhu Bajie listened to them, and they quickly resorted to changes and turned into virgin boys, but after the change, Pig Bajie still had a big belly. It was not until Monkey King breathed a breath that his belly fell.

The crowd sent their transformed virgin boys and girls to the Great King Temple of Inspiration. The king came out to eat people according to his old habits, but did not want to encounter two hard stubbles. He was nailed to palladium by the pig's bajie. A fish scale, but unfortunately the monster escaped back into the Tongtian River.

   Back to the cave, the monster thought of a way, preparing to snow and ice the Tongtian River, lure Shen Long and the others to cross the river, then broke the ice in the middle, and took them down to eat meat, so that they could live forever.

So in the middle of the night I went down to the heavy snow, and it was two or three feet thick in a short time. I woke up in the morning and came to the river to watch. Many people walked on the ice. Only after asking them did they realized that they were all going to do business in Xiliang Women’s Country. of.

Zhu Bajie felt that it was not safe yet, so he pulled his clothes and walked up to the river, holding the palladium with both hands, trying his best to build, and only listened to a flop, built nine white signs, and his hands were sore. The idiot laughed." Go! Go! Even the bottom is blocked."

"When I was worried about how to cross the, I came here. This heavy snow sealed the river surface. This is a bit weird, Wukong, let’s take a look with your eyes and golden eyes. Take a look at the ice that is walking on the ice. Is it all people?" Shen Long already knew that this was the method of the inspiration king.

   "Master, there are monsters among them, and they are playing tricks on our heads. Watch my old grandson smash their heads!" Monkey King looked at it and recognized several monsters.

   "It's not in a hurry. The Tongtianhe has wide waters. If he has been hiding in the underwater cave, I will not be able to look for him later. If I do, I will take him down!" Shen Long shook his head.

"It is estimated that this monster will wait until we walk halfway before grinning away from the ice and sinking us into the water. Xiaobailong and Bajie have learned water, but Junior Brother Sha and I have never been good at this. Even if there are ten things to the bottom of the water. I'm afraid there is no two to three percent left!" Monkey King didn't mention Shen Long, he knew that the master must have the means.

   "Don't worry about it, there is a means for the teacher!" Shen Long took out a prop from the fourth-dimensional pocket and applied it to them, and then the teachers and apprentices waited by the river.

Until there were no pedestrians on the ice, they just stepped on the ice and prepared to cross the river. Shen Long carried the tin rod, the walker carried the iron rod, the Drifter carried the demon descending treasure staff, and the eight ring shoulders carried the luggage and waist. Crossing the nail palladium, the masters and apprentices moved forward with confidence. When they were on the way, they could only hear a whistling sound under the ice, and the ice was grinning.


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