All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2597: Get out of the way and watch him clean up for the teacher

"Since someone specially sent the Banjiao Green Bull to retaliate, even if you go to Dust Palace, will you be able to see Old Master Taishang? The boy at the door will say that the old gentleman is in retreat for alchemy, or he is traveling abroad. Friends, I don’t know where to go, can you really smash the palace?" Shen Long sneered, "If you don't want to toss you, how to end this cause and effect?"

The monsters on this westward road are also divided into grades. To say that this is difficult to deal with, King Si is definitely one of the best, in a sense, even more than the three monsters of the Lion and Tuoling and the Nine Spirits. And Huang Meiwei, after all, those few did not let the Buddha Tathagata suffer. When the King One Horned Si, they even received the emery that the Buddha Tathagata gave to Monkey King.

"Furthermore, don't you want to avenge you for being detained outside the Nantianmen, slashing with thunders and slashing, being put into a gossip stove, being smoky and suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain for five hundred years? If you want revenge, this On the westward journey, you have to walk step by step. It’s easy to find other people’s help. But since then you owe people’s love. As soon as they helped you, you have to seek revenge from others. Tell these things. It doesn't sound good!" Shen Long continued.

   On the westward road, Sun Wukong did not go to Tianting, Lingshan, Luojia Mountain and other places for help. People have helped many times, so he was ashamed to mention the old hatred? This is also the routine used by Heavenly Court, Lingshan and Monkey King to resolve their grievances. If not, the group of people who were killed five hundred years ago should help him.

"But my old grandson's wishful golden hoop was collected by the monster, and there is no one to take advantage of it with his bare hands. How can I fight him?" Monkey King looked embarrassed, Jing Shen Long said. He also understood the truth, and naturally he didn't want to go to the Palace of Satisfaction to stay behind closed doors, but he couldn't do it right now.

"How can you not fight with your bare hands? Besides, being a teacher is not without a magic weapon! Here, this thing is just for you!" Shen Long threw a pair of gloves, "As long as you bring it, it's not you, even if you are a master. Wujing can also be comparable to the one-player King Si, whoever wins depends on that is harder to persist. Could it be that you can lose to him than this?"

Shen Long threw a pair of red boxing gloves in the past. This item is called Lu... Oh, no, it is evenly matched gloves, also called equal gloves, regardless of victory or defeat. Shen Long prefers to call it five-five open gloves, as long as you wear them With this pair of gloves, no matter how strong the opponent is, they can be evenly matched. In the end, who can win depends entirely on willpower.

   Hey, if it weren’t for Zhu Bajie who is lazy and timid, he really wants to lend him these gloves. It must be interesting to watch Zhu Bajie and the King Si horns play a match.

Putting on his gloves, Monkey King felt a little awkward, but he still came to look for the king of the unicorn, and the king of the unicorn, with a spear, came forward, "This monkey boss is tired and lazy! You were no match for me before, and you lost your meal. How come you die again in the future?"

   Sun Wukong said, "This son said in reverse! I don't know it was me who died, it was you who died! Come over and take my grandpa's punch!"

The one-horned King Si smiled and said, "This monkey is forcibly entangled! I used a gun, but he used a fist. That's a muscular skeleton fist, which has to be the size of a walnut. How can it be called a hammer? Stop! Stop! I'll put down the gun and walk with you all the way to see!"

Wukong said, "That's right! Come on up!" The king of unicorn lied up and progressed, lost a frame, raised two fists, really like a hammer, this great sage stretched out and moved away. , In front of the door, handed fist with the demon king.

   The two have fought for dozens of times. Generally, they are not strong or weak. The two of them are fighting in front of the cave. They can only see Monk Sha and Xiao Bailong intoxicated, and can't help but applaud his martial arts.

Shen Long secretly shook his head, perhaps because the magical magic of the myth world is too powerful. Although the two of them have great martial arts, if they are replaced by the one-horned King Si, as long as he does not use the diamond, there is no hope of winning. .

The two sides fought for hundreds of rounds, still regardless of victory or defeat. The monster was in a hurry. He couldn't help but let the little demon throw his spear and stab at Monkey King as a distraction. The Monkey King just started to wobble a bit, but slowly found out. Although King Si had more weapons in his hand, he still did not lose the wind, still maintaining a 50-50 situation.

   This thing is really a good baby. Sun Wukong was secretly delighted, dodges to avoid the tip of the gun, got into the arms of the monster, and fisted like a fist like raindrops and attacked the king.

As the saying goes, one inch long and one inch strong can use long weapons. Once someone gets close, he will squat left and right. Before he can take the spear back, he will get several punches between his chest and abdomen. The king thought that with Monkey King's walnut-sized fist, how many strengths could he hit on him? He simply planned to take a few punches to force Monkey King away.

Who knows that although this fist looks small, its strength is not weak at all. It should be understood that Monkey King usually plays a 13500-jin Ruyi golden hoop, plus the bonus of evenly matched gloves. A few punches made my chest I almost couldn’t breathe. Fortunately, evenly matched, the full set will also adjust the strength according to the physical condition of King Si. The next few punches are lighter than one punch, otherwise he is still It's really uncomfortable.

"Okay, Ma Wen, you keep saying that you want to fight with me with bare hands, but you also secretly bring a magic weapon!" But this also made the unicorn Si Wang see that these gloves are unusual, so he drew out of the circle and took his arm again. The superior King Kong Zhuo kicked it down and threw the circle up. With a loud noise, the evenly matched gloves were also taken away by King Si.

Sun Wukong hurried away and returned to Shen Long to complain for a while, "Master, although your magic weapon is good, it also has some disadvantages. Why did my strength become smaller after I defeated him? If not, my grandson would have long since Pack him up!"

   How about a five-five open glove? Shen Long smiled secretly in his heart, and Zhu Bajie muttered on the side, "Master, let the big brother go to the Dust Palace to find the old man, the big deal is to apologize and apologize to him! If not, we can do this level. I can't make it." He can understand it, no matter how powerful magic weapon he finds, King Si can use his circle to collect it.

   "Don't worry, don't worry." Shen Long knew that after Sun Wukong had to ask all the gods and Buddhas all over the sky, the Taishang Laojun would go out. He didn't want Sun Wukong to suffer this grievance.

   So he moved his hands and feet, "You wait to get out of the way and watch the teacher clean up this guy."


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