All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2620: This should be killed

"Isn’t the Taibaijinxing asking you to go to the heaven for help? Our masters and apprentices can’t clean up so many monsters. It’s not a problem for a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals to descend! Let the Tota Heavenly King lead the army and lay 18 layers of heaven and earth nets, and that monster can escape. Got to take it off?" I believe they also want to come to Shituoling to watch the fun?

Heavenly Court and Lingshan both cooperate and fight. Heavenly Court will certainly not let go of such an opportunity to fall on the right side. Moreover, after the lion tuoling monster is wiped out, Heavenly Court can also develop a group of believers around here. How could they not? Come on? And since this kind of thing is beneficial to Heavenly Court, then there is no need to worry that Monkey King will owe them favors. In the future, if someone in Heavenly Court does something too much, you can still take care of it.

"It depends on the master!" Monkey King jumped up and arrived at the Nantian Gate in a short time. Over there, Tota Heavenly King Li Jing had already brought the three altars of the sea **** Nezha, the Four Heavenly Kings, the Nine Yaoxing King, and the Twenty-Eight Suzuka. Now, clairvoyant eyes and ear feces have been watching the movements of Shituoling.

"Master, this is too scary!" After Sun Wukong left, Zhu Bajie stood up trembling and patted his chest continuously. The scene just now scared him so hard, he is still wondering, Tathagata Buddha When did they become so talkative? Big brother killed his uncle, can he tolerate it?

"Hmph, killing an innocent monster like this, if you let him go, it would be unfair! Anyone I meet, whether he is the bodhisattva's mount or the uncle of the Tathagata, will not let it go!" The same goes for the side, everything requires justice, or I can't swallow this breath.

   There will be more in the future? How could my old pig suffer so much! Zhu Bajie wailed in his heart, but when he was not concerned about this, he hurried to the cave house, turned out a pair of clean trousers and replaced them. His trousers were wet and unable to wear.

As soon as I changed my pants and came out, I heard thunderous drums from the sky. One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and heavenly soldiers opened the heaven and earth nets and enveloped all of the liontuoling. The three altars of the sea, the **** Nezha, stepped on the hot wheels and took the lead. The giant spirit gods followed closely behind with a giant axe in their hands, and the four heavenly kings each guarded one side, arrows rained down, thunder continued, and the monsters all over the mountains were killed or taken down by them.

   Clairvoyance and windy ears stood beside Li Jing, reporting the movements of the monsters from time to time, and then Li Jing dispatched troops to chase and intercept them. Be sure not to let this monster in the Lion Camel Ridge go away!

   Sun Wukong had been addicted to the green lion white elephant and the golden winged big peng eagle before, but now he is too lazy to do it, just standing there and pointing to Nezha and others, evaluating their martial arts.

After cleaning up the monsters in the Lion Camel Ridge, one hundred thousand celestial soldiers and generals came to the Lion Camel country again, surrounded the city, captured all the monsters in the city, and then cleaned it. The Lion Camel country was restored to its original state, but the number of the city was reduced. One hundred thousand people seem to be deserted, but fortunately Li Jing and others were prepared.

"Elder, Great Sage, we are going to migrate the people around to fill the Lion Camel country." The Lion Camel country has the city pool, the surrounding land is fertile, and it is located on the westbound main road. It is a pity that it is so deserted. Migrating the people from the surrounding poor places, it is expected that in a few years, there will be a prosperous scene here.

   Of course, Li Jing and the others are also good to do this. The people who have migrated will definitely worship them. From then on, this new lion and camel country will be their territory.

Shen Long waited for a whole day of rest in the lion camel country, and waited for the people who were migrating from the heavenly gods to gradually resume their normal lives, they left, and went west on the lion camel. After several months, it was early winter. Masters and apprentices Rushing cold, staying in the rain and eating breeze, while walking, I saw another city.

The crowd arrived in front of the city wall and entered Yuecheng. They saw an old army who was snuggling to sleep under the Xiangyang Wall. They stepped forward and asked. The old army yawned, got up, stretched out and said, "Elder, elder, Forgive the sins of the villain, this place was originally called the Bhikkhu Kingdom, but now it is changed to the Little City."

   Sun Wukong was quite puzzled, "Master, this place was originally a Bhikkhu country, but now it has been changed to a small town. But I don’t know why the name was changed." Tang

   Zhu Bajie said casually, "I think the monk king has collapsed. The new throne is a kid, hence the name Xiaozicheng."

   entered the city and went to the Tongqu market to watch. He was well-dressed, beautiful and prosperous, but he saw a goose cage at the door of his house. I don’t know what the custom is.

Sun Wukong twisted the tactics, chanted the spell, transformed himself into a bee, spread his wings, flew close to the side, and got into the curtain to watch. It turned out that the child sitting inside was a child; when he went to the second cage to watch, it was also a bee. The children, even looking at the eight or nine families, are all children, but they are male, not even female. Some sit in cages and play naughty, some sit in them crying, some eat fruit, and some sleep.

Monkey King came back to report to Shen Long. Shen Long knew where he was. When he arrived at the post house, UU read the book to find the post office and asked, "The poor monk has something unclear to ask for advice. Raising a child, somehow look at it."

The post-cheng sighed, "The sky is no two days, and people have no reason; there is no reason to nurture children, father and mother's blood, conceive in October, wait for the time, give birth to breastfeeding for three years, and gradually become physical. "

However, he refused to elaborate, and after repeated inquiries, he said, "This country was originally a Bhikkhu country, and there were folk songs near it, so it was changed to a small town; three years ago, an old man dressed up as a Taoist and brought a young woman, 16 years old. At the age of 18, his daughter described her as beautiful and handsome, and she looks like Guanyin, paying tribute to the present. His Majesty loves her beauty and is fortunate to be in the palace, and her name is Queen of Beauty."

"Recently, the Empress of Sangong, the concubine of the Sixth Court, who have no righteous glances at each other, day and night, are greedy for joy, and now they have become thinner, physically weak, eat less, and have a fate; the imperial hospital has tried everything. , Can't be cured, the Taoist who enters the woman is called the head of the state by my lord.

"The king has a secret recipe overseas, which can prolong life. The former goes to Ten Continents and Three Islands to gather general medicines. They are all complete, but they are only the advantages of the medicine: using the hearts and livers of 11,111 children and decoction After taking the medicine, there is a thousand years of immortality. The children in these goose cages are all selected, raised in them, and their parents are afraid of the king's law, and they dare not cry. So they spread rumors, called Xiaoercheng, this is not No way, what? The elders will arrive at the court tomorrow morning, only to switch the customs, not to mention the matter."

   Shen Long gritted his teeth at hearing, "Funjun, Funjun! For you are greedy and beautiful, and get sick, how can you bend the lives of these children!"

   This is what the white deer under the Antarctic Celestial constellation did, and this must be killed!

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