All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2627: Destroy France

In the novel, Li Jing, the king of Tota, led the **** of heaven with Nezha, the great **** of the three altars of the sea, and after holding the golden-nosed white hairy mouse spirit, he went to play Tiancao and listened to the post. As for the result of the post, it was not said. Whether the Golden Nose White Haired Mouse Spirit is dead or not is as unclear as whether she is Li Jing's goddaughter or goddaughter.

   But judging from the whereabouts of other monsters, the probability that she is safe and sound may be higher. After all, are they all relatives of the gods in the sky? What counts for eating a few mortals?

However, it was not so easy to pass the level when he arrived at Shen Long. Sun Wukong waited to search in the cave and found a lot of skeletons. The evidence that this monster cannibalized was found, so Sun Wukong stepped forward and killed him with a stick. Shen Long thought for a while, and took his corpse back. The mouse's fur was pretty good, and it was quite big. He took it back and peeled it off and gave Arya clothes, and he could spare two pairs of gloves.

   As for Li Jing, the Tota Heavenly King, there is no need to notify him, anyway he will definitely know that after clearing the little demon in the cave, distributing the property to the surrounding people as usual, the five masters and apprentices continue to move forward.

I left the bottomless pit of the Xingkong Mountain and moved westward. I didn’t realize the summer time. It was the beginning of the fumigation wind, the rainy season, the scorching heat, and when I was walking, I suddenly saw two rows of tall willows by the side of the road, and an old mother walked out of the willow. Shouted to Shen Longgao, "Monk, don't go, call Ma Dong back soon, going west is a dead end."

   Shen Long smiled secretly in his heart. He knew that this was originally the Guanyin Bodhisattva who had changed to inform the news, but compared with the novel, he was missing a boy who turned into a red boy. He jumped off his horse and asked.

The Guanyin Bodhisattva pointed to the west with his hand, "Go there, five or six miles away, but to destroy France; the king made enmity in his previous life, and committed crimes in this life for no reason, and promised a Luo Tian two years ago. I wish to kill 10,000 monks. In the past two years, nine thousand, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-six unknown monks have been killed one after another. Just wait for four famous monks to make up 10,000, so that you can reach perfection. Go, if you go to the city, you will be the Bodhisattva of Death!"

After another exhortation, the Bodhisattva drove up with a cloud of auspicious clouds, and for a while, the cloud was misty and headed back to the South China Sea; Shen Long sighed, "There must be something strange about this matter. It is just careless to think about the Zhuzi Kingdom and the Wuji Kingdom. If you offend the Bodhisattva, you will suffer misfortune. This is so arrogant to destroy France, and the Bodhisattva did not commit crimes to him. What is the reason?"

"Haha, you said, Master, that Zhu Ziguo and Wuji Kingdom offended all the Bodhisattvas. The people who killed France were just ordinary monks, so the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas would not take it seriously." Monkey King sneered as he walked westward. On the contrary, I became more and more aware of the true face of this heavenly **** and Buddha.

"Otherwise, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas also need the people's incense to worship!" Shen Long shook his head. For them, the spread of belief is also very important. "The Bodhisattva also said earlier that this is a vengeance in the past life. He was ashamed in his previous life, but now he is only paying for a reward, so it is not easy to involve him?"

   Everyone changed their faces and dressed up. When they arrived in the extinction of France, Monkey King saw in the air the joyful city, the auspicious light rippling, and there was doubt in his heart. This country treats monks so harshly, why is it flourishing?

Shen Long replied, "When the Buddha was destroyed, it was also in the Central Plains. Emperor Taiwu of Wei and Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty had the experience of destroying temples and burning Buddhist scriptures; Emperor Wei Taiwu killed monks indiscriminately, let alone the destruction of the temple by Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty 4 Thousands of people, forcing 3 million monks and nuns to return to the vulgar, they were rich and powerful. They laid a solid foundation for the Northern Zhou Dynasty to destroy the Qi and even the Northern Zhou Dynasty to unify the north."

"In the final analysis, the monks do not give birth. If more people escape into the empty door, the country will naturally be exhausted." In Shen Long's view, this Buddhism is a bit like an ancient psychologist. It can stabilize the society if it helps others. If there is a degree there, if millions of people all over the country run to become a monk, that's terrible, this country must be finished.

   "I'm waiting all the way to the west, and all the countries I've visited have spent a lot of money on the way of honoring monks, but if you don't have this expense, you may be more ample!" Shen Long said.

   "Hehe, Master, what you said doesn't sound like a monk said!" Monkey King laughed. If an ordinary monk heard these, he would have to criticize the extermination of France. Who is like Shen Long would even analyze the benefits of exterminating the Buddha.

   "I went to the Western Heaven to learn the scriptures, just to get the truth for the people of the Tang Dynasty to live and work in peace, so why can't these words be said?" We are not the real Tang Sanzang.

   "However, it is necessary to limit the scale of Buddhism and Taoism. It is enough to kill people at any time!" Just like the Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, directly letting the monks return to the vulgar, killing innocent people would be punished.

Shen Long didn't want to use the method of shaved heads of the king and the civil and military officials in the novel, so after entering the city, he came to the temple to replace the customs clearance document. The king heard that he was a high-ranking monk from the Tang Dynasty, but he had doubts. Did not start immediately.

   After going to the temple, Shen Long asked about the reason The king said, "I have a willingness to kill monks all the year round. I have slandered me because of the monks. I made a heavenly wish to kill 10,000 monks to achieve Consummation."

It turned out that the monk first provoked the king, which deserved it, but it is expected that this was the practice of a few monks at best. The king expanded to punish tens of thousands of monks but it was too much, so Shen Long used the method of Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty to persuade the king. , And let Monkey King show his supernatural powers, shocking the king.

The king just woke up and sighed and said, "The Heavenly Kingdom is more appropriate than the small countries of the barbarians like me. My country is originally sparsely populated. If most of the more than 9,000 monks are still vulgar, the national strength will definitely be higher... "

So he immediately deposed the decree to kill the monks and asked Shen Long to help him change the country's name. In the novel, Monkey King changed France from Extinguishing France to Chin France. Naturally, Shen Long would not be the case. So he asked about the history of the country and chose from the history. A country title was given to the king, and the king happily accepted it.

The matter was over. The king drove Shen Long to the west of the city. When the five masters and apprentices did not go for a long time, he suddenly saw a high mountain blocking the road. Shen Long knew that there must be a monster here, so he secretly said in the Tang Dynasty. Within, I didn't meet a few monsters. I just came out of Datang, and usually it takes several months to encounter a wave of monsters. Why are these monsters more and more now getting closer to Lingshan? Now there is a wave of monsters blocking the way in Xianyue Kungfu. What is the reason?

Entering the mountain, Monkey King went to investigate the news first. He bowed his waist and reached mid-air, put his hand on his eyebrows, opened his eyes, looked down, and saw a fairy sitting next to the hanging rock, and saw the left and right men. There are thirty or forty little monsters in line, where he is forced to blow the wind and mist, what kind of monster is this?

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