All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2632: Pure and kind yellow lion spirit

The group thanked the old man. Inside, they saw the restaurant and song hall on the street, which was lively and prosperous. After walking for a long time, they went to the Yuhua Palace. There are Changshi Mansion, Trial Hall, Dian Restaurant, and Hospitality Hall around the gate.

When I went to the hospitality hall to change my clothes, took the Guan Wen, and went to the palace to report the history, the prince asked to go to the palace to sit down, and Shen Long went to the Guan document. The prince looked at it and saw that there were seals from various countries, and he was pleased. After printing the treasure, betting the flowers, folding up the case, and starting to inquire about the experience along the way, Shen Long told the truth.

The prince became curious about Shen Long’s apprentices, so he summoned Sun Wukong to wait for the temple, but when the king saw that all three apprentices except Xiao Bailong were ugly, he was frightened for a while, and he quickly resigned. A prince.

The three little princes are all good and strong. Hearing this, they thought they were monsters, so they all geared up to take the weapon and went out to make trouble. The big one took a brow stick, and the second one swung a handful of nine-tooth palladium. , The third one made a black stick and came to Shen Long and the others angrily.

   Ba Jie waited to see their weapons and felt very kind, so they showed off their weapons one by one and shocked the three princes. After seeing them, the three little princes were very happy and hurriedly asked Monkey King to accept them as apprentices.

Sun Wukong couldn’t help but laughed, “Your Majesty, it’s nothing! I’m waiting for a monk, and I’m eager to teach a few apprentices. You have a kind heart, and you must not talk about profit, but only with affection. Getting along is full of love.” The prince listened to the words and was very happy, and he arranged a banquet at will, and formally apprented his teacher.

   Shen Long couldn't help but look at Xiao Bailong, all three of your brothers have apprentices, but you don't have one. Will you feel uncomfortable? However, seeing Xiao Bailong's expression as usual and not jealous, Shen Long realized after a little thought that there are many dragons, and their skills are all family inheritance, so he doesn't have to worry about no one to succeed.

The three little princes prayed forward and prayed piously for advice. Monkey King taught the three princes to draw a fight between the quiet rooms behind the violent shading pavilion, and taught all three of them to bow down inside, looking at the gods one by one; Here, he secretly thought of moving mantras, chanting mantras, blowing immortal energy into the hearts of the three of them, returning the soul to the original home, passing on the formulas, each of which was given thousands of brawn powers, and the luck was added to the fire, but it was like A reborn method.

After being transported all over the midday and Sunday, the three little princes just awoke. They all got up and wiped their faces. They were full of energy and strong bones: the first prince took the golden hoop, and the second prince had nine teeth. Palladium, the third prince can lift the demon stick.

It’s just that although they can handle these weapons, they are still struggling to play, so they call in blacksmiths to comprador tens of thousands of jins of steel. They set up a factory in the front yard of the palace and cast a furnace. The steel will be cooked the next day. The three walkers took out the golden cudgel, nine-tooth palladium, and the demon stick, and placed them between the canopy factories.

Shen Long is a little curious. The density of gold, silver, copper and iron is constant. The dimensions of the golden hoop rod, nine-tooth nail rake, and magic wand are all fixed. Such a large size is a hundred jins. Now, how can we make these weapons weigh thousands of catties? After inquiring about Sun Wukong, I learned that it used the magic of the fairy family to change the volume freely in front of the magical power of the fairy family.

These weapons were left in the factory yard for a few days. The glow of the rays of light soared into the sky, and the aura of aura covered the earth in a thousand ways, but it alarmed a monster. There was a mountain that called Baotou Mountain 70 miles away from the city, and there was a hole in the mountain. Calling the tiger’s mouth cave, there is a yellow lion spirit in the cave. He followed a vision to Yuhua County. Seeing this baby’s love move, he became awe-inspiring and took the three weapons, one by one, and went to the cave.

   Knowing that the weapon had been lost the next day, Ba Jie was very angry, "It must be this blacksmith who stole it! Get it out! A little bit later, we will all be killed! Kill!"

Shen Long angrily rebuked, "This matter is still waiting for you. Since you have seen the style, you should keep it by your side, how can you leave it here! That baby Xia Caiguangsheng, I think it was to alarm some gangster, and steal it last night; Blacksmiths are all mortals, how can they handle your weapons? Ba Jie, you are so scary with such nonsense, why don't you apologize to them quickly?"

Then Monkey King asked about the monsters in Zuo Jin, and the King Yuhua pondered for a moment and said, "The teacher's question is very reasonable. To the north of this state city, there is a leopard head mountain and a tiger’s mouth cave in the mountain; often people speak caves. There are immortals, tigers and wolves, and monsters. I have never visited them, and I don’t know what the fruit is."

Shen Long nodded when he heard the words, "This monster is like a human being, both good and bad, so it seems that this monster in the tiger's mouth of the leopard head mountain seems to be a good monster. Taking the weapons of my disciples is probably also a greed. Just read it, I'll just wait for it to come back."

  It is interesting to think about it, but there is a yellow lion in the tiger's mouth of the Leopard Head Mountain, and the three big cats are all together. Monkey King said, "Master, that's the case, then my old grandson will go!"

"I'll go with you." This brood of lion spirits hasn't done anything bad, Shen Long couldn't bear to be killed by Monkey King, so he planned to go with him so as not to save Monkey King. Did not hold back regret for a while.

Sun Wukong set up a somersault cloud, while Shen Long took out a balloon from the four-dimensional pocket, wrote the words Baotoushan on the balloon, and then sat on it. The balloon carried Shen Long to Baotou Mountain. Now, this is a wishful balloon, as long as you write where you want to go on this wishful balloon in advance, it will take you where.

When I got down on the mountain, I put the balloon away. Monkey King looked for a while and saw a bit of a monster, and he heard a monster talking again. It was a bit embarrassing. "Master, I will change seventy-two, and I can steal a butterfly in a while. Listen to them, what can you do to avoid them?"

   "It's not that difficult!" Shen Long said a few words, and then disappeared from his body. Monkey King was not too surprised, he was used to Shen Long's methods.

Followed all the way and listened to the conversation between these two monsters, "Second brother, my king had a fluke for days. I had a beauty in the last month and hovered in the cave. I was very happy. I got three kinds of weapons last night. It is indeed a priceless treasure. Qingding Palladium can sing, we all have good use."

Another said, "We also had some luck. We took these twenty taels of silver to buy pigs and sheep. Now when we arrive at Ganfangji, we will eat a few pots of wine first, open a tent, and give him two or three taels of silver. It’s not good to buy a piece of cotton clothing that is too cold?

The two monsters were talking and laughing. They went on the road and hurried away. Shen Long nodded secretly when he heard this. This monster wanted to eat pigs and sheep, but instead of grabbing them directly, they paid for it. This yellow lion spirit is really innocent. Kindness!

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