All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2636: Wordless Scripture

When he arrived at the Daxiong Hall, he offered the customs clearance certificate. Tathagata looked at them one by one and handed them to Shen Long, and then said, "Your eastern soil is the southern part of the continent. It is only because the sky is high and the earth is thick, the material is wide, the people are dense, and there are more greed and more kills. , More licentious, more deceitful and more deceitful; not abiding by Buddhism, not to good destiny, not respecting the three lights, not paying attention to grains; unfaithful and unfilial, unrighteous, unkind, ignorant of oneself, fighting against each other, killing animals , Creating boundless sins, full of sins and evils, causing **** disasters, so forever fall into the netherworld, suffer from the pain of many mortars and pound, change the animals; there are many shapes with furry horns, which will pay off the debts. Those who feed people with meat will fall into the nose forever, and will not be allowed to rise above the level. That’s why."

"Although Confucius established the teaching of benevolence, righteousness, courtesy and wisdom, the emperors have successively ruled the torture of gangsters, which is like the ignorant, indulgent and unscrupulous people! Hey! I have the Scriptures today, and I can transcend suffering, explain Calamity; Three Zang: There is Dharma and one Zang, talking about the sky; There is a discussion and one Zang, talking about the earth; There is a scripture and one Zang, and the ghost is saved; a total of 35 books, the fifteen thousand one hundred and forty-four volumes."

"It's really the path to cultivation, the door to righteousness, where astronomy, geography, people, birds and beasts, flowers and trees, utensils, and personnel are all involved in the four continents of the world. If you wait a long way, you have to pay and take it all. But the people on the other side are stupid and strong, slander the truth, and don't know the mystery of Shamen." The Tathagata babbled a lot, and when he finished speaking, he asked Ananda Kaya to get the scriptures.

Unexpectedly, Shen Long has long been unhappy. Of course, I have many problems in Datang, but the life of ruling the people is much better than that of most countries on the westward road. I don’t know what face the Tathagata has to say. words.

So he opened his mouth and said, "The disciple is puzzled by one thing, but I still hope the Buddha can solve it; Dongtu also worshipped Buddhism in the past, and there were also 480 temples in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. However, the people at that time lived in a difficult situation. Now my emperor Succession, although it has never admired Buddhism as it did in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, most of the people can live and work in peace under the rule. Why is this?"

"The disciple went all the way to the west. In the fashion of the Tang Dynasty, I have never seen a few monsters. Unexpectedly, the closer you are to Lingshan, the monsters will become more and more fierce, so that the lion camel country monsters swallowed the people of a country. The tragedy! The disciples don't know whether the Buddha didn't see this, or did he not care about it?" Shen Long's tone became colder.

   And the faces of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Daxiong Hall are getting darker and darker. This is how Shen Long slapped their faces! That Manjushri Samantabhadra was about to scold Shen Long. Both of their cars were smashed by Shen Long, and they had long been suffocated.

The Tathagata said, "Xuan Zang, you were my two disciples in the previous life, and you were called the golden cicada; because you didn't hear the Dharma and scorned my great teachings, so your true spirit reincarnated in Dongtu; now it seems , You’re still obsessed with understanding, it’s really sad!” The Tathagata is actually very popular, but the journey to the west is now 80 to 90% completed. They only need to send the scriptures to the Tang to be successful. At this time, the Tathagata does not want to Outer branches.

Therefore, he just pretended not to hear Shen Long's words, and went around lightly, "The Nanzhan Buzhou Dongtu Datang on the surface looks like a lot of flowers, but in fact it is the moon in the mirror. My Buddhist scriptures cannot be liberated after all. If you want to find out its root, you still need to read more Buddhist scriptures."

After saying hello, "Anuo, Kaye, you two lead them to the five congregations, go to Zhenlou, and treat him with fast food; after fasting, I opened the treasure pavilion and put my three Tibetan scriptures in 35 In the ministry, each examines a few volumes with him, teaches him to spread to the East, and always pay attention to Hong En." The two masters led him to the downstairs by the decree of the Buddha, and could not see the rare and precious treasures. endless.

  As soon as the five of them left, the Daxiong Hall was in a mess, and the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas had their own words. Now, it is hard to say whether the plan of Journey to the West can be completed.

The two venerables accompanied Shen Long and others after eating, but they entered the treasure pavilion and opened the door to look at them. On the sutra cabinet and outside the treasure trunk, red signs were posted, and the names of the scriptures were written in regular scripts, "Nirvana Sutra", "Bodhisattva Sutra", The "Void Tibetan Scriptures", "Shou Shurangama Sutra", and "Huayan Sutra" are so vast as a sea of ​​smoke. Ordinary monks may not be able to read these scriptures through their lives, let alone understand them.

   "Master, there are so many Buddhist scriptures, should I wait to get those ones?" Sun Wukong waited directly and got dazzled.

  Shen Long laughed and said, "I heard about it in the Great Tang Dynasty: Dao Zhijian; I also heard: One sentence is true, and thousands of books are false; I don’t know how many mantras are in these many Buddhist scriptures!"

   Nuo and Kaye's complexion was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and said impatiently, "The holy monk is here, what are some people to send us? Take it out quickly so that we can pass the scriptures with you."

   Openly ask for bribes? This is too awesome, right? Shen Long sneered and said, "Disciple Xuanzang, he has a long way to go, I never prepared it."

   Two Venerables smiled and said, "Okay, okay, okay! Passing on from nothing to the world, future generations will starve to death!"

   They refused to pass on the scriptures, but they met Shen Long's wish, so they said, "In that case, I will wait until I return to Dongtu empty-handed."

   Nuo was anxious at How dare you let them go? So he hurriedly said, "Mo 嚷! What is this place, you still let go! Come here to follow the scriptures." So he took out a volume of scriptures, and the Bajie Drifting took it and put it in his bag. Two more burdens were tied, and the Eight Precepts and the Drifters carried them.

   Shen Long knew that this was a scripture without a word, but he didn't say anything, and he wished to take these back to the Tang Dynasty. After finishing the scriptures, he would bid farewell to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas one by one, and went down the mountain without a problem.

   Anan Kassapa did not hide the ancient Buddha from the burning lamp. He was secretly annoyed in his heart. How could you dare to interfere with such an important matter? So he called for Venerable Bai Xiong to take away the wordless sutra, and taught Shen Long to wait for the wordless sutra.

   The Venerable Bai Xiong rolled away from the gate of Leiyin Temple in a violent wind, and the great power stretched out a hand from mid-air, and lightly snatched the sutra of the horse.

However, Shen Long had already instructed Monkey King. When Monkey King saw this, he immediately jumped up and blocked the giant hand. He picked up the golden cudgel and hit it. Venerable Bai Xiong, seeing Monkey King offensive swiftly, feared that he would have no eyes on his head. After dividing the good or the bad, he injured his body, immediately collected the wind and the fog, and fled straight back to the ancient Buddha.

   Sun Wukong came back and said angrily, "It must be Ananda Kayah who saw that I was not waiting for people, so he sent people to make trouble. My grandson will go back and tell them clearly!"

   "It won't be too late in the future! Now it is better to return to the Eastern Soil Datang as soon as possible!" Shen Long was not excited, and someone would beg me to go back later.

   After the Venerable Bai Xiong returned, the ancient Buddha of Burning Lantern was in distress. What should I do now? Should we send someone to bring them back again?

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