All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2640: See me 72 changes

A white light flashed, and Shen Long returned to his courtyard in the capital, and then the system began to issue this reward in his mind. "The Monkey King from the world of "Journey to the West" thank you very much for fulfilling his wish. All magical abilities are presented to you. Please confirm if you accept it!"

"Accept!" Shen Long replied without hesitation, and then a white light flashed again. Shen Long felt that there were many more things in his mind, such as the great-quality Tianxian Jue, the seventy-two transformation, the authentic somersault cloud, the fiery eyes and the golden eyes. Bad body, Dharma, Heaven and Earth, Incarnation of Body, Set-body Method, Water Avoiding Technique, Fire Avoiding Technique, Sleepy Bugs, etc. are all listed.

   Even more than that, as soon as he stretched out his right hand, the 13500-jin Ruyi golden hoop fell into his hand. The size changed constantly, making it easy to follow your wishes.

"Yes, not bad. This mission takes a long time, is risky, and is difficult to complete, but the benefits are also great!" Shen Long is very satisfied. In fact, his gains from this mission are not only those sent by Monkey King, he also Relying on the copy mirror and other props, many magic weapons and natural treasures were copied.

The ginseng fruit tree of Wuzhuang Temple is in his portable space, the King Kongzuo of King Si, the King of Golden Horn and King of Silver Horn, purple gold gourd, white jade bottle, golden rope, seven star sword, banana fan, yellow eyebrow Jin Chuang, ethnic bags, purple golden bells of Sai Tai Sui, yin and yang two cylinders of Golden Wing Dapeng carving, cold dragon of Yang Li Daxian, colorful fairy clothes of real Ziyang and so on.

In addition to these, there are the spring water of the Zimu River and the spring water of Luotai Spring. If these two things can be replicated in the real world, it will benefit countless people. Well, wait for me to study and study first, and then call Academician Ma Lin. , If you can decipher the ingredients, then the people are blessed.

  With the water of the Zimu River, wouldn't the man also be able to conceive and have children? The female boxer warned that it would be useless to give birth to a child. When thinking of this, Shen Long couldn't help laughing.

However, among these gains, what interests Shen Long the most is the seventy-two changes. These seventy-two changes do not mean that they can only become seventy-two forms. They are just imaginary numbers. The things that Monkey King can change are. If there are too many, all birds, animals, flowers, vessels, insects, and characters can change.

  What shall I change first? Shen Long thought for a moment and turned into a bird when he shook his body. He chirped a few times and flew up and fell on the big tree in the yard. The leaves of the big tree rustled, "Hey, why have you become a bird? ?"

  Oh, I almost forgot. The flowers and plants in this yard can still be seen, and I can understand them. Shen Long smiled, "It's okay, just playing around."

He flew around in the yard, feeling a strange feeling that he could not feel as a human, and then he fell back to the branch, and his body rolled from a bird to a small bee before he saw the heart shape in the yard. The grass should be pollinated. There are no bees in the yard, so let me do this job!

  Shen Long's transformed bee dances happily in the air, flying an S shape for a while, and then a B shape for a while, and the bees flying in from the wall are stunned. Isn't this buddy sick? What kind of signals are sent here, what does it mean? Isn't it a silly bee? Bees rely on flight trajectories to convey information, but Shen Longfei’s trajectory is not in the database of ordinary bees at all, and these bees are completely unable to decipher.

   Yes, let's go, these bees flew away buzzingly again, and Shen Long happily helped pollinate the heart-shaped grasses, and stopped when he was busy.

   Now that you have been pollinated, how about weeding and loosening the soil for you? After that, Shen Long fell on the ground and changed again. This time it became a pangolin. He used his sharp claws to help these heart-shaped grasses to loosen soil and weeding. After hoeing a few flower fields, he still felt a little bit uncomfortable, so he ran to those big Below the tree, it came again, and didn't stop until everything in the yard was cleaned up.

   "Hey, can you do me a favor? I have a few bugs on my body. Can you turn into a woodpecker and help me peck them out?" The big tree where Shen Long had just stopped shook its leaves and said.

   "It's okay to catch bugs, but let it out with your mouth?" Shen Long sweated, although some bugs are really delicious to make food, but eating raw is two different things.

   He thought for a while, restored to his original shape, and then used the method of change to make his body only a few centimeters high, set up a somersault cloud and flew onto the tree trunk, then found the wormhole and lay down at the entrance of the hole and looked inside.

   I'm going, the bugs are so scary? It will be different if you look at the world after you get smaller. If you take a few close-ups of bugs and put them on the Internet, it will scare many people, right?

   It’s a bit too exciting to catch it, right? I don't want to make a body of worm juice. I just did it like this. Shen Long took out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel from the space, stretched the Golden Cudgel into the wormhole, and then kept shouting, "Long!"

The Ruyi golden hoop rod the size of a needle began to grow After a while, it penetrated the insect's body. Shen Long picked it out with the golden hoop rod and threw it under the tree, and so on. A few times, all the insects on this big tree were caught, and then I took a glance at the yard with the pergola, and all the insects disappeared.

After clearing these, Shen Long launched an attack on the termites. This time he stopped using the golden hoop, but took out Doraemon’s demon flute. As long as the flute was played, the termites in the yard would be discharged. A long line followed Shen Long and walked forward. Shen Long walked across the porch to the side of the pool, and walked towards the middle with his feet on the water.

The termites still followed dumbfoundedly, and all fell into the water. After a while, the colony of termites fell into the pond from worker to queen, and then continued to swim with Shen Long to the middle of the pond while struggling. Go, ants have more stomata and are not easy to drown, but as long as they get to the middle of the pond, they can't go back. At most, they will persist for a while, and they will die sooner or later.

  As soon as he put down the flute, Shen Long heard the door opening. Arya came back from the outside. She glanced at the yard and didn't see Shen Long's trace, so she muttered, "Where did you go to play?"

   Then, without calling Shen Long, she put down her things and went back to the bedroom. After a while, there was a sound of water in the bedroom, and it seemed that she was going to take a bath and wash up.

   Shen Long was immediately tempted. He remembered the sections he had seen in a certain movie. Hey, this is a good opportunity. Would you like me to try it and see if it can turn into soap?

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