All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2642: This is the day of the gods

"Mr. Shen, thank you very much for your support!" The experts from the History Museum have seen Chu Suiliang's "Preface to the Three Tibetan Sages of the Tang Dynasty" before. They are full of expectations for the work, and now you can see the original. Naturally excited.

"It's really inappropriate to keep such national treasure-level cultural relics in private hands. It's better to leave it to you, so that more people can see the charm of Chinese culture with their own eyes!" Shen Long passed the box with the picture scroll with both hands. .

The expert took a look and gave a thumbs up, "Mr. Shen, your ancient paintings and calligraphy collections are at a professional level. Even if we save them, they won't be better than you!" There are also requirements for transportation and preservation. Shen Long obtained Han Chunming's knowledge of cultural relics appreciation and preservation in the world of "Under Zhengyangmen".

"The three of you, please, let's start the appraisal now!" The expert introduced Shen Long and the others into the appraisal room. Shi Pu's eyes were not enough. There were a lot of equipment that he wanted but didn't get, after all. This is one of the four major history museums in the country, and the equipment inside is naturally not comparable to that of a private player.

   What's more, there are many precious cultural relics that need to be identified and restored. These are rare treasures for ordinary people. When he arrived here, he felt as excited as Zhu Bajie entered the Pansidong.

In order to appraise this volume of calligraphy, the museum has prepared the corresponding team and equipment for a long time, and the work will start as soon as it arrives. Some use the silk books of the early Tang Dynasty in the collection to compare the materials, and some find out the calligraphy works of the same period to compare the ink. To check the handwriting based on the inscription of the "Preface to the Three Tibetan Sacred Religions of the Tang Dynasty", it is natural to use high-tech equipment to determine the date...

The experts informed Shen Long and the others about the latest developments while appraising them. “We found silk silk of the same material as this silk book. It was indeed the royal product of the early Tang Dynasty. The ink used was also the type commonly used in the early Tang Dynasty. From a point of view, there is a great possibility that this work is authentic."

Using old paper, silk, silk and ink to imitate ancient paintings and calligraphy is also common in this industry, but if you use silk, silk or ink from the Qing Dynasty, you may still find some in modern times, but you can find silk, silk and ink from the Tang Dynasty. Where can I find it?

"Judging from the handwriting, it is indeed Chu Suiliang's style!" Some calligraphy experts made a judgment, and the other experts also came to their own conclusions. Various details of this work prove that this calligraphy work is indeed It is authentic.

   "The only strange place is the inscription and the seal." Of course, they also have the same questions as Shi Pu, and there is no record of this work in history. How did he suddenly emerge?

   The current status of the work also surprised them, "It is still so well preserved after a thousand years, and there are no traces of moth-eaten water flooding. Where is it placed?"

   They have all asked Shen Long about these things, and Shen Long can only say that he accidentally saw it in the cultural relics market. Can't he just say that he came from Li Shimin? They don't believe it either.

   These experts also did not see the traces of the tomb in the paintings and calligraphy, and they can determine that the work was not dug out from which ancient tomb, so they did not continue to ask.

Finally, through the carbon fourteen test, the date of the work was determined. It was indeed a work in the early Tang Dynasty. The expert once again clenched Shen Long’s hand, "Mr. Shen, thank you so much. Our Shaanxi History Museum has one more A national treasure! Our museum had 18 national treasures before, and now this one can definitely become the 19th one!"

This "Preface to the Sanzang Sacred Religion of the Tang Dynasty" is absolutely qualified to be a national treasure from an artistic point of view or a historical and cultural point of view. Of course, from a professional point of view, the official classification of museum collections does not mean that the museum’s collection is classified as a national treasure. It is one, two, three, and four, but everyone is used to calling some particularly precious cultural relics as national treasures.

Since it was confirmed that it was true, Shen Long signed his name on the donation document. It stands to reason that such a major event must be invited to reporters. However, Shen Long declined the museum’s suggestion, and they will just post the news by themselves. .

Then the staff of the museum will spend some time and energy to carefully maintain this calligraphy. After it is ready, it can be publicly displayed. Such a major cultural relic is definitely worth a special exhibition. Picture" like that.

The museum thanked again and again for inviting Shen Long to dinner. Shen Long declined again, "This is not necessary. I don't think everyone's thoughts are here. I'm afraid I want to tidy up this picture soon, so I can show it soon, right? Next time we have a chance, let's talk about it." The experts laughed, and what Shen Long said was in their hearts.

"Hey, my life is worth it. After playing painting and calligraphy for so many years, I didn't expect to witness the reappearance of a national treasure." After coming out of the museum, Shi Pu was still full of emotion. Of course, he still had some regrets~www Hey, it was too rushed yesterday, otherwise, I will get an ultra-high-definition camera and take a good picture of this character! In the future, even if you can't see the original, it is good to be able to watch the high-definition electronic version on the computer! "

"You don't need to worry about this. Now all museums are beginning to digitally reform. I guess it won't take long before you can download the high-definition copybook on the official website of Shaanxi Expo, and watch it the same time!" Shen Long laughed. The electronic version of the original paintings and calligraphy in the museum is calculated with G, so you can definitely see it clearly.

"We are going to go back to our hometown. What are your arrangements? Are you planning to stay in Xi'an for a few more days to see the Shaanxi Museum and Forest of Steles Museum, or go to my hometown with me for a few days?" Shen Long asked, now that the matter has been resolved, he It's time to go back.

"I don't know how many times I have been to these museums, so let's forget it this time! If it's convenient, I really want to go to your house and take a look at the photos posted by your friends. Your house has a good view!" Shi Pu is also welcome.

So Shen Long and the others rested in the hotel for one night. The next morning they found a car rental shop, rented a car and drove to their hometown. When they were about to reach the county seat, they contacted their family and went straight to the country. They are all staying in their hometown.

After driving for more than an hour, I rushed to my hometown before lunch and got off the car. Shi Pu looked at the scenery in front of him, surrounded by green mountains and green water, and the flowers and fruits were fragrant. He was a little stunned, "I said Shen Long Ah, why are you staying in the capital, this is the day of the gods!"

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