All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2644: Game engine or

"Hey, there is a "Black Myth: Wukong" on the Internet that is quite popular recently. Have you noticed?" Shen Long picked up the phone and called the executives of his special effects company.

"I've seen it, the special effects are really good. I know it was done with care at a glance, but there is still a big gap compared with ours. For the same picture, we use the software you developed, and we can definitely do better than them. Faster and better!" He is absolutely confident in CG special effects technology.

"This team is good. You can get in touch with them to see if there are opportunities for cooperation. This game is very interesting. I want to play it early. What are the things they need to help? Whether it is lack of money or lack of technology, these are all It's easy to say, we can help as much as we can!" Shen Long said.

   Boss, or are you cheating, just to play the game early, so you are willing to spend such a large capital? The executive asked tentatively, "What if they plan to use our software?"

"Yes, isn't the software made for people to use? They can buy it with money, we can also use the software to buy shares if there is no money, as long as the game can be made early." Hey, even if the game can be sold Five million copies, how much is that? Shen Long didn't care at all.

"Okay, I'm going to talk to them now!" The executive wiped his sweat, found a few people, and got the phone number from the producer of "Black Myth: Wukong". They can barely be regarded as people in the circle. , This little thing is not difficult.

During this period of time, the producers of "Black Myth: Wukong" did not answer the phone less. There was no way. The short film was too popular. Some people wanted to invest with their money, and some wanted to dig people because of their skills. On the contrary, it was a little bit more, so he didn't want to answer the phone anymore, so he was a little cold at first.

However, when the executives reported their company’s name, the other’s tone suddenly changed, "Oh, oh, your company’s name is very familiar in the industry. The pictures and videos you posted on Weibo are comparable to our company’s level. It’s much higher. Our technicians have been studying for a long time, but haven’t figured out how you did it."

"It's actually very simple. We used better special effects production software. You can measure it with your previous software level, and naturally you can't see anything." The executive proudly said, this is more advanced than Industrial Light and Magic and Weta Studio The technology.

   "What software is it? Where did you get it? Can we use it?" The producer asked a series of questions, and he has been pondering these questions for a long time.

   "Why don't you come to our company once, and you will understand after seeing it with your own eyes!" The executives immediately sent out an invitation, and the other party happily accepted the appointment and soon arrived in their company.

   When they entered the office of the special effects production team, they were dumbfounded, "It is so simple to finish a picture? It will take at least three days to change to our company?"

"This detail is great too? Any screenshot can be used as a desktop! The action is also very smooth, not stiff and jerky at all. If this technology can be applied to our game, then we will hold the "Black Myth ": Wukong" to participate in the E3 game exhibition abroad, those foreign companies and players must be crazy!"

   "What you are doing now is the "Three-Body" animation? When will it be available online? I've been looking forward to it!" The words of this made everyone in the office look at them. Are you embarrassed to urge others? Still think about when your game is finished.

   "Hehe, it must come out before your game!" Someone sneered. They had also studied "Black Myth: Wukong" during this period. After all, they were basically half of their peers. Naturally, such a sensational event should be understood.

"That's the special effects software you use. If you give us the same software, we can cut the time by at least half!" The man felt something wrong as soon as he finished speaking. As expected, when he saw the boss, his face was completely drooped. If you are so excited, even if people are willing to cooperate, they will take a big shot.

The executives of the special effects company held back a smile and welcomed them into the office. Since you have the idea of ​​cooperating, it’s okay. In the meeting room, the boss of the game producer simply spread out and said, “Your software is really amazing. I really want it. I don’t know what you want?"

"Since everyone has the sincerity to cooperate, it will be easier. We actually just want such a good game to meet the players as soon as possible..." After the courtesy, the executive Barabala offered his own terms, "Our company has The film and television development department, so I hope to get the film and television adaptation rights of "Black Myth: Wukong", and even plan to go online with the game at that time. Is this also a good promotion!"

This condition can be described as mutual benefit, so the game producer quickly agreed, and then the executives calculated an account for him, using the software designed by Shen Long, how much time, manpower and material resources could be saved, Barabala said. A bunch of and then began to talk about shares.

   The game producers insisted a little bit, but their most important goal was to make the game early and strive to produce better works, so after the executives reduced the share requirements, they also agreed.

It’s much easier now. I sent them a trial version of the software to test. After the test is over, the contract can be formally signed. After they left, the executive immediately called Shen Long and asked Shen Long for credit. .

"Well, good job, after signing the contract, I will give you a bonus. By the way, you can ask them again, is it a new game engine?" Shen Long said with a smile. A good game is not just about special effects. The game engine is equally important.

   A game engine is a set of codes (instructions) designed for a machine running a certain type of game that can be recognized by the machine. It is like an engine that controls the operation of the game.

A game work can be divided into two parts: game engine and game resources; game resources include images, sounds, animations, etc., and a formula is: engine (program code) + resources (images, sounds, animations, etc.), games The engine calls these resources sequentially according to the requirements of the game design.

"Black Myth: Wukong" uses the famous Unreal Engine, this engine is really good, but compared with Shen Long's own, it is not enough to see, Shen Long just did it these days, and then let Bai Ze perfect After a while, the game engine came out.

   "Can you even do a game engine?" The executives were overjoyed. It seems that the promise to be acquired by Shen Long was definitely a wise decision!

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