All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2668: Take advantage of

"Let’s go too!" Terry took Andy’s shoulders and walked towards the parking lot. He still couldn’t help but said a few words to Andy, "Andy, this time you did not do the right thing, so I won’t talk about texting. But why have you not contacted Xiao Wu for so many days? You don't even know that she is in danger. If this is the case, a girl will be sad, right?"

"But... But... I haven't been the one who has been tracking the Sound Nest organization with you these past few days, I don't have time at all!" Andy scratched his head in distress, but in his heart, what he thought was When I called Mai Shiranui before, she would involuntarily mention the marriage as she talked, which made Andy feel very headache.

  As time went on, Andy became more and more resistant to calling Mai Shiranui. This is the real reason why he has not contacted Mai Shiranui for so many days.

"Andy, even if time is tight, you should contact Xiao Wu every day, even if you are texting, after all, she is your girlfriend!" To be honest, even Mary is a little bit blind to see , If Terry dared to do this to her, she would definitely break up with Terry.

"Let’s do this for today. I’ll ask KING later to see how Xiao Wu is going, and then you can find a way to comfort Xiao Wu!" Mary also often goes to KING’s bar to drink, and she has a good relationship with her. Yes, at the King of Fighters 99 competition last year, they were still teaming up together.

"Then please!" Right now, this can only be done. Andy's temper is still a little dull, and I don't know how to face such a situation. If you change to Shen Long, the safekeeping will not let Shiranui Wu like that. Easily leave, even if she leaves, she will catch up, and she must be forgiven by Shiranui Mai in the first place.

   Of course, with Shen Long’s emotional intelligence, this kind of thing would never happen at all, and Andy’s mistakes would never happen at all. In fact, even ordinary boy and girl friends would not have such trouble.

   Shiranui Mai’s taxi seemed extremely quiet, even the big mouth of Yuri Sagasaki was keenly aware of something wrong, so she rarely said nothing, just put her arm around Shiranui Mai’s shoulder and asked her to rest her head on her.

   When I arrived at KING’s Phantom Bar, KING directly put up a sign that it was closed. Shiranuiwu was in a bad mood, so let it be quiet! Sally and Elizabeth, the waiters at the bar, also knew these fighters, so they greeted them one by one, "Miss Shiranui, Miss Sakazaki, Miss Fujido, welcome, wow, Miss Asamiya is here too, you can sign us What's your name?... Hey, it seems that these two haven't been here before, right?"

   Wow, it’s still twin sisters. Shen Long looked at the twins Ocean Horses, slightly moved, then made a self-introduction, and introduced the next four young children by the way.

   "Who would like to drink something?" The others were old acquaintances, and the two waitresses remembered them. They brought them their favorite drinks one by one, and then asked Shen Long and Shijo Hinako.

Except for Athena Ma Palace who wants to protect her throat from drinking, and Bao is still young, everyone else has drinks in front of them, oh, except Zhenyuanzhai. He brings his own drinks, if not he is Athena’s teacher, I guess KING will just kick him out, right? Do you think my drink is not good?

   "I'm ready to drink beer." Shen Long ordered a bottle of Budweiser. Shijo Hinako was still a young man. Although he was curious about beer, he endured it and ordered a glass of juice.

   Shen Long’s beer was just delivered here, and Shiranui Mai over there has finished drinking the cocktail in the glass, and then picked up the glass, "Please give me another glass!"

   The second cup came over, she still drank it in one go, and passed the wine glass over again. This time Elizabeth did not continue to bart her, but looked at KING. What's the matter?

   "I'm going to give you a holiday today. You can go back first. I'll have me in the store!" KING shook his head. Hey, it seems that Xiao Wu is thinking about getting drunk today.

The two waitresses left in Shen Long’s nostalgic gaze. Only these fighters were left in the bar. Then Zhen Yuanzhai shook his feet and said, “I’m old, and it’s a bit tired to fly all the way, Xiaobao, let’s go first. Let’s rest in the room!” Hey, you young people, I shouldn’t be an old man!

   "Yeah!" Xiao Bao held the juice and left with Zhen Yuan Zhai. Over there, King's brother took them to the room upstairs to rest. There were fewer people in the bar now.

Without the elders, everyone talked a little easier, and Yuri Sakazaki, who had endured it for a long time, could finally complain, "What? Seeing Xiao Wu so sad, he just watched Xiao Wu go and didn't follow him! "If she is angry, Robert will try his best to coax her?

   "Andy is indeed something wrong!" Shii Kenshou looked at Athena when she spoke. If Athena is in danger, I will rush to it anyway, right? It's a pity that Athena didn't mean anything to him.

   "Even if you don't come here, you should make a phone call at this time. If you don't even have a phone call, it's really too much!" Even if Xiao Wu doesn't want to see you, you can still call! Although it's one thing that Xiao Wu can't answer it, it's another thing if you don't answer it. Asamiya Athena also sympathizes with Mai wine! "At the urging of Mai Shiranui, KING could only make another glass of wine for her, but this time the alcohol level was lowered a bit to avoid Mai Shiranui getting drunk.

   "Xiao Wu, you'd better drink slowly! It's hard to be drunk!" Shen Long persuaded, since Andy made such a big mistake, it's time for me to take advantage of it.

"Look, Aaron knows that he cares about you, but Andy has no reaction at all. Is there any use for such a boyfriend to come!" Sakazaki Yuri now thinks that she must be Bian to make Shen Long a boyfriend of Mai Shiranui Di is much better.

   Well, I think so too! Shijo Hinako couldn't help but nod. She didn't know any Andy. On the contrary, Shen Long had given her a lot of pointers during this period of time, and she was naturally more inclined to Shen Long.

   Fujido Kasumi is a little bit sorrowful, and there is no boyfriend yet! But when she thought that Fujitang Longbai hadn't found it yet, she quickly left these behind. Forget it, I'd better find my dad before talking!

Although KING lowered the alcohol level of the cocktail, Shiranui Wu was still a little drunk after drinking one cup after another. When she handed the glass to King again, Shen Long stopped her, "Xiao Wu, don't drink it anymore. !"

   "I want you to control, what does it have to do with you when I am drunk!" Shiranui Wu was already a little dizzy.


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