All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2770: Take advantage of the void

   "Xiao Wu, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong with you and Andy?" The others didn't say anything, but Robert was very puzzled. What happened?

"Oh, don't get involved with this kind of thing!" Yuri Sakazaki pulled Robert to sit down, whispered in his ear, and said the original thing. Robert's eyes gradually changed from confusion to Surprised, and returned to normal from astonishment. Oh, I wanted to say a few good things to Andy, but now there seems to be nothing to say.

   This is indeed what Andy did not do right, then there is such a thing for his girlfriend! Robert is Italian, and Italians have always been enthusiastic. He can't understand Andy's approach.

   "Hey, Xiao Wu, although I also think Andy did a little bit poorly in this matter, do you want to give him another chance? After all, you two have been for so many years!" KING still tried to persuade Shiranuiwu.

   I originally planned to help your brother see the illness, but I don’t see it now! Shen Long complained about KING countless times in his heart. Fortunately, someone helped him speak. Yuri Sakazaki supports Mai Shiranui very much. "Xiao Wu, why should such a man hesitate? If he really likes you, he should have already Are you married? Sometimes long time doesn’t mean anything. Since he hasn’t gotten married for so long, I don’t think he meant it at all, so it might be a good thing to break up."

   What do you want to eat next time, I will make you more! Oh, Yuri Sakazaki is such a good girlfriend! Shen Long was happy, but Robert was a little frightened. He quickly expressed his heart, "Yuri, if you want to get married, we can go to church tomorrow! Ask the priest to help us officiate the wedding!"

"Huh, I don't want it! I have to enjoy a few more years of free time!" Yuri Sakazaki looked arrogant, but she was very happy in her heart. I think it's one thing to get married so early. Do you have this idea? It's another matter. Even if it were her, you would be unhappy when you meet someone like Andy, right?

   Fujido Kasumi seemed a bit tangled. On the one hand, she really couldn’t understand Andy’s approach, and on the other hand, she felt that after all, it’s been so many years. Isn’t it a shame to break up like this? At the same time, deep in her heart, there were other thoughts, if Xiao Wu broke up with Andy, wouldn't it be...

   So in the end, she also intermittently persuaded Shiranui Mai a few words, Athena Asamiya and Shiranui Mai are not as close as they are, so it is natural that I can't say much. Shii Quan Chong wanted to say it, but Shiranui Wu stared back.

   Shiranuiwu bowed to everyone, "Thank you for your concern. In fact, I have been thinking about me and Andy these days." Hey, when did you start thinking about it? Probably during dinner that day, after he said those things to me, right? At that time, I realized that in my life, Andy is not the only choice!

Everyone calmed down and listened to Shiranui Mai's words, "Actually, Andy and I have known each other for many years. From the earliest time when he came to Shiranuiyu Dojo, it is not an exaggeration to say that we both grew up together. It stands to reason. We have been together for such a long time, it is indeed a bit hasty to propose a breakup like this!"

   "But...but..." Shiranuiwu burst into tears, "But after so many years, he still has no intention of marrying me. I have waited so long and can't wait any longer!"

"At first he said that he would defeat Guice and avenge his father, so I waited for this day, but now Guice has been defeated for many years!" Even Terry also accepted Guice's child Locke as his apprentice. "He There is still no sign, I just want to get married, is it so difficult!"

"Every time I am on TV, in the monastery, outside the church, when I see the brides standing with the bridegroom happily, I am so envious! I also hope that one day, like them Step into the marriage hall with the one you love! But I have been ruthlessly rejected by Andy when I expressly hinted again and again!"

"I've had enough now, I don't want to wait any longer! Since he doesn't want to marry me, then I don't have to pester him anymore, I'm going to find my own happiness! So, from now on, I don't know the fire dance Andy Bogard officially broke up! So that's it!" Shiranui Mai lay on the bar and burst into tears.

   After so many years of feelings, even if you have decided to break up, you will still be sad! Sakazaki Yuri and KING went over and hugged her shoulders lightly, saying nothing at this time.

   "Andy, this kid, I really don't know how to cherish it!" Shii Quan Chong sighed, and then looked at Athena. I have liked you for so many years, so are you not moved at all?

   "I hope Xiao Wu can get out of this relationship as soon as possible!" Athena Asamiya sighed, and wanted KING to signal, and went upstairs to rest. It's better to let Xiao Wu be quiet for a while.

   "I'm also a little tired, Yuri, Hinako, let's go to rest too!" Fujido Kasumi glanced at Shen Long, followed up and greeted Yuri Sakazaki and the others to leave.

   Sakazaki Yuri was taken aback, and immediately reacted, drove Robert out, and also slipped away Shiiquan Chongti by the, what are you staying here to watch!

  There are only three left in the bar, Shiranui Wu, KING and Shen Long. KING thought about it and left. "Aron, I will help them clean up the room, Xiao Wu will ask you!"

   "Well, okay, I will take care of her!" Perfect, I like you guys with insight! Shen Long gave them a lot of compliments in his heart, then took a glass of juice and handed it to Shiranui Mai, "I've drunk enough wine, drink some juice slowly!"

   "Aron, am I very useless!" Shiranuiwu looked at Shen Long with tears in her eyes.

   "That's not it, Xiao Wu, you have superb martial arts, so good cooking skills, and gentle and virtuous, it is his loss to lose you!" The most important thing is to be beautiful and hot!

   This is a good opportunity to take advantage of the emptiness. Shen Long pulled out the tissue and slowly stretched it toward Shiranui Mai's face, "Xiao Wu, let me wipe your tears!"

"Hmm..." Shiranhuo Wu replied like a mosquito grunt, raised her face slightly, closed her eyes, and let Shen Long slowly wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes. The tears in her eyes could be wiped clean, but her heart How to wipe tears?

   Oh, she looks so attractive like this, what should I do if I really want to kiss her? Shen Long felt that his heartbeat started to accelerate, and he couldn't control himself a little bit!


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