All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2786: Desert cuisine

A white light flashed, and Shen Long returned to the courtyard house in the capital. At the same time, a system prompt sounded in his mind, "Shiranui Mai, thank you very much for fulfilling her wish. Now I will give you all her ninjutsu skills. Accept, please confirm!"

  Hi, you are all mine, why are you so polite? But it's your heart anyway, then I will accept it! Shen Long clicked the confirmation button, and then a white light plunged into Shen Long's body. There were a lot of things in his mind. Infiltration, disguise, assassination, etc., the essence of various ninjutsu was naturally learned.

Although the power is relatively average, it is still useful on some special occasions. Shen Long nodded, sitting in a chair and slowly recalling the new knowledge. Although these abilities are very average, coupled with Shiranui Mai and Cong Yinchao organization With the materials and equipment obtained there, this mission will still make a lot of money.

So, let’s try these devices first. The last time I went to the headquarters of the Yinchao organization, I just watched it carefully. He didn’t have time to study seriously, so Shen Long took out the tablet and browsed the information on it. These aerospace technologies, which have been leading the real world for many years, are indeed interesting, and Shen Long watched them with gusto.

   Until Arya came back from school, he woke up from the obsession and went to the kitchen to cook a Japanese meal. After Arya finished eating, Shen Long asked, "Do you want to go to space to see?"

   "What interesting place did you go again? Then you didn't take me!" Arya's eyes were full of pity, and Shen Long couldn't bear it anymore.

   "Ahaha! This time it is really inappropriate. Next time, next time!" Hey, how did I bring the things I often said at Xiaopo Station to the real world? This is not so good.

"Then, I will take you to the space today! The magnificent scenery in space is far from comparable to that on earth!" Shen Long gave a haha, pulled Arya into the room, and carried him away. Any door was taken out in the space. This is the capital city. It would be too exaggerated to launch a spaceship directly here.

  Although the spacecraft of the Sound Nest organization has a stealth function, it can't hide from people at the very beginning of launching. With so many cameras around, how can it not be discovered? Shen Long still wanted to continue to be a quiet behind-the-scenes boss, but he didn't want to reveal his identity, so he had to launch from another location.

   Then where do you go? Where is the most sparsely populated in the world? Where is the least surveillance of space satellites overhead? Just choose Africa. Eurasia and North America are densely populated, and they have always been the focus of satellite monitoring of various countries. It is definitely not convenient here. As for Africa, it has always been a corner of the world, except for a few hot spots. Those big countries will not waste precious satellite resources on these vast and barren land.

Opening any door, pulling Arya’s hand through it, Shen Long and her walked from the capital to the depths of the Sahara Desert. Looking around, there was a lot of yellow sand everywhere, within sight. , There is no trace of the creation of human civilization at all, even if you put Master Bei here, he probably won't be able to go out.

"Very unique scenery!" When Arya was in Westeros before, she walked many places. After coming to the real world, she also traveled to many places with Shen Long, but when she came to the desert, this was the first time. Once, the continent of Westeros is of course needless to say. Only the southernmost Dorn of the Martell family has a desert, but Arya did not go to Dorn. As for the continent of Essos, it is only in the most southern part of the Dothraki Sea. There is a desert to the west, and Arya has never been.

She looked at the surrounding sand dunes with excitement, kept taking out her mobile phone to take selfies, and even learning what she looked like on TV, she ran to the top of the dunes and then slid down, Shen Long played with her, hey, accidentally knotted again Once married, Shen Long was somewhat guilty, so let's use this method to compensate.

   But a place like the desert is very interesting when you first come, but it is easy to get bored. After all, there are unchanging sand dunes around. How interesting can this place be? Coupled with the dust rushing towards her face, after a few hours of playing, Arya's body became gray and abrupt.

If you put this on someone else and want to take a bath in the desert, it would be a difficult thing to do, but it couldn’t be easier here in Shen Long. He took out the capsule from the portable space and dropped it. Bulma gave him it. The villa appeared in the desert, opened the door, "Well, you go take a bath first, I will find something to eat nearby, and come back to cook you local food."

Help Arya set the bath water, Shen Long used any door to come to the nearby small town, this is the gathering place of Berber people, the market sells all kinds of Berber food, lamb eggs and so on Even Master Bei can't hold it, Shen Long naturally enjoys it without blessings, but something like camel fat can be tried.

This thing was called Hump in ancient, but it was one of the eight treasures. The recipe taught by Liao Jie to Shen Long contained a variety of cooking methods, so Shen Long chose some good ones to take away. Trouble, although Shen Long does not have a local currency, he has US dollars. In this kind of place, US dollars are more popular than local currencies.

Since you want to taste local food, you can't use traditional Chinese cooking techniques to cook, so Shen Long bought some local kitchenware, such as Taji pot, which is a pot with a round hat-shaped high lid. It is the traditional kitchenware of Berber people.

According to local legends, due to the severe shortage of local water resources, cooking became a troublesome thing. So a young man named Ali Baba, inspired by the sweat from his hat walking in the desert, took off his hat. , Directly cover the cooking pot, the food will be cooked and taste better, because the water in the food does not evaporate, but gathers on the top of the hat, and then falls back into the food.

The Taji pot is breathable and impermeable, and the triangular cone shape makes the steam cycle rise, so there is no need to add a lot of water during the cooking process. The water vapor drips evenly on the ingredients, which can maintain the original flavor and nutrition of the food to the greatest extent It’s perfect for stewing lamb, stewing chickpeas, and making sweet rice with honey jam.

So Shen Long bought a bunch of lamb, chickpeas and other ingredients, as well as snacks such as saroque, crispy potato pie, almond sweet rolls with jam, and then got into the alley, then disappeared and returned to the desert. In the villa.

   After Arya came out of the shower, Shen Long had already prepared the food and started eating.

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