All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2791: What else do you have?

"The spacecraft is 4.3 meters wide, 7 meters high, weighs 9.8 tons, can load 12 tons, can accommodate two astronauts, and can fly at a speed of 20 kilometers per second in three minutes. It can only travel from the earth to the moon. It takes six hours.” After introducing the performance data of the spacecraft, Shen Long found several photos from the database of the Sound Nest organization and sent them over.

   "If you are interested, I will send it to you. Then I will give you an address, and you can find it yourself!" Shen Long edited the email and sent it to Academician Lu.

   Hearing the notification tone of the mail, Academician Lu immediately put down his work and went to the computer to read the mail with the representatives of the photolithography crew, the Kun fighter group and other teams.

"Well, this place is the same as we expected. It really was solved in this way, but we didn't expect it here. It can be solved like this! The idea is really novel!" Academician Lu muttered in his heart while reading his own part. .

  People from other teams didn't speak, and carefully recorded the main points while watching. Later, these materials will be distributed to different teams after review for analysis and research.

  As soon as I reached the end of the email, Academician Lu’s eyes suddenly widened, what? spacecraft? How can I respond? I can't be the Lord! He quickly reported to his superiors.

   Lin Qianjun, who is in charge of confidentiality work, also rushed in quickly. After confirming the content of the email, he received an order from the superior to copy the information and send it to a certain aerospace confidentiality department for viewing by several academicians of the department.

"Is this the information from there? NASA doesn't have this level, right? But judging from the overall structure and aerodynamics of the spacecraft, there are some ways to do it!" Several academicians were also a little confused, you want to say yes Really, judging from their understanding of the development of the global aerospace industry, no matter whether it is the United States or Russia, that company can't build this kind of spacecraft.

   But if you say it is false, these data seem very credible. After calculation and verification, some of the performance data listed in the data are very scientific. Is this a concept spacecraft pre-researched by a certain organization?

   "So how many people think these materials are useful? Then if there is a prototype spacecraft, how much help will it be for our work?" Lin Qianjun asked tentatively.

   "It's useful, how can it be useless? Even if it's a pre-researched conceptual model, it's also very useful!" These academicians didn't think this was a real spacecraft at all, but even so they wanted to see the real thing sooner.

"Well, please keep this matter confidential, and you must not confide it to anyone. Later, if there is new information, I will inform you according to the order of the superior!" With the endorsement of these academicians, the leader finally approved Lu Academician responded to the email, and soon Academician Lu asked Shen Long in the email to send the spaceship over.

He also gave a few locations according to the order, and wanted to ask Shen Long to put the spacecraft in these places as much as possible. At the same time, he promised that no one would watch. Now they are psychologically prepared for Shen Long’s magical powers. The things that were sent before are enough to prove that Shen Long has the ability to put the spacecraft anywhere.

   "I see, I will tell you the address in half an hour!" Shen Long replied, but he didn't plan to put the spacecraft in any of the above-mentioned locations. Although Academician Lu said it well, it is hard to keep it in case.

So he put down the spacecraft near a certain desert road, covered it with a layer of cloth, and covered it with a layer of sand. Then he sent the address coordinates to Academician Lu, "Well, you can go to this place to find it! "

   After receiving the e-mail, Lin Qianjun notified his superiors immediately. The superior department has already prepared more than ten mobile personnel. When they saw the address, they immediately ordered the nearest team to go.

   Two fighter planes and two helicopters took off at a certain military base immediately, and then the gate of the base opened, and a train fleet hurried out and flew toward the coordinates.

  The fighter jets arrived at the target first. While reporting to their superiors, they hovered around, "Report, the radar did not find any suspicious targets, nor did the naked eyes find anything!"

Then there was the helicopter. They landed directly on the ground and searched around with the detector. Soon they found something, "The signal was found. According to the signal guidance, the target was 127 meters ahead of 11 o'clock! "

   With a clatter, the soldiers who landed in the helicopter centered on the target and deployed a defensive formation to surround the target. Then the two representatives slowly approached the place where the signal was sent.

   Shen Long specially placed a signal generator in the spacecraft to help them point out the direction, and in the email informed the method to obtain the signal, so as to facilitate their search.

   The two ghostwriters slowly dug away the sand covering the spacecraft, exposing the tarp below, reaching out and knocking, and there was a crisp metallic sound. This should be the target you are looking for, right?

   Then the convoy rushed over, dug out the entire spacecraft, transported it to a heavy truck, covered it with camouflage cloth, and transported it to the nearest secret base. UU Reading www. At the same time, the academicians also took military planes to the base.

  When they arrived at the base, the tarp that Shen Long had wrapped around had already been taken apart, revealing the true appearance of the spacecraft. Seeing the prototype, several academicians suddenly opened their eyes, "This is not a conceptual spaceship, but a finished product!"

   Open the hatch, and there are several folders on the computer screen inside, including the design principles of the spacecraft, the production process and the operation manual. Since the gift is of course a full set, it is not enough to give a spaceship!

   Several experts hurriedly copied the documents. Of course, so much information can't be read in a short while, but even if they glance at it quickly, they can already see a lot of things.

   "Several people, can this spacecraft really fly? Are these information true?" A certain leader also arrived at the scene.

"Although it hasn't been tested yet, I just briefly looked at the information and the spacecraft entity. The possibility of flying is extremely high!" Several academicians replied after discussing in a low voice, and then asked, "Where did this spacecraft come from? Yes? The styles of several institutions we know are a little different!"

   The leader ignored this question. This is the top secret. How can it be disclosed casually? He asked again, "So, from your point of view, how many years does this spacecraft lead us, and how many years ahead of NASA?"

   "It's not easy to say for the time being, but if the information in this manual is true, it will be 30 to 50 years ahead of us." An academician said.

   30 to 50 years? How many good things this guy is hiding!

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